Amusing little item at the end of the Television One news this
evening: a bird attacking passersby in a street in Sydney. In spring
time, it gets very territorial, and swoops down on people to protect
its young. The reporter pointed out that the bird especially attacked
MEN, rather than women. This was apparently because men tend to be
more defiant, and challenge it more than women do. We saw a couple of
men taking lusty, if futile, swings at it. One bloke grumped: "They
should just shoot it!"
evening: a bird attacking passersby in a street in Sydney. In spring
time, it gets very territorial, and swoops down on people to protect
its young. The reporter pointed out that the bird especially attacked
MEN, rather than women. This was apparently because men tend to be
more defiant, and challenge it more than women do. We saw a couple of
men taking lusty, if futile, swings at it. One bloke grumped: "They
should just shoot it!"
Cut back to news reader Bernadine Oliver-Kerby, who appeared to be
tickled pink by the spectacle. With that gorgeous face beaming, she
chortled: "Grown men trembling -- I LOVE it!"
tickled pink by the spectacle. With that gorgeous face beaming, she
chortled: "Grown men trembling -- I LOVE it!"
Well, of all the people who should know about grown men trembling,
Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
[Cue vaguely chilling, unsettling music. Show sepia-toned footage of
Hart-era All Blacks playing golf. Focus on a grinning Justin Marshall
putting, while close buddy Andrew Mehrtens holds the pin.]
Hart-era All Blacks playing golf. Focus on a grinning Justin Marshall
putting, while close buddy Andrew Mehrtens holds the pin.]
In the mid to late '90s, Marshall and Oliver-Kerby were an item. In
fact, they were "shacked up" together. Now, as people close to the
team in those days will attest, Justin Marshall was pretty adept at
"scoring away from home". Sydney, Jo'burg, London, Auckland,
Dunedin.... hell, anywhere the All Blacks went, you always knew their
superstar No. 9 was going to find a way to "get through the defence".
This impressive "away form" impressed "the boys" enormously, of
fact, they were "shacked up" together. Now, as people close to the
team in those days will attest, Justin Marshall was pretty adept at
"scoring away from home". Sydney, Jo'burg, London, Auckland,
Dunedin.... hell, anywhere the All Blacks went, you always knew their
superstar No. 9 was going to find a way to "get through the defence".
This impressive "away form" impressed "the boys" enormously, of
As these things always do, news of Marshall's "heroic feats"
eventually reached Bernadine. Unlike the fellows in the team,
however, Bernadine was not impressed. Not impressed at all. In fact,
she was livid. Incensed. Mad. BOILING MAD. Gritting her teeth, she
prepared to dish out her own tailor-made form of justice....
eventually reached Bernadine. Unlike the fellows in the team,
however, Bernadine was not impressed. Not impressed at all. In fact,
she was livid. Incensed. Mad. BOILING MAD. Gritting her teeth, she
prepared to dish out her own tailor-made form of justice....
Coming up after the break: Television One's most glamorous news
Click here to Reply
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Nothing surprising here. She was banned from the team for sleeping with half
of them, I think.
of them, I think.
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Version: 6.0.744 / Virus Database: 496 - Release Date: 24/08/2004
Morrissey Breen wrote:
Ah, so you're the typical male feminist: a self-hating man.
The glee you take in the (alleged) humiliation of other men only shows
you to be the pussy, you pussy.
you to be the pussy, you pussy.
> Amusing little item at the end of the Television One news this
> evening: a bird attacking passersby in a street in Sydney. In spring
> time, it gets very territorial, and swoops down on people to protect
> its young. The reporter pointed out that the bird especially attacked
> MEN, rather than women. This was apparently because men tend to be
> more defiant, and challenge it more than women do. We saw a couple of
> men taking lusty, if futile, swings at it. One bloke grumped: "They
> should just shoot it!"
> Cut back to news reader Bernadine Oliver-Kerby, who appeared to be
> tickled pink by the spectacle. With that gorgeous face beaming, she
> chortled: "Grown men trembling -- I LOVE it!"
> evening: a bird attacking passersby in a street in Sydney. In spring
> time, it gets very territorial, and swoops down on people to protect
> its young. The reporter pointed out that the bird especially attacked
> MEN, rather than women. This was apparently because men tend to be
> more defiant, and challenge it more than women do. We saw a couple of
> men taking lusty, if futile, swings at it. One bloke grumped: "They
> should just shoot it!"
> Cut back to news reader Bernadine Oliver-Kerby, who appeared to be
> tickled pink by the spectacle. With that gorgeous face beaming, she
> chortled: "Grown men trembling -- I LOVE it!"
Heh... Trust a pussy like you to enjoy the misandry of a
hyphenated-surname feminist loon.
hyphenated-surname feminist loon.
> Well, of all the people who should know about grown men trembling,
> Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
> ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
> [Cue vaguely chilling, unsettling music. Show sepia-toned footage of
> Hart-era All Blacks playing golf. Focus on a grinning Justin Marshall
> putting, while close buddy Andrew Mehrtens holds the pin.]
