should check out the "inspirational" website of Saatchi advertising
man "Doctor" Kevin Roberts. The man who has, to this writer's
knowledge, never uttered a sentence that is not complete and
unmitigated bullshit, offers up, for our edification, the complete
list of his public speeches and his exciting, radical and deep
personal philosophy, which can be summed up thusly: New Zealand is "on
the edge", and we're all CRA-A-A-A-A-A-AZY, ma-a-a-a-a-aan, and that's
COOL. That, and something even dopier, about "love brands".
Four years ago, Roberts attracted almost universal condemnation and
ridicule by somehow persuading Air New Zealand to have one of its
jumbo jets painted with a huge, grotesque, distorted mural of the All
Black front row. This mortified, shamed and humiliated the players,
angered the All Black coach John Hart, and disgusted the fans.
However, Roberts, having clout because of his inordinate influence and
power on the NZRFU board, forced it through, and the jet was daubed
with the atrocity.
ridicule by somehow persuading Air New Zealand to have one of its
jumbo jets painted with a huge, grotesque, distorted mural of the All
Black front row. This mortified, shamed and humiliated the players,
angered the All Black coach John Hart, and disgusted the fans.
However, Roberts, having clout because of his inordinate influence and
power on the NZRFU board, forced it through, and the jet was daubed
with the atrocity.
Two years ago, on September 11, Roberts watched the WTC collapse from
the Saatchi offices, in a nearby building. Undaunted by any notions
of common sense or legality, he then wrote an open letter to the New
York Times urging the governor George Pataki to suspend the law and
extend the reign of the criminal, Mafia-connected mayor Rudolph
Giuliani. The letter was ignored by Governor Pataki.
the Saatchi offices, in a nearby building. Undaunted by any notions
of common sense or legality, he then wrote an open letter to the New
York Times urging the governor George Pataki to suspend the law and
extend the reign of the criminal, Mafia-connected mayor Rudolph
Giuliani. The letter was ignored by Governor Pataki.
Shortly after that embarrassment, Roberts was back in New Zealand,
appearing as a guest on the dismal TV3 chat show, The Panel. Even
his half-drunken felow panellists were visibly shocked by Roberts'
performance that night: putting aside such troublesome notions as
restraint, sensitivity or decency, Roberts said this: "You know what
New Zealand should have done after September 11? We should have sent a planeload of soldiers in an Air New Zealand jumbo jet, all dressed in black bomber jackets with a silver fern on them, and taken them to Ground Zero, because we're good at urban disasters. And they would have danced a haka on the site and then started digging. The WORLD'S MEDIA would have filmed this, and the publicity would have been absolutely PRICELESS."
appearing as a guest on the dismal TV3 chat show, The Panel. Even
his half-drunken felow panellists were visibly shocked by Roberts'
performance that night: putting aside such troublesome notions as
restraint, sensitivity or decency, Roberts said this: "You know what
New Zealand should have done after September 11? We should have sent a planeload of soldiers in an Air New Zealand jumbo jet, all dressed in black bomber jackets with a silver fern on them, and taken them to Ground Zero, because we're good at urban disasters. And they would have danced a haka on the site and then started digging. The WORLD'S MEDIA would have filmed this, and the publicity would have been absolutely PRICELESS."
At this point, there was utter silence on the set. The usual
guffawing and chuckling had disappeared. You could have
heard a pin drop. Every panelist, including the inebriated Pam
Corkery, was struck dumb.
guffawing and chuckling had disappeared. You could have
heard a pin drop. Every panelist, including the inebriated Pam
Corkery, was struck dumb.
Eventually one female panellist spoke up: "Isn't that... isn't that...
a bit cynical?"
a bit cynical?"
The normally smiling Roberts mien clouded over wrathfully: "No, it's
not cynical," he snarled, clearly angry that anyone had had the
temerity to question his brilliance, "it would have been a massive
gesture of LOVE."
not cynical," he snarled, clearly angry that anyone had had the
temerity to question his brilliance, "it would have been a massive
gesture of LOVE."
