Tuesday 9 January 2018

Rancorous Hypocrite Alert! Gavin “Mogadon” Ellis (June 4, 2013)

Rancorous Hypocrite Alert!
Gavin “Mogadon” Ellis will be on National Radio at 11:45 this morning!
Gavin “Mogadon” Ellis is not just the unbelievably dull media commentator that appears for five wasted minutes once a week on Nine to Noon. Media-watchers will be all too aware that Ellis used to be the inordinately dull editor of the New Zealand Herald, and as such he distinguished himself in 2002 not only by putting out a dull paper, but by a notorious display of craven cowardice. After the then Herald cartoonist Malcolm Evans dared to publish a series of cartoons criticizing the Israeli onslaught in the Occupied West Bank, Evans and Ellis became the target of the usual shrieking abuse from the local Israel lobby, led by the snarling Dame Lesley Max.
Far from standing by the right of his cartoonist to criticize the outlaw regime, Ellis started returning his cartoons, with hand-written threats that his job was in jeopardy if he continued the provocations. Evans refused to buckle under, and sure enough, Ellis fired him.
This morning, this notorious coward and toady will talk about the Al Nisbet cartoons. If he is to be consistent, he will take the side not of the victims but of the oppressor, and will back Nisbet to the hilt.
Of course, silly old Malcolm Evans should have drawn cartoons SUPPORTING the massacres in the Occupied Territories; that way he would have been in line with the Herald‘s editorial policy.
  • Tim8.1
    “Gavin “Mogadon” Ellis is not just the unbelievably dull media commentator….etc”
    Thank C I’m on a self-imposed 1 week ban.
    Testing 1 2 tree

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