Wednesday 24 January 2018

Post of the Year Award Entry 14: "constitutional scholar Ann Coulter is one of the most quotable of American political commentators." (Jan. 9, 2004)

Post of the Year Award (Entry 14: NJH)
2 posts by 1 author
Morrissey Breen 
It has been drawn to our attention that Redbaiter is not the only
illiterate cretin to find merit in America's brainfree version of
Christine Rankin.  Way back on November 11, a fool called NJH
(nojunk@all.thanks) posted up the following two-sentence assessment of
Coulter, that witless, hate-spewing bimbo...
The constitutional scholar Ann Coulter is one of the most quotable of
American political commentators.  That she is feared and rabidly hated
by doctrinaire leftist Pecksniffs goes without saying.
Now, we don't know about the rest of you but, though the members of
the panel found the first sentence hilarious - Coulter being dignified
as a "constitutional scholar" and her dull, stodgy prose being praised
as "quotable" - we actually think the second sentence is even funnier.
The idea of anyone of any sense "fearing" Ann Coulter is as deluded,
and darkly funny, as the idea that the Iraqi oil grab and collateral
slaughter of civilians is about spreading "liberty" and "democracy".
We also liked the impressive but meaningless "doctrinaire leftist
Pecksniffs"; however, we doubt if it will be taken up as a term of
abuse by most lazy pro-Bush thickos, simply because it doesn't come to
mind as readily as "liberal", "commie" or "Saddam supporter."
The prestigious Daisycutter Sports Digest "Post of the Year" award
goes to the post adjudged by the editors to be the...
(a) most morally OBTUSE; or...
(b) most obnoxiously HYPOCRITICAL, or...
(c) just plain IGNORANT statement of the year.
The judges are satisfied that this post perfectly fulfils criteria (a)
and (c).
Anyone wishing to place into some context the idiocy of NJH's risible
contibution can simply click HERE...
(The panel extends its grateful thanks to "Christine" for the

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