He no doubt regrets it now, but the fact remains that "Mr Scebe"
<Mr_S...@nowhere.com> made a sad and misguided attempt to discredit
this writer (moi) in message
news:<OZCUb.35505$9k7.7...@news.xtra.co.nz >...
> morrisseybreen 1023 825 163
> I told you that you were a colossal bore, Mowussy, and these stats prove it.
> You have initiated 163 threads, second only to Master Baiter - but have only
> 825 replies. This is an obvious sign that no-one really gives a fuck about
> what you post. I imagine these stats would be even more pronounced in RSRU.
<Mr_S...@nowhere.com> made a sad and misguided attempt to discredit
this writer (moi) in message
> morrisseybreen 1023 825 163
> I told you that you were a colossal bore, Mowussy, and these stats prove it.
> You have initiated 163 threads, second only to Master Baiter - but have only
> 825 replies. This is an obvious sign that no-one really gives a fuck about
> what you post. I imagine these stats would be even more pronounced in RSRU.
Now, of course these statistics indicate no such thing. To
demonstrate the kind of response rate that this writer attracts on
RSRU, we can simply do a quick Google search on all messages posted by
moi on that newsgroup. Listed below are the first 14 results thus
yielded, for threads initiated by moi. Possibly the massive and
serial assssss-kicking the poor fellow sustained on thread number 6
(helpfully highlighted by moi) explains Mr Scebe's astonishing display
of antipathy towards this writer....
demonstrate the kind of response rate that this writer attracts on
RSRU, we can simply do a quick Google search on all messages posted by
moi on that newsgroup. Listed below are the first 14 results thus
yielded, for threads initiated by moi. Possibly the massive and
serial assssss-kicking the poor fellow sustained on thread number 6
(helpfully highlighted by moi) explains Mr Scebe's astonishing display
of antipathy towards this writer....
1.) Masters of Abuse (No.1 - RICK BOYD)
I have to admit, some are just plain nasty. Bad Rick. But what's your
with 3) and 6)? Actually, my favourites are numbers 1, 8, 9 and 16.
nz.general - 2 Feb 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (13 articles)
I have to admit, some are just plain nasty. Bad Rick. But what's your
with 3) and 6)? Actually, my favourites are numbers 1, 8, 9 and 16.
nz.general - 2 Feb 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (13 articles)
2.) Post of the Year Award (Entry 15: BOBS)
If you check, Breen first posted on RSRU for some time before he
posted to NZ General. In a sense, he is thus our problem. Oh
NO-OOOOO.... he's getting ready to invade Chez Breen. I remember the
same ...
nz.general - 29 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (22
If you check, Breen first posted on RSRU for some time before he
posted to NZ General. In a sense, he is thus our problem. Oh
NO-OOOOO.... he's getting ready to invade Chez Breen. I remember the
same ...
nz.general - 29 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (22
3.) Top thinkers agree: Polynesians are super race
When an understandably sceptical Barry Phease asked Peter Ashford if
he had anything on which to base his astonishing statement about
Polynesians "maturing earlier", Mr Ashford replied thusly... Academics
claiming on telly to have studied it. ...
nz.general - 29 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (3 articles)
When an understandably sceptical Barry Phease asked Peter Ashford if
he had anything on which to base his astonishing statement about
Polynesians "maturing earlier", Mr Ashford replied thusly... Academics
claiming on telly to have studied it. ...
nz.general - 29 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (3 articles)
4.) Nun on road
Cross-dressing lothario Bobs <bl...@extra.co.nz> fumed in message
news:<55pRb.25051$9k7.4...@news.xtra.co.nz >...
Breen, I seriously suggest you just stick to being a sadpacker. Your
joke was about as amusing as ... ..Snip disturbing wish>.... ...
nz.general - 27 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (6 articles)
Cross-dressing lothario Bobs <bl...@extra.co.nz> fumed in message
Breen, I seriously suggest you just stick to being a sadpacker. Your
joke was about as amusing as ... ..Snip disturbing wish>.... ...
nz.general - 27 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (6 articles)
5.) Greig Blanchett recommends crap book. WHY?
