Sunday 21 January 2018


Saturday 3 October 2015
Dear Josie Pagani,
Two and a half weeks ago on this forum, I asked you to answer two questions:
1.) In the light of your support for the destruction of Afghanistan, do you support the invasion of the United States and Great Britain, the bombing and obliteration of British and American schools, hospitals, power stations and churches, and the killing of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of American and British civilians?
2.) Can you explain your statement that Hezbollah and Hamas are anti-Semitic?
Could you please answer them?
  • One Two7.1
    Can you explain your statement that Hezbollah and Hamas are anti-Semitic?
    Will mainstream ever allow open discussion about Semitic people and their origins ?
    That ‘antisemitism’ became terminology which could perversely be levered against those who have Semitic DNA, is testament to the level of control held over communication, language and its primary forms
    • Draco T Bastard7.1.1
    • DH7.1.2
      “That ‘antisemitism’ became terminology”….
      It didn’t become terminology. It became a definition which has nothing to do with DNA. In its simplest form Antisemitism means hatred of Jews. It doesn’t mean hatred of Semites.
      It’s perhaps an unfortunate use of a word but that’s not exactly uncommon, a great many legal definitions don’t match the description of the word(s) used either.
      • One Two7.1.2.1
        It’s perhaps an unfortunate use of a word but that’s not exactly uncommon, a great many legal definitions don’t match the description of the word(s) used either
        Legal ‘definitions’, are deliberate

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