> In the mid to late '90s, Marshall and Oliver-Kerby were an item. In
> fact, they were "shacked up" together. Now, as people close to the
> team in those days will attest, Justin Marshall was pretty adept at
> "scoring away from home". Sydney, Jo'burg, London, Auckland,
> Dunedin.... hell, anywhere the All Blacks went, you always knew their
> superstar No. 9 was going to find a way to "get through the defence".
> This impressive "away form" impressed "the boys" enormously, of
> course.
> Well, of all the people who should know about grown men trembling,
> Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
> ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
> [Cue vaguely chilling, unsettling music. Show sepia-toned footage of
> Hart-era All Blacks playing golf. Focus on a grinning Justin Marshall
> putting, while close buddy Andrew Mehrtens holds the pin.]
> In the mid to late '90s, Marshall and Oliver-Kerby were an item. In
> fact, they were "shacked up" together. Now, as people close to the
> team in those days will attest, Justin Marshall was pretty adept at
> "scoring away from home". Sydney, Jo'burg, London, Auckland,
> Dunedin.... hell, anywhere the All Blacks went, you always knew their
> superstar No. 9 was going to find a way to "get through the defence".
> This impressive "away form" impressed "the boys" enormously, of
> course.
> As these things always do, news of Marshall's "heroic feats"
> eventually reached Bernadine. Unlike the fellows in the team,
> however, Bernadine was not impressed. Not impressed at all. In fact,
> she was livid. Incensed. Mad. BOILING MAD. Gritting her teeth, she
> prepared to dish out her own tailor-made form of justice....
> As these things always do, news of Marshall's "heroic feats"
> eventually reached Bernadine. Unlike the fellows in the team,
> however, Bernadine was not impressed. Not impressed at all. In fact,
> she was livid. Incensed. Mad. BOILING MAD. Gritting her teeth, she
> prepared to dish out her own tailor-made form of justice....
So, Bernadine was just another slut! Oh well. That'll teach her for
shacking up with the Bad Boy, won't it? Snicker...
shacking up with the Bad Boy, won't it? Snicker...
I wonder how many abortions* she's had???
(*or, alternatively, how empowered she is as a woman. Snicker.)
> Coming up after the break: Television One's most glamorous news
> reader .... AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE!.....
> Coming up after the break: Television One's most glamorous news
> reader .... AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE!.....
"glamorous"? Sheez....
"Lo" <> wrote in message
> [snip]
> Nothing surprising here. She was banned from the team for sleeping with
> of them, I think.
> Lo.
She was most likely banned for not sleeping with the other half of them.
E. Scrooge
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
> As these things always do, news of Marshall's "heroic feats"
> eventually reached Bernadine. Unlike the fellows in the team,
> however, Bernadine was not impressed. Not impressed at all. In fact,
> she was livid. Incensed. Mad. BOILING MAD. Gritting her teeth, she
> prepared to dish out her own tailor-made form of justice....
> eventually reached Bernadine. Unlike the fellows in the team,
> however, Bernadine was not impressed. Not impressed at all. In fact,
> she was livid. Incensed. Mad. BOILING MAD. Gritting her teeth, she
> prepared to dish out her own tailor-made form of justice....
Poor old Morewussy. A hot blonde starts putting out for the boys, but the
mincing Francophile gets none. "I'll show her" he says - toddling off home
to beat himself off to his Woman's Weekly edition with "Bernie" on the
cover. Bet she really enjoys it when you spray the jis all over her face,
mincing Francophile gets none. "I'll show her" he says - toddling off home
to beat himself off to his Woman's Weekly edition with "Bernie" on the
cover. Bet she really enjoys it when you spray the jis all over her face,
For fuck's sake, you softcock, nobody's interested in your pathetic solo
sessions with the love handle. You are a collossal fucking bore, who knows
jack shit about rugby.
sessions with the love handle. You are a collossal fucking bore, who knows
jack shit about rugby.
Mr Scebe
"Pershonally i think you're a fucking idiot"
~Sean Connery in "The Rock"
Mr Scebe
"Pershonally i think you're a fucking idiot"
~Sean Connery in "The Rock"
Mr Scebe wrote:
- show quoted text -
....lowering the tone of the neighbourhood yet again, Scebe?
Graham wrote:
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
> Ah, so you're the typical male feminist: a self-hating man.
> The glee you take in the (alleged) humiliation of other men only shows
> you to be the pussy, you pussy.
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
> Ah, so you're the typical male feminist: a self-hating man.
> The glee you take in the (alleged) humiliation of other men only shows
> you to be the pussy, you pussy.
erm, did you read the article? What alleged humiliation of other men?
walter mitty wrote:
> erm, did you read the article? What alleged humiliation of other men?
> erm, did you read the article? What alleged humiliation of other men?
Graham habitually sees humiliation of men where there is none Walter.
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
As ever. Nobody is interested in Star Trek or how many burgers he can
eat, but he still goes on and on about it.
eat, but he still goes on and on about it.
"E. Scrooge" <scrooge@* (*sling)> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
"Mr Scebe" <> wrote in message news:<J5ZXc.18857$ >...
