Tuesday 9 January 2018

THREE’s three giant intellects grapple with "Hit and Run" (22 March 2017)

THREE’s three giant intellects grapple with Hit and Run
Wednesday 22 March 2017
On Television One’s Breakfast, at 6:25 a.m., Hillary Barry interviews Nicky Hager. Meanwhile, over on the AM SHOW on THREE, a guest of considerably lesser stature pontificates learnedly….
MICHELLE BOAG: It’s VERY DIFFICULT to see who kills who in war. And frankly, who CARES?
DUNCAN GARNER: But surely it matters if the government has been telling us the truth?
MICHELLE BOAG: [with a scowl that could split a rock] This book has been written to besmirch John Key on the day of his valedictory speech.
……..Advertising break…..
DUNCAN GARNER: Mark, you’ve got a strong position on this book.
MARK RICHARDSON: Yeah. Firstly, these guys should be KICKED OUT of the country if they’re wrong. But you keep talking about the TRUTH. We don’t have a right to the truth. If these guys feel they’re being constantly scrutinised…. It’s all very fine for us tucked up warm and comfortable….
AMANDA GILLIES: It’s that classic line, isn’t it, “We can’t handle—-”
MARK RICHARDSON: Yeah! Jack Nicolson got it right!
DUNCAN GARNER: Classic line! “You can’t handle the truth!” And here’s another line: Shit happens in war.” Doesn’t it! … If you keep having an inquiry into everything that happens in a war zone, you’ll constantly be having inquiries. And you can’t keep doing that.
ad nauseam….
[Morrissey, can you please clarify if that is transcript, or a reconstruction? Given the importance of the subject I think a clarification is warranted. Thanks – weka]
  • Gabby2.1
    Mandy and Marky know Jack was playing the baddy, right?
    • Morrissey2.1.1
      Mark Richardson knows nothing about sport, and less about movies and politics. His bristling hostility as he sat opposite Jon Stephenson this morning was nothing short of hilarious.
      As for Amanda Gillies, she’s a simpering nitwit if ever there was one.
  • greywarshark2.2
    Yes Morrissey we need to know that you aren’t paraphrasing with your own words or remembered lines. It all sounds very predictable – we have to know if it is part parody and your interpretation. Do you record and save and then write, I guess you must?
    Interesting how Amanda calls to mind that phrase from Jack Nicholson, but how and to whom was she applying it? Mark R was applying it to our Defence Force and our actual grunts –
    {North American informal – a low-ranking soldier or unskilled worker}
    “he went from grunt to senior executive vice president in five years”on the ground
    American Rhetoric: Movie Speech from A Few Good Men – Colonel …
    Did you order the “code red?!!” Judge Randolph: You don’t have to answer that question! … LTJG Kaffee: I want the truth!
    Col Jessep: You can’t handle the truth!
    Notice how USA terms come to mind in this discussion?
    • Morrissey2.2.1
      Yes Morrissey we need to know that you aren’t paraphrasing with your own words or remembered lines. It all sounds very predictable – we have to know if it is part parody and your interpretation.
      Actually, shark, I scribbled it down in disbelieving fury and put it on Open Mike as fast as possible. If I’d had more time, I would have done a verbatim recording. I think that I have still managed to capture the vacuity of Garner, Richardson, and Gillies, as well as the extraordinary callousness and viciousness of Michelle Boag. If I have time, I’ll make a full transcript of this shameful broadcast.
      Do you record and save and then write, I guess you must?
      I do when I have the time.
  • Whispering Kate2.3
    So they have dug up Morticia from the crypt again to protect her precious man – thank God I didn’t see it, she is nightmare material and I mean that seriously. Some corpses need to be laid to rest and left to rest – for the health and sanity of the living.
  • Morrissey2.4
    Sorry, Weka, it was as accurate as I could get it, but it is, as you rightly suspect, a reconstruction rather than a transcript. I’ll make this clear in future.

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