Murray Deaker not the only Radio DJ who's losing it
August 30, 2003
Larry Williams, the acerbic right-wing Newstalk ZB drivetime host, nearly made this writer (moi) drive off the road and into the Waitemata Harbour the other day! Was Williams mouthing off with some more of his vicious, reflexive pro-American, pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian crap, as he so often does? Nope, not on this occasion. This time it was just a passing comment, on an ostensibly trivial matter, that nearly saw the Breen-mobile go careering into the mangroves. You see, Williams had decided to give us his opinion on something about which he clearly knows little or nothing at all: sports writing.
Now, understand that Williams, Doug Golightly, Brendan Telfer and
Graham Hill had the good sense, decency and courage to see through,
and stand up to, the bluster and bullying of Murray Deaker and his
toadying disciple Martin Devlin over the Blackguard campaign earlier
this year. Here's a transcript of Williams and Deaker going
head-to-head over the Blackguard campaign (note how Williams taunts
Deaker for being a sycophant)....
Graham Hill had the good sense, decency and courage to see through,
and stand up to, the bluster and bullying of Murray Deaker and his
toadying disciple Martin Devlin over the Blackguard campaign earlier
this year. Here's a transcript of Williams and Deaker going
head-to-head over the Blackguard campaign (note how Williams taunts
Deaker for being a sycophant)....
So Williams HAS shown that he does possess a degree of nous.
Therefore, imagine this writer's absolute horror when, just a week or
so ago, he heard this same Larry Williams say on air, live, and with
no apparent irony, that the New Zealand Herald rugby writer, the
infamous Wynne ("Sensible") Gray, was "the best in the country, in my
opinion." Possibly he WAS joking, but one has the uncomfortable
feeling he actually meant it.....
Therefore, imagine this writer's absolute horror when, just a week or
so ago, he heard this same Larry Williams say on air, live, and with
no apparent irony, that the New Zealand Herald rugby writer, the
infamous Wynne ("Sensible") Gray, was "the best in the country, in my
opinion." Possibly he WAS joking, but one has the uncomfortable
feeling he actually meant it.....!msg/nz.general/KGPLRKDonuo/ZpeUUdJbyhoJ;context-place=msg/nz.general/UP94KGyLyy4/9r82O_0c18EJ
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