So, quite clearly, Roberts is a bad joke amongst the smart set (moi,
etc.) and indeed anyone who has the ability to spot an odious
self-promoting blither merchant. He is like some hideous character
dreamed up by the likes of Tom Robbins or David Lodge to embody
monstrous hypocrisy and monumental silliness.
etc.) and indeed anyone who has the ability to spot an odious
self-promoting blither merchant. He is like some hideous character
dreamed up by the likes of Tom Robbins or David Lodge to embody
monstrous hypocrisy and monumental silliness.
Depressingly, though, he seems to have a number of acolytes. There is
of course, his NZEdge "partner" Brian Sweeney, but then you'd expect
Sweeney to faithfully parrot his master's gibberish. More depressing
is the number of people who have written letters in support of
Roberts' crap pseudo-philosophy and empty, mindless boosterism.
Check out these boobies and their idiotic letters by clicking on the
FEEDBACK section on....
of course, his NZEdge "partner" Brian Sweeney, but then you'd expect
Sweeney to faithfully parrot his master's gibberish. More depressing
is the number of people who have written letters in support of
Roberts' crap pseudo-philosophy and empty, mindless boosterism.
Check out these boobies and their idiotic letters by clicking on the
FEEDBACK section on....
One thing on the website particularly attracted this writer's
attention the other day. It's a recent address to the Victoria
University Design Conference, delivered by Roberts' deputy dawg....
attention the other day. It's a recent address to the Victoria
University Design Conference, delivered by Roberts' deputy dawg....
The Design of Cultural Identity
Brian Sweeney, co-founder and producer
The New Zealand Edge
At the Victoria University Design Conference 16 June 2003.
The design of cultural identity; the brand state; the dream thing.
These are significant areas for discussion. I have definite points of
view, and I appreciate the opportunity to share them.
Brian Sweeney, co-founder and producer
The New Zealand Edge
At the Victoria University Design Conference 16 June 2003.
The design of cultural identity; the brand state; the dream thing.
These are significant areas for discussion. I have definite points of
view, and I appreciate the opportunity to share them.
.....<snip senseless Robertsian blather>....
I started a personal project in 1998 with Kevin Roberts to explore our
national identity, to define a role for our country in the world, and
to do this on the web to a global audience.
national identity, to define a role for our country in the world, and
to do this on the web to a global audience.
We're designing a new space, a virtual country, called Greater New
Zealand. Anyone who wants inspiration is welcome.
Zealand. Anyone who wants inspiration is welcome.
The project arose from two observations. The first was that our story
to the world - and to ourselves - was muddled. Mono-dimensional,
confused myths, introspective, no global view, a poor sense of
history, little imagination, no focus, wrong imagery, an absence of
Our global tourism proposition has been very effective attracting
international audiences, but the dissonance with our domestic
behaviour is screamingly apparent whenever we pick up a newspaper. One
cannot call this integrated marketing.
to the world - and to ourselves - was muddled. Mono-dimensional,
confused myths, introspective, no global view, a poor sense of
history, little imagination, no focus, wrong imagery, an absence of
Our global tourism proposition has been very effective attracting
international audiences, but the dissonance with our domestic
behaviour is screamingly apparent whenever we pick up a newspaper. One
cannot call this integrated marketing.
....<snip further Robertsian guff>....
So what Sweeney wants is for the newspapers to NOT REPORT BAD NEWS.
To do so is to contradict and muddle the positive spin of such
positive and brilliant people as, well, Doctor Kevin Roberts and,
errrr, Brian Sweeney.
To do so is to contradict and muddle the positive spin of such
positive and brilliant people as, well, Doctor Kevin Roberts and,
errrr, Brian Sweeney.
Are you listening, newspaper editors? No more crime and nasty
political stories please! No more "wrong imagery"! No more
"dissonance" and "muddled" thinking!
political stories please! No more "wrong imagery"! No more
"dissonance" and "muddled" thinking!