> Poor old Morewussy. A hot blonde starts putting out for the boys, but the
> mincing Francophile gets none.
> Poor old Morewussy. A hot blonde starts putting out for the boys, but the
> mincing Francophile gets none.
....< SNIP >....
> For fuck's sake, you softcock.... collossal fucking bore.... knows
> jack shit about rugby.
> For fuck's sake, you softcock.... collossal fucking bore.... knows
> jack shit about rugby.
Okay, buddy, that's settled. I'll post up the rest of this, pronto.
Lo wrote:
> [snip]
> Nothing surprising here. She was banned from the team for sleeping with half
> of them, I think.
> Nothing surprising here. She was banned from the team for sleeping with half
> of them, I think.
Probably for what happened before they went to sleep.
Graham <dsf@dsf.fds> erupted into life in message
> The glee you take in the (alleged) humiliation of other men only shows
> you to be the pussy, you pussy.
> The glee you take in the (alleged) humiliation of other men only shows
> you to be the pussy, you pussy.
Who the hell are you calling a "pussy"? MOI?
> Heh... Trust a pussy like you to enjoy the misandry of a
> hyphenated-surname feminist loon.
> Heh... Trust a pussy like you to enjoy the misandry of a
> hyphenated-surname feminist loon.
Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is a feminist loon?!?!?!?!? Are you MAD?
And... did you.... did you.... DID YOU CALL MOI A "PUSSY" AGAIN?
[muttering] Nobody does that. NOBODY.
And... did you.... did you.... DID YOU CALL MOI A "PUSSY" AGAIN?
[muttering] Nobody does that. NOBODY.
> So, Bernadine was just another slut! Oh well. That'll teach her for
> shacking up with the Bad Boy, won't it?
> So, Bernadine was just another slut! Oh well. That'll teach her for
> shacking up with the Bad Boy, won't it?
Bobs was not involved.* She shacked up with Justin Marshall.
> Snicker...
> I wonder how many abortions* she's had??? (*or, alternatively, how empowered she is as a woman. Snicker.)
> Snicker...
> I wonder how many abortions* she's had??? (*or, alternatively, how empowered she is as a woman. Snicker.)
Perhaps you could write to her, and find out. Be sure to post her
reply on Usenet, will you?
reply on Usenet, will you?
> "glamorous"? Sheez....
> "glamorous"? Sheez....
Indeed. Sheez very glamorous.
* As far as we know.
My attention has been drawn to a recent post by foul-mouthed
illiterate called "Mr Scebe" <> in message
news:<J5ZXc.18857$ >...
illiterate called "Mr Scebe" <> in message
> For fuck's sake, you softcock, nobody's interested in your pathetic solo
> sessions with the love handle. You are a collossal
> sessions with the love handle. You are a collossal
> fucking bore, who knows jack shit about rugby.
> fucking bore, who knows jack shit about rugby.
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> Well, of all the people who should know about grown men trembling,
> Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
> ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
> Well, of all the people who should know about grown men trembling,
> Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
> ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
What is the point of this personal attack Mowissey?
Does it make you feel better about being rejected by Bernadine?
Sure sounds like it.
"Tilly" <> wrote in message news:<48BYc.19556$ >...
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
> >
> > Well, of all the people who should know about grown men trembling,
> > Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
> > ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
> What is the point of this personal attack Mowissey?
> Does it make you feel better about being rejected by Bernadine?
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
> >
> > Well, of all the people who should know about grown men trembling,
> > Bernadine Oliver-Kerby is probably one of the best qualified. Just
> > ask All Black halfback Justin Marshall....
> What is the point of this personal attack Mowissey?
> Does it make you feel better about being rejected by Bernadine?
"Rejected"? I wonder if you read the last three lines of THIS.....
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> "Rejected"? I wonder if you read the last three lines of THIS.....
> "Rejected"? I wonder if you read the last three lines of THIS.....
I don't give a damn about that........What I see is someone trying to
tarnish someone's reputation in public.The poste you gave a link to is
obviously from someone determined to get back at Bernadine and as such
isn't exactly reliable.She isn't the only woman that would react that way
and by the way I am not speaking for myself.
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Version: 6.0.745 / Virus Database: 497 - Release Date: 27/08/04
Tilly wrote:
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
>> "Rejected"? I wonder if you read the last three lines of THIS.....
> I don't give a damn about that........What I see is someone trying to
> tarnish someone's reputation in public.The poste you gave a link to
> is obviously from someone determined to get back at Bernadine and as
> such isn't exactly reliable.She isn't the only woman that would react
> that way and by the way I am not speaking for myself.
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
>> "Rejected"? I wonder if you read the last three lines of THIS.....
> I don't give a damn about that........What I see is someone trying to
> tarnish someone's reputation in public.The poste you gave a link to
> is obviously from someone determined to get back at Bernadine and as
> such isn't exactly reliable.She isn't the only woman that would react
> that way and by the way I am not speaking for myself.
Now that I realise you wrote it Mowissey I know it isn't reliable.
You are an exagerator 'extraordinaire'.
You are an exagerator 'extraordinaire'.
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