Not every woman is a victim
By Kerre ohoWmad
4:00 AM Sunday Jul 4, 2010
for their actions.
>thread: ?"Very funny! But I bet a few people take it seriously"---
>Geopelia; "?I don't think s/he was trolling, just writing a humorous
>piece on the
>subject which got a few people over-heated because they took it
>literally."--- A L P; ?"Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
>Jack A. Napes
>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
<> wrote in message
< > wrote in message
post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
By Kerre ohoWmad
4:00 AM Sunday Jul 4, 2010
I spoke last year on the subject of that foul-mouthed, scissor-
wielding tart in Dunedin that got herself killed by her economics
tutor. Her name escapes me right now, but I assumed that her sticky
ending would have meant that we'd seen the last of these trollops
engineering these catastrophes then crying "Oh poor me" and painting
themselves as victims. At least for a while.
wielding tart in Dunedin that got herself killed by her economics
tutor. Her name escapes me right now, but I assumed that her sticky
ending would have meant that we'd seen the last of these trollops
engineering these catastrophes then crying "Oh poor me" and painting
themselves as victims. At least for a while.
I hope that a Sexual Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be
convened in this country before the end of the year. That way, every
aggrieved slapper could confront every sleazy and predatory sportsman
or university economics tutor who's ever wronged her, the sportsmen
and tutors could apologise en masse and we could be secure in the
knowledge that never again will we be confronted with the sordid
stories of pissed people making poor choices and behaving badly.
convened in this country before the end of the year. That way, every
aggrieved slapper could confront every sleazy and predatory sportsman
or university economics tutor who's ever wronged her, the sportsmen
and tutors could apologise en masse and we could be secure in the
knowledge that never again will we be confronted with the sordid
stories of pissed people making poor choices and behaving badly.
I'm of the mind that if women head out on the town with the purpose of
being shagged by a sportsman, or verbally abuse then attack their
boyfriends with scissors, then they must bear some responsibility for
their actions.
being shagged by a sportsman, or verbally abuse then attack their
boyfriends with scissors, then they must bear some responsibility for
their actions.
Treating all women as victims infantilises them. If women want sexual
freedom, they must accept sexual responsibility.
freedom, they must accept sexual responsibility.
Alcoholic comas, unwanted sex, kickings, knifings and bloody violent
death are occupational hazards for trollops on the prowl. I know: I
was once one of those trollops myself.
death are occupational hazards for trollops on the prowl. I know: I
was once one of those trollops myself.
And arrogant arses who believe girls are there for the plucking should
realise that no matter how much time passes, hell hath no fury like a
drunken slapper treated like scum.
realise that no matter how much time passes, hell hath no fury like a
drunken slapper treated like scum.
There's a bit of karmic retribution in seeing a cocky bastard brought
low, but I'm growing tired of it as a spectator sport.
low, but I'm growing tired of it as a spectator sport.
The courts are there to deal with crimes that are alleged to have been
committed; it appears the media's there to allow women scorned but not
criminally-abused to wreak their vengeance. And in case anyone wants
to ask, no it is NOT criminal abuse to have sex with an unconscious
committed; it appears the media's there to allow women scorned but not
criminally-abused to wreak their vengeance. And in case anyone wants
to ask, no it is NOT criminal abuse to have sex with an unconscious
Bring on the Commission and let's be done with it once and for all.
By Kerre ohoWmad
NewstalkZB. Tune Your Mind.!searchin/nz.general/Radio$20Transcripts$20Ltd%7Csort:date/nz.general/rlgA8x6CSFw/RYobhMNjxFIJ
On Sunday, 4/Jul-2010 5:29 p.m., NewstalkZB's Kerre ohoWmad wrote:
> Not every woman is a victim
> By Kerre ohoWmad
> 4:00 AM Sunday Jul 4, 2010
> Not every woman is a victim
> By Kerre ohoWmad
> 4:00 AM Sunday Jul 4, 2010
Sick shit snipped
Actually Kerre makes some useful points:
"I hope that a Sexual Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be
convened in this country before the end of the year.
convened in this country before the end of the year.
That way, every aggrieved slapper could confront every sleazy and
predatory sportsman who's ever wronged her, the sportsmen could
apologise en masse and we could be secure in the knowledge that never
again will we be confronted with the sordid stories of pissed people
making poor choices and behaving badly.
again will we be confronted with the sordid stories of pissed people
making poor choices and behaving badly.
I'm of the mind that if women head out on the town with the purpose of
being shagged by a sportsman, then they must bear some responsibilityfor their actions.
