Post of the Year Award (Entry 10: CHRIS WILKINSON)
8 posts by 4 authors
Let's face it, guys - this is proving to be one HECK of a competition.
What with the sanctimonious David (Pears) and the zealous David
(Bisman) plus Redbaiter plus WeeWillyWonka plus Owend all contending,
the quality of posts is execrable in the extreme, which means it's
looking to be a very hard decision to finally allocate that first
prize of a fortnight on the Weather Coast of the Solomons).
The prestigious Daisycutter Sports Digest "Post of
the Year" award goes to the post adjudged by the editors to be the....
(a) most morally OBTUSE, or ....
(b) most obnoxiously HYPOCRITICAL, or ....
(c) just plain IGNORANT statement of the year.
What with the sanctimonious David (Pears) and the zealous David
(Bisman) plus Redbaiter plus WeeWillyWonka plus Owend all contending,
the quality of posts is execrable in the extreme, which means it's
looking to be a very hard decision to finally allocate that first
prize of a fortnight on the Weather Coast of the Solomons).
Then along comes this Wilkinson chap, who apparently is a runner.
Except nobody's heard of him, which is something he is determined to
castigate the rest of us for. It's time for obscure second
place-getters to claim their place in the sun!
Except nobody's heard of him, which is something he is determined to
castigate the rest of us for. It's time for obscure second
place-getters to claim their place in the sun!
Now, with the other people in this competition, there is at least a
semblance of rationality in what they write. No matter how
outrageously dishonest Bisman is in his posts, no matter how mad
Redbaiter appears, or how plain silly WeeWilly gets, at least you get
the feeling that there is a guiding intelligence behind all the
bluster and the lying. With Mr Wilkinson, though, one cannot be so
sure. This guy really DOES seem unhinged. And it's all down to the
fact that, while everybody else is raving about football heroes, he
and his pal Brett Dale just don't get no respek...
semblance of rationality in what they write. No matter how
outrageously dishonest Bisman is in his posts, no matter how mad
Redbaiter appears, or how plain silly WeeWilly gets, at least you get
the feeling that there is a guiding intelligence behind all the
bluster and the lying. With Mr Wilkinson, though, one cannot be so
sure. This guy really DOES seem unhinged. And it's all down to the
fact that, while everybody else is raving about football heroes, he
and his pal Brett Dale just don't get no respek...
If the All Blacks get sports team of the year at the awards I'll start
a fucking riot...I know what its like to
get to the top in sport and work sucks, and those overpaid
boof-heads gripe about an already huge sum of money being too frugal?
If the All Blacks get sports team of the year at the awards I'll start
a fucking riot...I know what its like to
get to the top in sport and work sucks, and those overpaid
boof-heads gripe about an already huge sum of money being too frugal?
Then, to distinguish his own pure motivation from those nasty
money-grubbing pro athletes, he writes this...
Pride is why I represented NZ in Athletics years ago...
money-grubbing pro athletes, he writes this...
Pride is why I represented NZ in Athletics years ago...
A bit later in the same thread, another poster, Col, teases him about
his alleged national representation...
> They had you and Scroogie in the 3 legged race ?
his alleged national representation...
> They had you and Scroogie in the 3 legged race ?
And the silly chap guilelessly rises to Col's bait...
Sorry pal, second in the 100m sprint in the 1994 Oceania area
athletics champs...cost me a fucking fortune to even get to the champs
(let alone all the hard training), but worth every cent...
Sorry pal, second in the 100m sprint in the 1994 Oceania area
athletics champs...cost me a fucking fortune to even get to the champs
(let alone all the hard training), but worth every cent...
So THAT's the reason for all the bitter anti-football, anti-All Black
acrimony! It turns out that this fellow is one of New Zealand's
GREATEST ATHLETES - "second in the 1994 Oceania area champs", no less
- and despite his impressive, peerless ability, he had to shell out a
"fucking fortune", whereas those, errrrr, slowpokes like Doug Howlett,
Richie McCaw, Carlos Spencer, and Joe Rokocoko are idolised all over
the world, and fly first fucking class every fucking where they
fucking go! The fuckers. Jay-zus H. Kee-rist, life SUX, don't it?
Specially when you're a second-place getter at the oceania regionals
and everybody ignores ya, instead of recognising you in your rightful
place ABOVE THE ALL BLACKS! God DAMN, but life sux...
acrimony! It turns out that this fellow is one of New Zealand's
GREATEST ATHLETES - "second in the 1994 Oceania area champs", no less
- and despite his impressive, peerless ability, he had to shell out a
"fucking fortune", whereas those, errrrr, slowpokes like Doug Howlett,
Richie McCaw, Carlos Spencer, and Joe Rokocoko are idolised all over
the world, and fly first fucking class every fucking where they
fucking go! The fuckers. Jay-zus H. Kee-rist, life SUX, don't it?
