This guy is driving along in B*ysw*t*r, P*rth, W*st*rn A*str*l*a one
Saturday evening when, all of a sudden, he sees this nun walking on
the road up ahead. Dude stops his car and says, "Sister, can I help
Saturday evening when, all of a sudden, he sees this nun walking on
the road up ahead. Dude stops his car and says, "Sister, can I help
She says, "Why yes, my son, bless you," and with that she hops into
the guy's car. After a while the nun notices that the guy seems
nervous, jumpy, unsettled. She asks him what the trouble is.
the guy's car. After a while the nun notices that the guy seems
nervous, jumpy, unsettled. She asks him what the trouble is.
Dude replies, "Well, Sister, I, I... no, I can't tell you!"
She says, "Son, you must. You can not hold secrets inside, it will
destroy your soul."
She says, "Son, you must. You can not hold secrets inside, it will
destroy your soul."
So the guy begins, "I'm sorry, Sister, but ever since I was a youth in
N*ls*n, N*w Z**l*nd, I've always had this fantasy about f- ... well,
about ... making love with a nun."
N*ls*n, N*w Z**l*nd, I've always had this fantasy about f- ... well,
about ... making love with a nun."
She says, "Tell me about that."
He continues, "Well, I'm alone with this nun in the front seat of my
car and she leans down and, and..."
car and she leans down and, and..."
"Yes, my son?"
"And she... she... well, she, she... she..."
"She ... 'blows your mind', so to speak?"
"I'm sorry, Sister."
The nun gasps, "Good Lord! My son, you must not go through life
harbouring such sinful thoughts. You might as well get it over with
and then go to confession. Let's see, pull off the road up ahead."
harbouring such sinful thoughts. You might as well get it over with
and then go to confession. Let's see, pull off the road up ahead."
Dude stops his car, pronto.
The nun says, "I just have two requirements, my son. One, that you be
single. Two, that you be Catholic. And three, that you tell me your
single. Two, that you be Catholic. And three, that you tell me your
Dude is suddenly panting like a bloodhound, coming on like an utter
galoot: "Yes, yes, Sister. I'm single, I'm Catholic, and my name is,
errrrrr.... Kip."
galoot: "Yes, yes, Sister. I'm single, I'm Catholic, and my name is,
errrrrr.... Kip."
The nun nods her head, "All right then, Kip." The nun reaches over and
unzips him and, unbelievably, proceeds to 'blow his mind'.
unzips him and, unbelievably, proceeds to 'blow his mind'.
Afterwards the young man says, "Sister, I'm so ashamed. I have a
confession to make. One, I'm not single, I'm married! Two, I'm not
Catholic, I'm a lapsed Presbyterian. And three, my name is not Kip,
it's RICK."
And the nun says, "That's okay -- I'm not really a Nun... I'm on my
way to a fancy dress party. And by the way, my name is Bobs."
confession to make. One, I'm not single, I'm married! Two, I'm not
Catholic, I'm a lapsed Presbyterian. And three, my name is not Kip,
it's RICK."
And the nun says, "That's okay -- I'm not really a Nun... I'm on my
way to a fancy dress party. And by the way, my name is Bobs."
Click here to Reply
Breen, I seriously suggest you just stick to being a sadpacker. Your
joke was about as amusing as going to a dentist and waking up 30 minutes
later with a condom embedded up your arse and pubic hair in your mouth.
> .
> .
> .
> .
> Afterwards the young man says, "Sister, I'm so ashamed. I have a
> confession to make. One, I'm not single, I'm married! Two, I'm not
> Catholic, I'm a lapsed Presbyterian. And three, my name is not Kip,
> it's RICK."
> And the nun says, "That's okay -- I'm not really a Nun... I'm on my
> way to a fancy dress party. And by the way, my name is Bobs."
joke was about as amusing as going to a dentist and waking up 30 minutes
later with a condom embedded up your arse and pubic hair in your mouth.
In fact, do you think you could refrain from posting at all? If so, I
promise never to reply to your posts again.
promise never to reply to your posts again.
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> This guy is driving along in B*ysw*t*r, P*rth, W*st*rn A*str*l*a one
> Saturday evening when, all of a sudden, he sees this nun walking on
> the road up ahead. Dude stops his car and says, "Sister, can I help
> you?"
> She says, "Why yes, my son, bless you," and with that she hops into
> the guy's car. After a while the nun notices that the guy seems
> nervous, jumpy, unsettled. She asks him what the trouble is.
> Dude replies, "Well, Sister, I, I... no, I can't tell you!"