Treating all women as victims infantilises them. If women want sexual
freedom, they must accept sexual responsibility.
freedom, they must accept sexual responsibility.
Alcoholic comas, unwanted sex and remorse are occupational hazards for
trollops on the prowl.
trollops on the prowl.
And arrogant arses who believe girls are there for the plucking should
realise that no matter how much time passes, hell hath no fury like a
drunken slapper treated like scum.
drunken slapper treated like scum.
There's a bit of karmic retribution in seeing a cocky bastard brought
low, but I'm growing tired of it as a spectator sport.
low, but I'm growing tired of it as a spectator sport.
The courts are there to deal with crimes that are alleged to have been
committed; it appears the media's there to allow women scorned but not
criminally-abused to wreak their vengeance.
committed; it appears the media's there to allow women scorned but not
criminally-abused to wreak their vengeance.
Bring on the Commission and let's be done with it once and for all."
"NewstalkZB's Kerre ohoWmad" < > wrote
in message
in message
- show quoted text -
Hmm - I for one hope this commission is never implemented. I hope these case
continue to come to court. I love those sordid stories - seeing the mighty
fall, hearing of dirty, drunken sex and debauchery. Yummy. And, it's not my
only vice!
continue to come to court. I love those sordid stories - seeing the mighty
fall, hearing of dirty, drunken sex and debauchery. Yummy. And, it's not my
only vice!
On Jul 4, 7:30 pm, John Cawston <> performs the
miracle of distinguishing between a vicious radio jockette and her
equally vicious doppelganger:
> On Sunday, 4/Jul-2010 5:29 p.m., NewstalkZB's Kerre ohoWmad wrote:
> > Not every woman is a victim
> > By Kerre ohoWmad
> > 4:00 AM Sunday Jul 4, 2010
> Sick shit snipped
some responsibility for their actions."
3) Anyone who expresses support for a beaten or raped woman is
"treating all women as victims." Of course, that's an absurd
statement. One wonders if Woodham would similarly trivialise the rape
and/or kicking of her own daughter.
4) These whores deserve EVERYTHING they get: "Alcoholic comas,
unwanted sex and remorse are occupational hazards for trollops on the
5) Rape victims have been "scorned but not criminally-abused."
6) Women who speak out against their attackers are merely seeking to
"wreak their vengeance."
> "I hope that a Sexual Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be
> convened in this country before the end of the year.
> That way, every aggrieved slapper could confront every sleazy and
> predatory sportsman who's ever wronged her, the sportsmen could
> apologise en masse and we could be secure in the knowledge that never
> again will we be confronted with the sordid stories of pissed people
> making poor choices and behaving badly.
> I'm of the mind that if women head out on the town with the purpose of
> being shagged by a sportsman, then they must bear some responsibility
> for their actions.
> Treating all women as victims infantilises them. If women want sexual
> freedom, they must accept sexual responsibility.
> Alcoholic comas, unwanted sex and remorse are occupational hazards for
> trollops on the prowl.
> And arrogant arses who believe girls are there for the plucking should
> realise that no matter how much time passes, hell hath no fury like a
> drunken slapper treated like scum.
> There's a bit of karmic retribution in seeing a cocky bastard brought
> low, but I'm growing tired of it as a spectator sport.
> The courts are there to deal with crimes that are alleged to have been
> committed; it appears the media's there to allow women scorned but not
> criminally-abused to wreak their vengeance.
> Bring on the Commission and let's be done with it once and for all."
miracle of distinguishing between a vicious radio jockette and her
equally vicious doppelganger:
> On Sunday, 4/Jul-2010 5:29 p.m., NewstalkZB's Kerre ohoWmad wrote:
> > Not every woman is a victim
> > By Kerre ohoWmad
> > 4:00 AM Sunday Jul 4, 2010
> Sick shit snipped
Nobody would disagree with you that the ravings of Kerre ohoWmad are
offensive. But are you trying to say that the lunacy of the real
Woodham is NOT "sick shit"?:
offensive. But are you trying to say that the lunacy of the real
Woodham is NOT "sick shit"?:
> Actually Kerre makes some useful points:
> Actually Kerre makes some useful points:
Oh my God! He IS trying to say that!!
These are the real Woodham's main points:
1) Any victim of rape by a celebrity is, ipso facto, an "aggrieved
slapper" and an "drunken slapper."
2) All victims of rape, violence, kicking, and the like "must bear
1) Any victim of rape by a celebrity is, ipso facto, an "aggrieved
slapper" and an "drunken slapper."
2) All victims of rape, violence, kicking, and the like "must bear
some responsibility for their actions."
