Anyone who has watched Paul Holmes salivating after pop stars and
celebrities in the past will not be surprised to see him making a fool
of himself as he does here. Over the years, Holmes has debased himself
for a galaxy of celebrities, from the mediocre to the sinister,
including Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Shania Twain, Bill Clinton, Gordon
Ramsay, Alistair Campbell and---perhaps most toe-curlingly awful of
all, an extended live on air paean to the Christchurch-based Russian-
born songstress Yulia, the closest anyone has ever come, albeit
unwittingly, to rendering on screen a letter to Penthouse Forum.
In this interview with Harry and Niall of One Direction, however,
Holmes is comparatively restrained. But there is still something here
for Holmes-watchers, and connoisseurs of the inane in general. If you
have any sense of the absurd, you will appreciate the following gems:
1.) "It's feet on the ground stuff, isn't it."
2.) "Tell Louie I'm working hard here." (Holmes says that when one of
the One Direction boys starts to sabotage the interview. Holmes-
watchers will remember his enraged bawling---"Children, STOP IT, we
are trying to WORK here!"---as primary school kids skylarked all
around him during a live cross on the pisspoor Televisiion One show
3.) "This shouting girls thing, this screaming girls thing: is it hard
to cope with?" (This question was written for him by Tony "Boot Boy"
Veitch, who has also had to cope with the screaming of women, but in a
different context.)
The girls who love One Direction were clearly not impressed by the
hate talk legend....
One girl, xMissLexi attracted 26 thumbs up endorsements in just a
few hours for this comment: "I swear to god if the interviewer
interrupts one more fucking time there are going to be some serious issues."
"I know right, god i hate him for being so RUDE!!!it is
--- hannnahspanner in reply to xMissLexi (Show the comment)
Anyone who has watched Paul Holmes salivating after pop stars and
celebrities in the past will not be surprised to see him making a fool
of himself as he does here. Over the years, Holmes has debased himself
for a galaxy of celebrities, from the mediocre to the sinister,
including Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Shania Twain, Bill Clinton, Gordon
Ramsay, Alistair Campbell and---perhaps most toe-curlingly awful of
all, an extended live on air paean to the Christchurch-based Russian-
born songstress Yulia, the closest anyone has ever come, albeit
unwittingly, to rendering on screen a letter to Penthouse Forum.
In this interview with Harry and Niall of One Direction, however,
Holmes is comparatively restrained. But there is still something here
for Holmes-watchers, and connoisseurs of the inane in general. If you
have any sense of the absurd, you will appreciate the following gems:
1.) "It's feet on the ground stuff, isn't it."
2.) "Tell Louie I'm working hard here." (Holmes says that when one of
the One Direction boys starts to sabotage the interview. Holmes-
watchers will remember his enraged bawling---"Children, STOP IT, we
are trying to WORK here!"---as primary school kids skylarked all
around him during a live cross on the pisspoor Televisiion One show
3.) "This shouting girls thing, this screaming girls thing: is it hard
to cope with?" (This question was written for him by Tony "Boot Boy"
Veitch, who has also had to cope with the screaming of women, but in a
different context.)
The girls who love One Direction were clearly not impressed by the
hate talk legend....
One girl, xMissLexi attracted 26 thumbs up endorsements in just a
few hours for this comment: "I swear to god if the interviewer
interrupts one more fucking time there are going to be some serious issues."
"I know right, god i hate him for being so RUDE!!!it is
--- hannnahspanner in reply to xMissLexi (Show the comment)
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