Long-time perusers of Usenet will probably be all too aware how often
the cyber-squatter Greig Blanchett <gre...@nzrfu.com> has drawn
attention to himself with some remarkably fatuous statements. Perhaps
nz.general - 3 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (12 articles)
Long-time perusers of Usenet will probably be all too aware how often
the cyber-squatter Greig Blanchett <gre...@nzrfu.com> has drawn
attention to himself with some remarkably fatuous statements. Perhaps
nz.general - 3 Jan 2004 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (12 articles)
6.) Prof. Scebe: Why NEW ZEALAND are world champs
news:fb3a0456.0312271318.149de909@posting.google.com... [2] That is
because "we" (that is, New Zealand) were destroyed in "our"
semi-final. "Engerlund" WON its semi-final, against a far stronger
opponent ...
rec.sport.rugby.union - 29 Dec 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread
(99 articles)
6.) Prof. Scebe: Why NEW ZEALAND are world champs
because "we" (that is, New Zealand) were destroyed in "our"
semi-final. "Engerlund" WON its semi-final, against a far stronger
opponent ...
rec.sport.rugby.union - 29 Dec 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread
(99 articles)
7.) Breen deals to pitiful "JD" halfwit. Again.
morriss...@yahoo.com (Morrissey Breen) put down his phillipino
[sic!] rentboy
magazines Errrrr.... make that FILIPINO rentboy magazines. long enough
to embarrass
himself with yet another post full of his own... ..SNIP>.... ...
rec.sport.rugby.union - 2 Dec 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (9
morriss...@yahoo.com (Morrissey Breen) put down his phillipino
[sic!] rentboy
magazines Errrrr.... make that FILIPINO rentboy magazines. long enough
to embarrass
himself with yet another post full of his own... ..SNIP>.... ...
rec.sport.rugby.union - 2 Dec 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (9
8.) Deaker not usual gung-ho self before THIS semi....
I have often felt there is some kind of inverse relationship between
ability and ego,
Eh!!??! Why have you "often felt" that, Rick? and your ego must
be roughly the size of the known universe. Well, yeah, it IS, I
guess!!!! ...
nz.general - 15 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (7 articles)
I have often felt there is some kind of inverse relationship between
ability and ego,
Eh!!??! Why have you "often felt" that, Rick? and your ego must
be roughly the size of the known universe. Well, yeah, it IS, I
guess!!!! ...
nz.general - 15 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (7 articles)
9.) English players are also plagued by dumb journos
Clearly, it's not only New Zealand footballers who are afflicted by
halfwitted and ignorant "reporters". Why is it every post you ever
write seems to be about journos? That's obvious, I would have thought.
rec.sport.rugby.union - 15 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread
(13 articles)
Clearly, it's not only New Zealand footballers who are afflicted by
halfwitted and ignorant "reporters". Why is it every post you ever
write seems to be about journos? That's obvious, I would have thought.
rec.sport.rugby.union - 15 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread
(13 articles)
10.) Daisycutter Sports WORLD CUP SPECIAL (Vol. 2)
bo...@comswest.net.au (rick boyd) savagely dishes out a right old
shoeing to this writer
(moi) in message news:<3fa653d8...@news.wn.com.au >... The cad
makes makes fun of this writer, portraying him as a pathetic social
outcast who spends .... ...
nz.general - 4 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (12 articles)
bo...@comswest.net.au (rick boyd) savagely dishes out a right old
shoeing to this writer
(moi) in message news:<3fa653d8...@news.
makes makes fun of this writer, portraying him as a pathetic social
outcast who spends .... ...
nz.general - 4 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (12 articles)
11.) Shock, Horror!!!! Andre Watson plays advantage!!!
The TV and radio commentators were buzzing, rightly, over the fact
that referee Andre Watson blew the whistle so infrequently and let the
play flow in tonight's game in Sydney. As a result, the game flowed
rec.sport.rugby.union - 2 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (6
The TV and radio commentators were buzzing, rightly, over the fact
that referee Andre Watson blew the whistle so infrequently and let the
play flow in tonight's game in Sydney. As a result, the game flowed
rec.sport.rugby.union - 2 Nov 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (6
12.) Breen strikes jackpot! Usenet regular wins El Gordo!
See you in San Moritz! Wii you bombard me with your politics? Tilly
No, of course
not. Jetsetters and playboys like moi have no time for that sort of
nz.general - 29 Oct 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (18
See you in San Moritz! Wii you bombard me with your politics? Tilly
No, of course
not. Jetsetters and playboys like moi have no time for that sort of
nz.general - 29 Oct 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (18
13.) NZ Herald "Myth of Jonah" article - critiqued by Morrissey ...