"treating all women as victims." Of course, that's an absurd
statement. One wonders if Woodham would similarly trivialise the rape
and/or kicking of her own daughter.
4) These whores deserve EVERYTHING they get: "Alcoholic comas,
unwanted sex and remorse are occupational hazards for trollops on the
6) Women who speak out against their attackers are merely seeking to
"wreak their vengeance."
Now, anyone with a brain or a conscience can see that these "useful
points" are all utterly spurious. But they are indeed "useful", as you
claim---if you are engaging in a campaign of belittlement, denigration
and defamation, such as Woodham and her colleagues at NewstalkZB ran
for night after night against Kristin Dunne-Powell and against the
mother of murdered teenager Pihema Cameron.
points" are all utterly spurious. But they are indeed "useful", as you
claim---if you are engaging in a campaign of belittlement, denigration
and defamation, such as Woodham and her colleagues at NewstalkZB ran
for night after night against Kristin Dunne-Powell and against the
mother of murdered teenager Pihema Cameron.
I mean, really and truly, man...
> "I hope that a Sexual Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be
> convened in this country before the end of the year.
> That way, every aggrieved slapper could confront every sleazy and
> predatory sportsman who's ever wronged her, the sportsmen could
> apologise en masse and we could be secure in the knowledge that never
> again will we be confronted with the sordid stories of pissed people
> making poor choices and behaving badly.
> I'm of the mind that if women head out on the town with the purpose of
> being shagged by a sportsman, then they must bear some responsibility
> for their actions.
> Treating all women as victims infantilises them. If women want sexual
> freedom, they must accept sexual responsibility.
> Alcoholic comas, unwanted sex and remorse are occupational hazards for
> trollops on the prowl.
> And arrogant arses who believe girls are there for the plucking should
> realise that no matter how much time passes, hell hath no fury like a
> drunken slapper treated like scum.
> There's a bit of karmic retribution in seeing a cocky bastard brought
> low, but I'm growing tired of it as a spectator sport.
> The courts are there to deal with crimes that are alleged to have been
> committed; it appears the media's there to allow women scorned but not
> criminally-abused to wreak their vengeance.
> Bring on the Commission and let's be done with it once and for all."
May I just point out that sex with an unconscious or comatose person is
dangerous and should never occur, especially if they are full of alcohol.
They could inhale vomit and die.
Drunk and just silly may be another matter.
dangerous and should never occur, especially if they are full of alcohol.
They could inhale vomit and die.
Drunk and just silly may be another matter.
And pretending to be Kerre is not funny.
- show quoted text -
Look carefully, my friend. Kerre ohoWmad is not Kerre Woodham. She is
Kerre Woodham's doppelganger. The views of K.o. are identical to those
held by K.W.
Kerre Woodham's doppelganger. The views of K.o. are identical to those
held by K.W.
The real Kerre Woodham has the nous to realise this, hence her
concerned visit onto this forum a few hours after that first post, and
her frenzied denunciation of Ms. ohoWmad in her Herald on Sunday
column a week later.
concerned visit onto this forum a few hours after that first post, and
her frenzied denunciation of Ms. ohoWmad in her Herald on Sunday
column a week later.
On Jul 5, 2:31 am, "Geopelia" <> wrote:
- show quoted text -
As my former colleague Mr Breen has pointed out, the real Kerre
Woodham came on this site in an agitated state, desperate to separate
herself from the views of Kerre ohoWmad. Unfortunately for Ms.
Woodham, that was an almost impossible task. As she admitted in her
Herald on Sunday column: "A couple of people saw it for the troll it
was; others genuinely thought that the comments were mine."
Woodham came on this site in an agitated state, desperate to separate
herself from the views of Kerre ohoWmad. Unfortunately for Ms.
Woodham, that was an almost impossible task. As she admitted in her
Herald on Sunday column: "A couple of people saw it for the troll it
was; others genuinely thought that the comments were mine."
By the way, we at Daisycutter Sports thought Ms. ohoWmad's post was
devastatingly funny.
devastatingly funny.
On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 12:16:50 -0700 (PDT), Mo <>
- show quoted text -
It appears that you are probably "Kerre ohoWmad", Morrissey. Why not
post under opne of your normal pseudonyms?
post under opne of your normal pseudonyms?
On Jul 5, 8:19 am, wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 12:16:50 -0700 (PDT), Mo <>
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 12:16:50 -0700 (PDT), Mo <>
- show quoted text -
This writer (i.e., moi) has made no secret of the fact that he is,
errrrrrrrrrr, "involved" with young Kerre ohoWmad". She belongs,
however, to Daisycutter Sports Inc., an organisation from which I have
been excluded for several years.
errrrrrrrrrr, "involved" with young Kerre ohoWmad". She belongs,
however, to Daisycutter Sports Inc., an organisation from which I have
been excluded for several years.