> She says, "Son, you must. You can not hold secrets inside, it will
> destroy your soul."
> So the guy begins, "I'm sorry, Sister, but ever since I was a youth in
> N*ls*n, N*w Z**l*nd, I've always had this fantasy about f- ... well,
> about ... making love with a nun."
> She says, "Tell me about that."
> He continues, "Well, I'm alone with this nun in the front seat of my
> car and she leans down and, and..."
> "Yes, my son?"
> "And she... she... well, she, she... she..."
> "She ... ‘blows your mind', so to speak?"> Saturday evening when, all of a sudden, he sees this nun walking on
> the road up ahead. Dude stops his car and says, "Sister, can I help
> you?"
> She says, "Why yes, my son, bless you," and with that she hops into
> the guy's car. After a while the nun notices that the guy seems
> nervous, jumpy, unsettled. She asks him what the trouble is.
> Dude replies, "Well, Sister, I, I... no, I can't tell you!"
> She says, "Son, you must. You can not hold secrets inside, it will
> destroy your soul."
> So the guy begins, "I'm sorry, Sister, but ever since I was a youth in
> N*ls*n, N*w Z**l*nd, I've always had this fantasy about f- ... well,
> about ... making love with a nun."
> She says, "Tell me about that."
> He continues, "Well, I'm alone with this nun in the front seat of my
> car and she leans down and, and..."
> "Yes, my son?"
> "And she... she... well, she, she... she..."
> "I'm sorry, Sister."
> The nun gasps, "Good Lord! My son, you must not go through life
> harbouring such sinful thoughts. You might as well get it over with
> and then go to confession. Let's see, pull off the road up ahead."
> Dude stops his car, pronto.
> The nun says, "I just have two requirements, my son. One, that you be
> single. Two, that you be Catholic. And three, that you tell me your
> name."
> Dude is suddenly panting like a bloodhound, coming on like an utter
> galoot: "Yes, yes, Sister. I'm single, I'm Catholic, and my name is,
> errrrrr.... Kip."
> The nun nods her head, "All right then, Kip." The nun reaches over and
> unzips him and, unbelievably, proceeds to ‘blow his mind'.> "I'm sorry, Sister."
> The nun gasps, "Good Lord! My son, you must not go through life
> harbouring such sinful thoughts. You might as well get it over with
> and then go to confession. Let's see, pull off the road up ahead."
> Dude stops his car, pronto.
> The nun says, "I just have two requirements, my son. One, that you be
> single. Two, that you be Catholic. And three, that you tell me your
> name."
> Dude is suddenly panting like a bloodhound, coming on like an utter
> galoot: "Yes, yes, Sister. I'm single, I'm Catholic, and my name is,
> errrrrr.... Kip."
> The nun nods her head, "All right then, Kip." The nun reaches over and
> .
> .
> .
> .
> Afterwards the young man says, "Sister, I'm so ashamed. I have a
> confession to make. One, I'm not single, I'm married! Two, I'm not
> Catholic, I'm a lapsed Presbyterian. And three, my name is not Kip,
> it's RICK."
> And the nun says, "That's okay -- I'm not really a Nun... I'm on my
> way to a fancy dress party. And by the way, my name is Bobs."
I should change your dentist, Bobs. Unless you like that sort of
On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 21:13:46 +1300, Bobs <> wrote:
>Breen, I seriously suggest you just stick to being a sadpacker. Your
>joke was about as amusing as going to a dentist and waking up 30 minutes
>later with a condom embedded up your arse and pubic hair in your mouth.
>In fact, do you think you could refrain from posting at all? If so, I
>promise never to reply to your posts again.
>joke was about as amusing as going to a dentist and waking up 30 minutes
>later with a condom embedded up your arse and pubic hair in your mouth.
>In fact, do you think you could refrain from posting at all? If so, I
>promise never to reply to your posts again.
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign
that the conspiracy is working.
that the conspiracy is working.
Cross-dressing lothario Bobs <> fumed in message
news:<55pRb.25051$ >...
> Breen, I seriously suggest you just stick to being a sadpacker. Your
> joke was about as amusing as ...> Breen, I seriously suggest you just stick to being a sadpacker. Your
....<Snip disturbing wish>....
That's right, Bobs - shoot the messenger.
> In fact, do you think you could refrain from posting at all?
> In fact, do you think you could refrain from posting at all?
No fear.
> If so, I promise never to reply to your posts again.
> If so, I promise never to reply to your posts again.
Oh I geddit.... ha ha ha ha ha.
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
The old, 'stick your head in a bucket of water twice and take it out
once' trick eh?
once' trick eh?
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