Lomu stood out for his speed on a field full of extra-fast young men.
For a big
man yes No, by any standards, he was exceptionally quick. Go for the
ball not the
man! I pointed out that Roughan didn't know what he was talking about.
nz.general - 26 Oct 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (16
Lomu stood out for his speed on a field full of extra-fast young men.
For a big
man yes No, by any standards, he was exceptionally quick. Go for the
ball not the
man! I pointed out that Roughan didn't know what he was talking about.
nz.general - 26 Oct 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (16
14.) Daisycutter Sports WORLD CUP SPECIAL (Vol. 1)
Your rant against Devlin is condescending and selective, he injects
some life into
a usually tired and boring format. You call my criticism a "rant"?
That's funny.
I documented every point I made, and I can provide much, much more.
nz.general - 26 Oct 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (14
Your rant against Devlin is condescending and selective, he injects
some life into
a usually tired and boring format. You call my criticism a "rant"?
That's funny.
I documented every point I made, and I can provide much, much more.
nz.general - 26 Oct 2003 by Morrissey Breen - View Thread (14
Average number of replies to a Breen-initiated thread: 18
Even if we take out the spectacular 99-reply thread in which Mr Scebe
gets mauled by practically everyone, we are still left with a healthy
average of 12 replies. The worth of Mr Scebe's contention that
"no-one really gives a fuck" can now be assessed clearly. (Statistics
courtesy of Daisycutter Sports)
Even if we take out the spectacular 99-reply thread in which Mr Scebe
gets mauled by practically everyone, we are still left with a healthy
average of 12 replies. The worth of Mr Scebe's contention that
"no-one really gives a fuck" can now be assessed clearly. (Statistics
courtesy of Daisycutter Sports)
Click here to Reply
"didgerman" <aw99...@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<98WUb.584$cb7....@newsfep4-glfd.server.ntli.net >...
- show quoted text -
Mine's a double, thanks. Scrooge, would you pour our friend from the
West Country a jug of Glenfiddich?
West Country a jug of Glenfiddich?
The unwitting star of "Nun on Road" writes in message
news:<40246c02...@news.wn.com.au >...
Uh huh...
> Face it Mowissey. Everybody hates you.
"Everybody"? So you and Mr Scebe and Alan Luchetti are "everybody"?> Face it Mowissey. Everybody hates you.
Uh huh...
> And that without ever getting to the end of one of your monolithic monologues.
> And that without ever getting to the end of one of your monolithic monologues.
Sure you don't, Rick. Sure you don't.
> If, like Wilde, you don't mind being hated but can't stand being ignored, you have
> achieved some degree of success.
> If, like Wilde, you don't mind being hated but can't stand being ignored, you have
> achieved some degree of success.
Great! I'm on the way!
> Like Bird Flu.
> Like Bird Flu.
Hell, if this writer can be one fifth as influential as bird flu,
he'll be over the freaking MOON!
he'll be over the freaking MOON!
> Or Osama bin Liner.
Bin Liner? Oh, I geddit! Ah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa....
> Or Osama bin Liner.
Bin Liner? Oh, I geddit! Ah ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa....
> Or a big red pimple of Fat Neill's arse.
> Or a big red pimple of Fat Neill's arse.
<holding sides, laughing till it hurts> Oooooohhhh, Rick, you just
KILL moi... </holding sides, laughing till it hurts>
KILL moi... </holding sides, laughing till it hurts>
Anybody remember the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where
this guy, all bristling aggression, challenges a horseman at a bridge,
taunting him as "gutless" and daring him to fight. of course, the
horseman cuts his limbs off, one by one, bloodily and excruciatingly.
But the guy never lets up, and keeps screaming and spitting his
defiance, until all that remains is his head and bloody torso. The
horseman rides off across the bridge, while the poor, now limbless,
clot who challenged him screams after him: "You're GUTLESS! Come back
and FIGHT, you PUSSY!"
this guy, all bristling aggression, challenges a horseman at a bridge,
taunting him as "gutless" and daring him to fight. of course, the
horseman cuts his limbs off, one by one, bloodily and excruciatingly.
But the guy never lets up, and keeps screaming and spitting his
defiance, until all that remains is his head and bloody torso. The
horseman rides off across the bridge, while the poor, now limbless,
clot who challenged him screams after him: "You're GUTLESS! Come back
and FIGHT, you PUSSY!"