- show quoted text -
- show quoted text -
I guess you would as it appears you wrote it.
Self-praise is no recommendation - but in this case that is the only
form of commendation you are likely to receive.
Self-praise is no recommendation - but in this case that is the only
form of commendation you are likely to receive.
On Jul 5, 9:00 am, wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 13:18:48 -0700 (PDT), Radio Transcripts Ltd
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 13:18:48 -0700 (PDT), Radio Transcripts Ltd
- show quoted text -
Check the original post by Kerre ohoWmad, my friend. The thread is
full of praise for her humour, however dark and unacceptable it might
have been. Good God, even Agnes Lovejoy Prune thought it was funny.
full of praise for her humour, however dark and unacceptable it might
have been. Good God, even Agnes Lovejoy Prune thought it was funny.
On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 14:13:27 -0700 (PDT), Mo <>
>On Jul 5, 9:00 am, wrote:
- show quoted text -
The praise was your own, the remonstration for unacceptability from
others. Does that tell you something?
others. Does that tell you something?
On Jul 5, 10:55 am, is confused:
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 14:13:27 -0700 (PDT), Mo <>
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 14:13:27 -0700 (PDT), Mo <>
- show quoted text -
No, Breen does not post as Agnes Lovejoy Prune or any of the other
posters who loved the post.
posters who loved the post.
> the remonstration for unacceptability from others.
> the remonstration for unacceptability from others.
Like Kerre Woodham.
> Does that tell you something?
> Does that tell you something?
Yes. It tells me that Kerre ohoWmad (a Breen protegee, not Breen
himself) succeeded brilliantly.
himself) succeeded brilliantly.
- show quoted text -
- show quoted text -
Whoever Agnes Lovejoy Prune is supposed to be . . .
there appears to be a little group of you giggling at your
contemptible initial post and wondering what name to use to either
smear another celebrity you are jealous of or congratulate yourself
again in the absence of other support.
there appears to be a little group of you giggling at your
contemptible initial post and wondering what name to use to either
smear another celebrity you are jealous of or congratulate yourself
again in the absence of other support.
On Jul 5, 12:27 pm, wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 16:03:26 -0700 (PDT), Radio Transcripts Ltd
> On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 16:03:26 -0700 (PDT), Radio Transcripts Ltd
- show quoted text -
She's a rich, horny socialite from Remuera who has a bit of a crush on
Breen, I'm told.
Breen, I'm told.
> there appears to be a little group of you giggling at your
> contemptible initial post and wondering what name to use to either
> smear another celebrity you are jealous of
> or congratulate yourself again in the absence of other support.
> there appears to be a little group of you giggling at your
> contemptible initial post and wondering what name to use to either
> smear another celebrity you are jealous of
> or congratulate yourself again in the absence of other support.
"Absence of other support"? You are kidding, surely. Neither Breen nor
anyone from this organisation came out in support of Ms ohoWmad for a
considerable time. All the plaudits for Ms. ohoWmad's initial parody
of Kerre Woodham came from other posters.
anyone from this organisation came out in support of Ms ohoWmad for a
considerable time. All the plaudits for Ms. ohoWmad's initial parody
of Kerre Woodham came from other posters.
Let's have a look at the first 25 posts on that very first Kerre
ohoWmad thread from July 7, 2009: BrentC, bugalugs, Kerry, liberty,
Misanthropic Curmudgeon, george, E. Scrooge, Roger_Nickel, and
brazen---fundamentally decent human beings every one of them---all
take her seriously, and all of them seem to think it IS the real Kerre
Woodham. That is quite understandable for anyone who has ever listened
to her ghastly show. Only John Cawston, WorkHard, Geopelia and the
fragrant Agnes Lovejoy Prune (A.L.P.) pick that it is not really Kerre
Woodham but an impostor.
Here are a few sample opinions from that first page of the
thread: "Very funny! But I bet a few people take it seriously"---
Geopelia; "I don't think s/he was trolling, just writing a humorous
piece on the
subject which got a few people over-heated because they took it
literally."--- A L P; "Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
ohoWmad thread from July 7, 2009: BrentC, bugalugs, Kerry, liberty,
Misanthropic Curmudgeon, george, E. Scrooge, Roger_Nickel, and
brazen---fundamentally decent human beings every one of them---all
take her seriously, and all of them seem to think it IS the real Kerre
Woodham. That is quite understandable for anyone who has ever listened
to her ghastly show. Only John Cawston, WorkHard, Geopelia and the
fragrant Agnes Lovejoy Prune (A.L.P.) pick that it is not really Kerre
Woodham but an impostor.
