Tuesday 9 January 2018

Boag and Edwards on July 20, 2012 The Panel

Boag discovers that education in our schools isn’t as bad as her leaders would have us believe. What a shame they don’t all visit the classrooms instead of listening to phone-in radio to establish their arguments.
55 seconds into the Panel on Friday, listen to what the wind bag has to say. (leaving aside the fact that she was probably visiting Bayfield Primary School and not Bayview which is on the North Shore somewhere – can’t expect her to get it 100 pcnt right.
  • Morrissey11.1
    After that brief dose of realism, however, Boag was back to her very worst for the rest of the programme, indulging in her trademark swingeing rants against democratic institutions. Her “Soapbox” contribution consisted of a denunciation of the very idea of protesting against the government. It’s “way out of proportion”, according to Boag, and what the HELL are celebrities like Lucy Lawless THINKING of?
    But that’s what we expect from Michelle Boag. Far worse was to hear Brian Edwardseagerly endorsing and amplifying every single thing she said. After Boag’s condemnation of celebrity protestors, Edwards named a couple more: “We see Sue Bradford and John Minto at every single protest, whatever the issue,” he said, untruthfully.
    “Rent-a-mob!” said Boag.
    “Exactly!” shouted Edwards. “That’s exactly what they are! They’re a rent-a-mob!”
    • Draco T Bastard11.1.1
      You know, I think all those people at the protest should now take a class action defamation suit against both of them. Bankrupt the bastards while showing that they’re amoral.
      • Morrissey11.1.1.1
        Boag (the dominant one in this case) and Edwards (her sycophant) are entitled to say what they like. The way to challenge people like them is, for a start, to ask them to back up what they say with at least some evidence.
        The person whose job it was to do that was the host, Jim Mora. He failed to do his job, again.
        • Draco T Bastard11.
          Well, considering that the host failed in his job then the protesters need to do it and that’s where the defamation suit comes in.
          • Morrissey11.
            …the protesters need to do it and that’s where the defamation suit comes in.
            In this case, however, all Boag did was spray her customary abuse. There was nothing defamatory—unlike Dr Michael Bassett calling Nicky Hager a “holocaust denier” on Mora’s programme a few years ago.
            Even on that occasion, Mora said nothing.
            • Draco T Bastard
              I would call being called rent a mob defamatory as it’s an attack upon your credibility.
              • Morrissey
                I would call being called rent a mob defamatory as it’s an attack upon your credibility.
                It’s patently absurd and untruthful, but it’s about as defamatory as calling someone a bastard.
                Bassett’s brutal slander, on the other hand, was defamatory, not only because it was malicious and untruthful, but because he alleged that Hager had said or written something that is not only morally repellent, but possibly a cause for prosecution.
                • Draco T Bastard
                  It’s the untruthful bit that makes it defamatory as some people will believe it.
    • lefty11.1.2
      Boag and Edwards truly reflect the values of the different political parties they support.
      The bully and their enabler.
      • just saying11.1.2.1
        Astute remark
      • Morrissey11.1.2.2
        Boag and Edwards truly reflect the values of the different political parties they support.
        On Friday, every single thing Edwards said was in support of the National Party. He was so desperate to earn the approbation of Michelle Boag that he even parroted the prime minister’s lie about there being “little opposition to asset sales.”

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