Keep that in mind as you read poor old Mr Scebe's attempt to reply to
A bloody, limbless stump called Mister Scebe <Mr_S...@nowhere.com>
blithered bloodily in message
news:<lwaVb.37146$9k7.7...@news.xtra.co.nz >...
blithered bloodily in message
bo...@comswest.net.au (rick boyd) wrote in message news:<40257343...@news.wn.com.au >...
> So even Fat Neill can rip your arms and legs off, eh Mowisette? You
> are one sad bunny.
> -- rick boyd
> So even Fat Neill can rip your arms and legs off, eh Mowisette? You
> are one sad bunny.
> -- rick boyd
Ho, ho, ho. Very droll, very droll....
Hey, Rick, before you run away, mate, maybe you can help me. I have
recently been sent a photograph of Mr Scebe and his, errrrr....
"friend" Mr Kippenberger. Would you please tell me which one is Kip
and which is Scebe?
recently been sent a photograph of Mr Scebe and his, errrrr....
"friend" Mr Kippenberger. Would you please tell me which one is Kip
and which is Scebe?
Here's the picture...
pete devlin <spam...@secondrow.co.uk> wrote in message news:<DVD$gaTP9r...@sukmabobby.com >...
> In message <c06cvl$j93$1...@news-reader3.wanadoo.fr >, Donnie
> <bla...@blabla.com> writes
> >I really don't understand why you and other blokes need to take
> >Morrissey so seriously.
> Think Kiwi. Think sense of humour. Getting the picture yet? They're so
> used to monotonic drawl that they are unable to recognise humour and
> much less able to relax and appreciate it. They'll catch up one day
> soon, when they realise that they're crap at rugby and that there's
> nothing else to do but laugh at themselves. Not that I'm a fan of
> Morrisey or anything, but he is preferable to many others.
> In message <c06cvl$j93$1...@news-reader3.
> <bla...@blabla.com> writes
> >I really don't understand why you and other blokes need to take
> >Morrissey so seriously.
> Think Kiwi. Think sense of humour. Getting the picture yet? They're so
> used to monotonic drawl that they are unable to recognise humour and
> much less able to relax and appreciate it. They'll catch up one day
> soon, when they realise that they're crap at rugby and that there's
> nothing else to do but laugh at themselves. Not that I'm a fan of
> Morrisey or anything, but he is preferable to many others.
Oh, come ON, Pete - you love moi. Why not admit it?
And by the way, we're not "crap at rugby", and never have been.
"JD" <_antip...@ubique.com> wrote in message news:<z5pVb.47891$Wa.4...@news-server.bigpond.net.au >...
> I don't like you either. Your pathetic posts irritate me.
> --
> _
> /`_>
> / /
> |/
> ____| __
> |rsru\.-`` )
> |---``\ _.'
> .-`'---``_.' JD
> (__...--``
> I don't like you either. Your pathetic posts irritate me.
> --
> _
> /`_>
> / /
> |/
> ____| __
> |rsru\.-`` )
> |---``\ _.'
> .-`'---``_.' JD
> (__...--``
So, to sum up so far....
They love moi: Donnie, Pete Devlin, Didgerman.
They love moi not: Andy Mulhearn, Alan Luchetti, Rick Boyd, JD, Mr Scebe
He loves moi? (we can't be sure): #Bluebird#~
They love moi not: Andy Mulhearn, Alan Luchetti, Rick Boyd, JD, Mr Scebe
He loves moi? (we can't be sure): #Bluebird#~
He's been drinking too much Chardonnay, and it's starting to cloud his judgement. That's the inevitable conclusion one has to draw from what Andy Mulhearn <unxm...@netcomuk.co.uk> wrote in message news:<0001HW.BC4D9120001A8212F03055B0@news.cis.dfn.de >...
> Like/dislike doesn't come into Breen. You're a boring bastard.
> Like/dislike doesn't come into Breen. You're a boring bastard.
Ooooohhhhh... really dumb thing to write. I'll buy "bastard", but
"boring"? I work hard at my writing, and make sure it flows
perfectly. Short or long, you are compelled to read a Breen post.