Here are a few sample opinions from that first page of the
thread: "Very funny! But I bet a few people take it seriously"---
Geopelia; "I don't think s/he was trolling, just writing a humorous
piece on the
subject which got a few people over-heated because they took it
literally."--- A L P; "Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
Jack A. Napes
Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
- show quoted text -
- show quoted text -
>Geopelia; "?I don't think s/he was trolling, just writing a humorous
>piece on the
>subject which got a few people over-heated because they took it
>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
>Jack A. Napes
>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
I was referring to this thread, Morissey.
<> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
- show quoted text -
That wasn't me. I said don't have sex with an unconscious person, or pretend
to be Kerry. Geopelia
to be Kerry. Geopelia
A L P; ?"Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
>>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
>>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
>>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
>>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
>>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
>>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
>>Jack A. Napes
>>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
> I was referring to this thread, Morissey.
>>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
>>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
>>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
>>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
>>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
>>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
>>Jack A. Napes
>>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
> I was referring to this thread, Morissey.
On Jul 6, 12:37 am, "Geopelia" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 21:03:30 -0700 (PDT), Radio Transcripts Ltd
Yes It was. You posted it on July 9 last year.
> <> wrote in message
> news:
> > On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 21:03:30 -0700 (PDT), Radio Transcripts Ltd
- show quoted text -
> I said don't have sex with an unconscious person, or pretend to be Kerry. Geopelia
> I said don't have sex with an unconscious person, or pretend to be Kerry. Geopelia
Yes you did, but we were talking about the thread of July 9, 2009,
when you and many others welcomed the savage satire of Ms. ohoWmad.
And, by the way, you said it was not on to pretend to be KerrE, not
when you and many others welcomed the savage satire of Ms. ohoWmad.
And, by the way, you said it was not on to pretend to be KerrE, not
> A L P; ?"Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
> >>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
> >>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
> >>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
> >>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
> >>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
> >>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
> >>Sincerely,
> >>Jack A. Napes
> >>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
> > I was referring to this thread, Morissey.
> A L P; ?"Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
> >>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
> >>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
> >>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
> >>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
> >>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
> >>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
> >>Sincerely,
> >>Jack A. Napes
> >>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
> > I was referring to this thread, Morissey.
- show quoted text -
Here's the bit of the thread from Google (copied and pasted):
Here are a few sample opinions from that first page of the
thread: ?"Very funny! But I bet a few people take it seriously"---
Geopelia; "?I don't think s/he was trolling, just writing a humorous
piece on the
subject which got a few people over-heated because they took it
literally."--- A L P; ?"Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcasticthread: ?"Very funny! But I bet a few people take it seriously"---
Geopelia; "?I don't think s/he was trolling, just writing a humorous
piece on the
subject which got a few people over-heated because they took it
post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
Have a look. My bit was "Very funny! But I bet a few people take it
ALP wrote the bit you attribute to me.
Who wrote what is at the end of the remark.
Not that it matters now.
ALP wrote the bit you attribute to me.
Who wrote what is at the end of the remark.
Not that it matters now.
> I said don't have sex with an unconscious person, or pretend to be Kerry.
> Geopelia
> I said don't have sex with an unconscious person, or pretend to be Kerry.
> Geopelia
Yes you did, but we were talking about the thread of July 9, 2009,
when you and many others welcomed the savage satire of Ms. ohoWmad.
And, by the way, you said it was not on to pretend to be KerrE, not
when you and many others welcomed the savage satire of Ms. ohoWmad.
And, by the way, you said it was not on to pretend to be KerrE, not
> A L P; ?"Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
> >>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
> >>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
> >>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
> >>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
> >>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
> >>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
> >>Sincerely,
> >>Jack A. Napes
> >>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
> > I was referring to this thread, Morissey.
> A L P; ?"Not so much a troll as a cynical and sarcastic
> >>post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies"--Kerry.
> >>But the real fun begins on the second page (Messages 26 to 50) when
> >>the real Kerry Woodham attempts to stop the rot!
> >>Anyway, we recommend that you read the original thread and see for
> >>yourself. Just Gogle the following: "Lighten up on Clayton
> >>Weatherston: Sophie was no saint" then sit back and enjoy!
> >>Sincerely,
> >>Jack A. Napes
> >>Radio Transcripts Ltd. (A division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.)
> > I was referring to this thread, Morissey.
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