Specially when you're a second-place getter at the oceania regionals
and everybody ignores ya, instead of recognising you in your rightful
place ABOVE THE ALL BLACKS! God DAMN, but life sux...
The prestigious Daisycutter Sports Digest "Post of
the Year" award goes to the post adjudged by the editors to be the....
(a) most morally OBTUSE, or ....
(b) most obnoxiously HYPOCRITICAL, or ....
(c) just plain IGNORANT statement of the year.
The judges are satisfied that this post perfectly fulfills criterion
Those who wish to get some idea of the idiocy of Mr Wilkinson's bitter
little tirades can do so by clicking on THIS...
Those who wish to get some idea of the idiocy of Mr Wilkinson's bitter
little tirades can do so by clicking on THIS...
Click here to Reply
Every point Chris made was correct, my main point still stands, there are not
three or four All Blacks that could of gotten a medal in the Oceania champs,
Johan Lomu is not an Olympic class sprinter, how about posting some times that
these guys run over 100 metres. In pervious posts I have posted several times
of sprinters from Australia, NewZealand and International times of sprinters
from the Olympics. How about posting actual 100 metres times of these All Blacks. (Morrissey Breen) wrote in message news:< >...
> Let's face it, guys - this is proving to be one HECK of a competition.
> What with the sanctimonious David (Pears) and the zealous David
> (Bisman) plus Redbaiter plus WeeWillyWonka plus Owend all contending,
> the quality of posts is execrable in the extreme, which means it's
> looking to be a very hard decision to finally allocate that first
> prize of a fortnight on the Weather Coast of the Solomons).
> Then along comes this Wilkinson chap, who apparently is a runner.
> ?Cept nobody's heard of him, which is something he is determined to
three or four All Blacks that could of gotten a medal in the Oceania champs,
Johan Lomu is not an Olympic class sprinter, how about posting some times that
these guys run over 100 metres. In pervious posts I have posted several times
of sprinters from Australia, NewZealand and International times of sprinters
from the Olympics. How about posting actual 100 metres times of these All Blacks. (Morrissey Breen) wrote in message news:<fb3a0456.0308090401.
> Let's face it, guys - this is proving to be one HECK of a competition.
> What with the sanctimonious David (Pears) and the zealous David
> (Bisman) plus Redbaiter plus WeeWillyWonka plus Owend all contending,
> the quality of posts is execrable in the extreme, which means it's
> looking to be a very hard decision to finally allocate that first
> prize of a fortnight on the Weather Coast of the Solomons).
> Then along comes this Wilkinson chap, who apparently is a runner.
- show quoted text -
> Every point Chris made was correct, my main point still stands, there are
> three or four All Blacks that could of gotten a medal in the Oceania
> Johan Lomu is not an Olympic class sprinter, how about posting some times
> these guys run over 100 metres. In pervious posts I have posted several
> of sprinters from Australia, NewZealand and International times of
> from the Olympics. How about posting actual 100 metres times of these All
> three or four All Blacks that could of gotten a medal in the Oceania
> Johan Lomu is not an Olympic class sprinter, how about posting some times
> these guys run over 100 metres. In pervious posts I have posted several
> of sprinters from Australia, NewZealand and International times of
> from the Olympics. How about posting actual 100 metres times of these All
the all blacks aren't athletes in the olympic sense, they're entertainers,
and with that comes a lot of money. If individual players aren't sharing in
some of the cash then it will only be the suits behind them that get it.
and with that comes a lot of money. If individual players aren't sharing in
some of the cash then it will only be the suits behind them that get it.
If people who win medals at international athletic champs are upset at what
players in more popular sports are getting they can only blame themselves
for picking the wrong sport.
players in more popular sports are getting they can only blame themselves
for picking the wrong sport.
Hi there,
slunk wrote:
> If people who win medals at international athletic champs are upset at what
> players in more popular sports are getting they can only blame themselves
> for picking the wrong sport.
> If people who win medals at international athletic champs are upset at what
> players in more popular sports are getting they can only blame themselves
> for picking the wrong sport.
Sorry, but the whole thing started when I added my sixpence to a thread
on whether the AB's deserved the increased bonus they negotiated. From
there a few of the guys started posting tripe about how these AB's would
take down top sprinters. All I've done is refute those daft claims, and
ask for proof of the speed these AB's apparently possess, which has not
been forthcoming...
on whether the AB's deserved the increased bonus they negotiated. From
there a few of the guys started posting tripe about how these AB's would
take down top sprinters. All I've done is refute those daft claims, and
ask for proof of the speed these AB's apparently possess, which has not
been forthcoming...
I respect the ability of the AB's as footy players, but to have the fans
waxing lyrical about the AB's supposed ability to outperform other sport
people in codes other than rugby is bordering on stupid. I'm sure the
AB's themselves would never try to claim such ability...
waxing lyrical about the AB's supposed ability to outperform other sport
people in codes other than rugby is bordering on stupid. I'm sure the
AB's themselves would never try to claim such ability...