[Insert blithering, Boyd-ian denial by Mulhearn
HERE........................... ] You've been lecturing moi for
over a year now to keep things short, to suit the attention span of a
moron. Frankly, I trust your judgement on literary matters about as
much as I trust "Lord" Hutton's integrity.
"boring"? I work hard at my writing, and make sure it flows
perfectly. Short or long, you are compelled to read a Breen post.
[Insert blithering, Boyd-ian denial by Mulhearn
over a year now to keep things short, to suit the attention span of a
moron. Frankly, I trust your judgement on literary matters about as
much as I trust "Lord" Hutton's integrity.
> Knowing a boring bastard personally can make a big difference, but because I don't
> actually know you I don't like or dislike you.
Excusez MOI, but are you trying to condescend?> Knowing a boring bastard personally can make a big difference, but because I don't
> actually know you I don't like or dislike you.
> There's no one who posts here I don't like. Don't understand yes (Ferdi
> amongst others), but dislike no.
Oh, come on, be honest - you're not running for parliament. Or are> There's no one who posts here I don't like. Don't understand yes (Ferdi
> amongst others), but dislike no.
bo...@comswest.net.au (rick boyd) wrote in message news:<40295643...@news.wn.com.au >...
> > and make sure it flows
> >perfectly.
> Only in the sense that a toilet flows perfectly.
> Yes BORING. Look in the dictionary nder "boring" and it says
> "Mowissey". BORING. You could bore bores.
> Yes BORING. Look in the dictionary nder "boring" and it says
> "Mowissey". BORING. You could bore bores.
Rick, this is not very clever on your part. You are one of the
officially recognised Masters of Abuse (http://tinyurl.com/2su6a) yet
you have written such dull stuff here. I am very disappointed. Are
you drunk, or depressed, or maybe both?
officially recognised Masters of Abuse (http://tinyurl.com/2su6a) yet
you have written such dull stuff here. I am very disappointed. Are
you drunk, or depressed, or maybe both?
> > I work hard at my writing,
> You would never EVER know.
> > I work hard at my writing,
> You would never EVER know.
There's that lazy dull response again, Rick. You're BETTER than that.
> > and make sure it flows
> >perfectly.
> Only in the sense that a toilet flows perfectly.
Buwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Ohhhhhhh, Rick, you kill moi, you
really do! But seriously, buddy, I like to think of my writing
babbling like a pure mountain stream high in the Souther Alps.
really do! But seriously, buddy, I like to think of my writing
babbling like a pure mountain stream high in the Souther Alps.
> > Short or long, you are compelled to read a Breen post.
> There's that ego the size of Jupiter again. Some of us may read the
> beginning of some of your overblown, turgid exercises in sickening
> self-indulgence, out of pure charity,
> > Short or long, you are compelled to read a Breen post.
> There's that ego the size of Jupiter again. Some of us may read the
> beginning of some of your overblown, turgid exercises in sickening
> self-indulgence, out of pure charity,
Well, THANKS, Rick, you charitable fellow, you.
> but here it is the fourth line
> of your post and, yawn, oh dear, I can barely keep my eyes o ...
> zzzzzzzzzzzz
> -- rick boyd
> but here it is the fourth line
> of your post and, yawn, oh dear, I can barely keep my eyes o ...
> zzzzzzzzzzzz
> -- rick boyd
BREEN'S PERORATION: Go to bed EARLY, Rick, for God's sake.
Andy Mulhearn <unxm...@netcomuk.co.uk> wrote in message news:<0001HW.BC4F84F700241620F03055B0@news.cis.dfn.de >...
argument. Bad move. Very bad move.
> To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "boring is as boring does".
Oh dear! Quoting pompous, empty blockbusters to back up a ridiculous> To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "boring is as boring does".
argument. Bad move. Very bad move.
>You use too many words Breen.
>You use too many words Breen.
Ha! Even worse!!!! An Austrian emperor once complained to Mozart
that a piece he had just composed had "too many notes"; now here's
poor old moi getting the same philistine treatment.
that a piece he had just composed had "too many notes"; now here's
poor old moi getting the same philistine treatment.
> I, and I feel sure I'm not alone, rarely get to the point you
> are trying to make before i just have to move to the next message. It's
> either that or lose the will to live.
> I, and I feel sure I'm not alone, rarely get to the point you
> are trying to make before i just have to move to the next message. It's
> either that or lose the will to live.
