Tuesday 9 January 2018

Why is Gai Waterhouse being lionized? She should be shunned. (Nov. 5, 2013)

Something rotten in the state of Victoria
Why is Gai Waterhouse being lionized? She should be shunned.
The trainer of Fiorente, the horse that won the Melbourne Cup today, is one Gai Waterhouse. Far from being hugged and praised after the race, many people believe she should not be allowed anywhere near Flemington, or indeed any other race course.
Gai Waterhouse’s husband was responsible for the most notorious racing ring-in in Australasian equine history. In August 1984 at Brisbane’s Eagle Farm race-course, an ordinary 8-year-old gelding, Fine Cotton, was replaced for a novice handicap by a horse called Bold Personality, complete with white paint on his legs in a crude attempt to match Fine Cotton’s white markings on his hind legs. Officials smelt a rat when betting on Fine Cotton dived in from 33-1 to 7-2. The horse won by a short head, but with the paint beginning to run down the horse’s legs as it returned to scale and some onlookers shouting “ring-in” the game was up. New Zealand trainer Hayden Haitana shot through shortly after the race, only to be nabbed by police in South Australia and subsequently jailed along with scam organiser John Gillespie. But it involved some of Australia’s big racing names, and prominent bookmakers Bill and Robbie Waterhouse were warned off the country’s tracks for 14 years. ….
The controversy continues to swirl around Gai Waterhouse. At the 2013 Sydney Cup, owner John Singleton sacked Gai Waterhouse live on television after her son Tom Waterhouse, a bookmaker, allegedly told acquaintances that Singleton’s horse More Joyous would lose the All Ages Stakes, which it did. Both Gai Waterhouse and Tom Waterhouse denied any wrong doing. ….
  • Te Reo Putake26.1
    “… many people believe she should not be allowed anywhere near Flemington, or indeed any other race course.”
    Who they, Morrissey?
    And is there a word for people who think woman are defined by their husbands? Mozogynist, perhaps?
    ps. fine for a minor ‘failure to disclose’ verdict in the “controversial” Singleton case: $5k. Winnings in the last couple of hours: $3.5 million. Giddy up!
    • Morrissey26.1.1
      Who they, Morrissey?
      People who care about integrity in sports. Yes, Te Reo, I know that, when you consider such travesties as the 1999 and 2011 RWC finals, every single Tour de France and nearly every professional boxing bout, that’s probably a crazy idea, but some people still do believe in the IDEA of sportsmanship and honesty.
      And is there a word for people who think woman are defined by their husbands?
      I don’t think the Gai Waterhouse should be judged by her criminal husband, any more than I think John Banks, should be judged by his criminal parents, or Hillary Clinton should be judged by her criminal husband. The misdeeds of Gai Waterhouse, like the misdeeds of John Banks and Hillary Clinton, should be judged on their own terms.
      Just as a matter of interest, however, are you trying to suggest that Gai Waterhouse was innocent of any involvement in the Fine Cotton fraud?
      Mozogynist, perhaps?
      Good one! I see what you did there.
      • Te Reo Putake26.1.1.1
        Name them, Moz! Cite the “many people” who agree with you.
        If you don’t think Gai Waterhouse “should be judged by her criminal husband”, why did you do it? And why do you libel her by claiming she was involved in the Fine Cotton affair?
        • Morrissey26.
          Name them, Moz! Cite the “many people” who agree with you.
          You obviously have spent no time in Australia.
          If you don’t think Gai Waterhouse “should be judged by her criminal husband”, why did you do it?
          I made it clear that I had not done that. To further clarify for you, I even made the analogy with two other notorious people who should not be judged by their criminal family members, but have earned opprobrium for themselves by their own foul deeds. You have made a habit of deliberately disregarding the evidence I put up to counter your rabid accusations and also of willfully misconstruing what I write; here you are at it again, pretending I judged this dodgy woman by her husband’s crimes. If I had done that, then you would have a fair point. But I had not, and you have not.
          And why do you libel her by claiming she was involved in the Fine Cotton affair?
          I did not libel her. She was involved in that ridiculously unsuccessful fraud just as surely as she was involved with her dodgy son’s foolish activity in Sydney this year. Or maybe you think she was, and is, the very picture of the saintly wife and mother, oblivious to the actions of her husband and son?
          • Te Reo Putake26.
            C’mon, Moz, get the whip out! Usually when you’re caught out bullshitting you try to defend yourself, so I guess this time even you know you’ve blown it. To put this one in racing terms, you’ve just dead heated with the ambulance.
            • Morrissey
              Again, bluster to hide the fact I’ve called you out. You’re quite humorous, though, so I don’t mind you too much.
              While you’re on the line, buddy, could you just tell us what it is about Gai Waterhouse that you find so appealing?
              • Te Reo Putake
                Who says I find her appealing? Why, just you! Poor Moz, such a fascination with the English language and, alas, such a weak grip on the finer points of its effective use.
  • greywarbler26.2
    You’re just sore because you’re horse lost.
    • Morrissey26.2.1
      You’re just sore because you’re [sic] horse lost.
      I refrained from betting this time, warbler.
      • greywarbler26.2.1.1
        Watch it, you’ll become a wowser next. Then you may have to give up the joy of poking fun at Jim Mora and we’ll lose some fine moments of irony and farce, pathos and bathos. (I’ve always wanted to use that word, bathos. Not seen much. I give it to you like a rare, fine pearl (of wisdom)!
        • Morrissey26.
          Indeed, warbler, “bathos” is a fine word. Here’s a splendid recent example of it, all the more effective because this appallingly bad actor obviously lacks even the slightest sense of irony….

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