Kind regards,
Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch.
Hi there,
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> bluster and the lying. With Mr Wilkinson, though, one cannot be so
> sure. This guy really DOES seem unhinged.
> bluster and the lying. With Mr Wilkinson, though, one cannot be so
> sure. This guy really DOES seem unhinged.
Who is unhinged? Seems you went to a lot of trouble to compose this
> fact that, while everybody else is raving about football heroes, he
> and his pal Brett Dale just don't get no respek...
> and his pal Brett Dale just don't get no respek...
Sorry pal, we just get no admission of the truth from the rugby
supporters in this thread. Sure if they tell themselves that the
AB's like Jonah are Olympic class sprinters they'll believe it
after a while...but Jonah better get training to try live up
to the 'immortal' status the fans give him...
supporters in this thread. Sure if they tell themselves that the
AB's like Jonah are Olympic class sprinters they'll believe it
after a while...but Jonah better get training to try live up
to the 'immortal' status the fans give him...
> "fucking fortune", whereas those, errrrr, slowpokes like Doug Howlett,
> Richie McCaw, Carlos Spencer, and Joe Rokocoko are idolised all over
> the world, and fly first fucking class every fucking where they
> fucking go! The fuckers. Jay-zus H. Kee-rist, life SUX, don't it?
> Richie McCaw, Carlos Spencer, and Joe Rokocoko are idolised all over
> the world, and fly first fucking class every fucking where they
> fucking go! The fuckers. Jay-zus H. Kee-rist, life SUX, don't it?
Now who were you saying was unhinged?...
> Those who wish to get some idea of the idiocy of Mr Wilkinson's bitter
> little tirades can do so by clicking on THIS...
> little tirades can do so by clicking on THIS...
Click away folks! Mr Breen and friends question my rationale, but really
you believe the crap they claim about the AB's? I'd believe that crap if
those guys could show me cold hard proof that the players really were
that marvellous at sprinting, but until proof comes I'll just treat all
such claims as tripe...
you believe the crap they claim about the AB's? I'd believe that crap if
those guys could show me cold hard proof that the players really were
that marvellous at sprinting, but until proof comes I'll just treat all
such claims as tripe...
Kind regards,
Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch.
Hi there,
> On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 16:52:49 +1200, Chris Wilkinson <>
> wrote:
>>I respect the ability of the AB's as footy players, but to have the fans
>>waxing lyrical about the AB's supposed ability to outperform other sport
>>people in codes other than rugby is bordering on stupid. I'm sure the
>>AB's themselves would never try to claim such ability...
> Steele, Morrisey, Hunter.
Col^ wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 16:52:49 +1200, Chris Wilkinson <>
> wrote:
>>I respect the ability of the AB's as footy players, but to have the fans
>>waxing lyrical about the AB's supposed ability to outperform other sport
>>people in codes other than rugby is bordering on stupid. I'm sure the
>>AB's themselves would never try to claim such ability...
If these are who I think they are, they were all good at both codes.
In the world of sport today, with no disrespect to the achievements
they made, they would struggle to fit into both codes at top level.
In the world of sport today, with no disrespect to the achievements
they made, they would struggle to fit into both codes at top level.
The peak of top-level sport requires more physically today than it
may have when these guys were top dog. Thats why you see so few
double international sportspeople in the modern age...
may have when these guys were top dog. Thats why you see so few
double international sportspeople in the modern age...
Kind regards,
Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch.
Post of the Year Award (Self-Entry, MORRISSEY BREEN)
Hi there,
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> The prestigious Daisycutter Sports Digest "Post of
> the Year" award goes to the post adjudged by the editors to be the....
> (a) most morally OBTUSE, or ....
> (b) most obnoxiously HYPOCRITICAL, or ....
> (c) just plain IGNORANT statement of the year.
> The judges are satisfied that this post perfectly fulfills criterion
> (c).
> The prestigious Daisycutter Sports Digest "Post of
> the Year" award goes to the post adjudged by the editors to be the....
> (a) most morally OBTUSE, or ....
> (b) most obnoxiously HYPOCRITICAL, or ....
> (c) just plain IGNORANT statement of the year.
> The judges are satisfied that this post perfectly fulfills criterion
> (c).
Are you able to add yourself to the list? The content of your
original post in this thread seems to meet many of the above
original post in this thread seems to meet many of the above
Kind regards,
Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch.
Hi there,
slunk wrote:
> If people who win medals at international athletic champs are upset at what
> players in more popular sports are getting they can only blame themselves
> for picking the wrong sport.
> If people who win medals at international athletic champs are upset at what
> players in more popular sports are getting they can only blame themselves
> for picking the wrong sport.
...and who do you think you are telling people what sport they should
choose? So much for freedom of choice under your viewpoint...
choose? So much for freedom of choice under your viewpoint...
Kind regards,
Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch.
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