Nonsense. My writing has been praised in glowing terms by astute
posters both here and on many other fora. I reject absolutely your
unfounded and unsupported excuse for "criticism".
posters both here and on many other fora. I reject absolutely your
unfounded and unsupported excuse for "criticism".
> So it's self preservation really.
> So it's self preservation really.
No, it's smug insularity, actually.
Andy Mulhearn <unxm...@netcomuk.co.uk> wrote in message news:<0001HW.BC50D52D0003D7DAF03055B0@news.cis.dfn.de >...
> Look Breen, I know it's a disappointment that I don't know you well enough,
> or care enough, to dislike you but that's the way it is. I'm sure if you work
> hard at it in the local shopping malls or coffee shops you'll be able to make
> people dislike you. Just sit next to someone and read them one of you
ords Breen.
> >
> > Ha! Even worse!!!! An Austrian emperor once complained to Mozart
> > that a piece he had just composed had "too many notes"; now here's
> > poor old moi getting the same philistine treatment.
> You compare yourself to Mozart? You need help Breen, quickly.
> >
> > Ha! Even worse!!!! An Austrian emperor once complained to Mozart
> > that a piece he had just composed had "too many notes"; now here's
> > poor old moi getting the same philistine treatment.
> You compare yourself to Mozart? You need help Breen, quickly.
<patiently> I think that if you look carefully, you will see that,
rather than comparing myself to Mozart, which may or may not be valid,
I am comparing YOU to the blitheringly ignorant Austrian emperor.
rather than comparing myself to Mozart, which may or may not be valid,
I am comparing YOU to the blitheringly ignorant Austrian emperor.
> Look Breen, I know it's a disappointment that I don't know you well enough,
> or care enough, to dislike you but that's the way it is. I'm sure if you work
> hard at it in the local shopping malls or coffee shops you'll be able to make
> people dislike you. Just sit next to someone and read them one of you
> radio dialogues. That should be enough I would think.
> Andy
> radio dialogues. That should be enough I would think.
> Andy
You mean, like a sort of guerilla theatre kind of thing?....
"Steve Parrett" <stevesp4mlessparrett@An8tYlbtinternet.com> wrote in message news:<c0d4lr$km4$1...@hercules.btinternet.com >...
> Yep - you and Mozart. Don't undersell yourself Morrissey.
> Cue a load of old toffee from Morrissey ....
> Yep - you and Mozart. Don't undersell yourself Morrissey.
You may call moi "Wolfie"....
> So, you are prepared to listen to "astute posters" who praise your writing
> but absolutely reject critical comments because they are "unfounded"?
> So, you are prepared to listen to "astute posters" who praise your writing
> but absolutely reject critical comments because they are "unfounded"?
Not at all. I rejected Mr Mulhearn's comments because they were
substandard. They were not criticism in any accepted sense of the
substandard. They were not criticism in any accepted sense of the
> Try thinking the logic of that one through to its conclusion.
> Try thinking the logic of that one through to its conclusion.
Oh, I'm happy to consider and accept intelligent, thoughtful
criticism. But not someone just lazily throwing around a few
criticism. But not someone just lazily throwing around a few
> Cue a load of old toffee from Morrissey ....
Not right now, I'm too busy. Maybe later.
Sean Byrne <byrne_sean...@hotmail.com > wrote in message news:<c0i66s$sn2$1$8302...@news.demon.co.uk >...
> >>
> >> You compare yourself to Mozart? You need help Breen, quickly.
> >
> > <patiently> I think that if you look carefully, you will see that,
> > rather than comparing myself to Mozart, which may or may not be valid,
> > I am comparing YOU to the blitheringly ignorant Austrian emperor.
> > </patiently>
> <slowly>
> And by inference, yourself to Mozart. That's the way analogies work.
> </slowly>
> >> You compare yourself to Mozart? You need help Breen, quickly.
> >
> > <patiently> I think that if you look carefully, you will see that,
> > rather than comparing myself to Mozart, which may or may not be valid,
> > I am comparing YOU to the blitheringly ignorant Austrian emperor.
> > </patiently>
> <slowly>
> And by inference, yourself to Mozart. That's the way analogies work.
> </slowly>
<archly> You might well say that, but I could not possibly comment. </archly>
> >
> > [sic!]
> Oh you big bad schoolteacher you.
> > [sic!]
> Oh you big bad schoolteacher you.
No, not a school teacher, just one who cares about basic standards.
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