Sunday 21 January 2018

Noelle McCarthy stops the snickering; Pretends to be serious about victims of state repression (Nov. 9, 2013)

Noelle McCarthy stops the snickering
Pretends to be serious about victims of state repression
Saturday Morning, Radio NZ National, 9 November 2013
Kim Hill is still away, so the host for this week is NOELLE McCARTHY.
This morning’s first interview was with American journalist Kevin Gosztola, who spoke about the sinister, threatening, steadily growing surveillance regimes in the United States and Britain. Naturally, he talked a lot about Edward Snowden. Amongst other things, Kevin Gosztola observed that Snowden was isolated and called a traitor by the U.S. regime and its snooping agencies, and that the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ had repeated the slander during their farcical appearance before the British parliament’s Intelligence and Security committee this week….
As he pointed out the plight of the dissident NSA whistleblower, I wondered whether Kevin Gosztola realized that his interviewer was one of those who has enthusiastically participated in the Government-sponsored shunning and ridiculing and libeling of Edward Snowden. I wonder if he would have even spoken to McCarthy if he had realized how callous and flippant she has been towards Snowden and other dissidents. Here’s a representative sample of her comments on Snowden’s plight up until this morning’s miraculous transformation into a concerned and humane liberal thinker….
NOELLE McCARTHY, 10 July 2013: Y-y-y-y-yeeeeeessss, …. [snort] ….he he he! He’s still in hiding. He he he! …. He he he he he! Yes he is still in that terminal! …[snort]… He he he he he he! ….[snort]…. He’s got a choice! Venezuela, Bolivia or Ecuador! …. Bolivia would be hard with the altitude! ….
Less than one week later, she was at it again….
NOELLE McCARTHY, 16 July 2013: [grimly] Heh, heh, heh. Well someone else with not such a good view is Edward Snowden. [snicker] Looks like he’s STILL in the airport! …
And here she is enthusiastically taking part in another group guffaw, this time about another Government-designated political target, Julian Assange….
Kevin Gosztola’s website….

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