We need mass hakas at Ground Zero - in front of television cameras of
course! We need painted jumbo jets! We need INTEGRATED MARKETING!
course! We need painted jumbo jets! We need INTEGRATED MARKETING!
Hell, we need Kevin Roberts (honorary doctorate of Brilliant Thoughts
from Waikato University) as life President of this "edge nation".
from Waikato University) as life President of this "edge nation".
And Brian Sweeney as his Dick Cheney, perhaps?
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> Anyone with a taste for the absurd, the creepy and the pretentious
I reckon that pretty much sums you up Breen.
- show quoted text -
Breen is a talented and creative writer who makes a significant
contribution to this newsgroup just by 'being here'.
contribution to this newsgroup just by 'being here'.
Long may he post.
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Good post m8. You should know however that once you start talking about
'imaginisation' and 'metaphors' you could lose some credibility....that
Welsh guy wasn't all he was cracked up to be. Stick to UML.
Anyway, it's nice to know that NZ has some prize plonkers as well. Mr Scebe
is probably harmless enough, but anyone who suggested publicity and sept 11
in the same sentance needs a good rogering.
'imaginisation' and 'metaphors' you could lose some credibility....that
Welsh guy wasn't all he was cracked up to be. Stick to UML.
Anyway, it's nice to know that NZ has some prize plonkers as well. Mr Scebe
is probably harmless enough, but anyone who suggested publicity and sept 11
in the same sentance needs a good rogering.
Redbaiter wrote:
> steve says...
>>Sean Byrne wrote:
>>>Morrissey Breen wrote:
> steve says...
>>Sean Byrne wrote:
>>>Morrissey Breen wrote:
>>Breen is a talented and creative writer who makes a significant
>>contribution to this newsgroup just by 'being here'.
>>Long may he post.
>>contribution to this newsgroup just by 'being here'.
>>Long may he post.
> Hahahhaa.. The fact that he is a crazed time warped communist
> like you Withers would of course have nothing to do with it.
> Commies can post what they like here with the endorsement of
> hypocrites like Withers.
> Those who post views he doesn't agree with get spammed.
> like you Withers would of course have nothing to do with it.
> Commies can post what they like here with the endorsement of
> hypocrites like Withers.
> Those who post views he doesn't agree with get spammed.
Those who abuse others - as you do here and elsewhere - are in need of
some civility.
some civility.
Spamming the newsgroups with your personal attacks isn't adding value,
Red. If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get
a better response from everyone.
Red. If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get
a better response from everyone.
Follow-ups set to alt.timewasters It is a more appropriate newsgroup for
your persistent and determined personal attacks.
your persistent and determined personal attacks.
These advertising types take the cake. Because they get paid so much to
manipulate the masses, they get to believe that their ideas are actually
worth something. Repulsive.
manipulate the masses, they get to believe that their ideas are actually
worth something. Repulsive.
- show quoted text -
- show quoted text -
No. It's their dopey fall-guy clients who are so easily fooled into
believing their ideas are worth something. To believe, you have to
have faith but this case it's a faith based on childish wonderment at
the supposed magical properties of what, to any rational person, is
nothing but transparent PR spin.
believing their ideas are worth something. To believe, you have to
have faith but this case it's a faith based on childish wonderment at
the supposed magical properties of what, to any rational person, is
nothing but transparent PR spin.
> Repulsive.
Repulsive or no, New Zealand has been a stunningly easy target for
Roberts and his ilk. Consider, likewise, John Davey/MTV et al. What
other term other than 'dopey' could possibly be applied to those who
employed him?
Repulsive or no, New Zealand has been a stunningly easy target for
Roberts and his ilk. Consider, likewise, John Davey/MTV et al. What
other term other than 'dopey' could possibly be applied to those who
employed him?
National self-absorption, callow breast-beating hubris and Crass Poor
Judgement make easy pickings for the smooth-talking con-man. To him,
it's about as hard as robbing a thumb-sucking child as it sleeps in
its cot.
Judgement make easy pickings for the smooth-talking con-man. To him,
it's about as hard as robbing a thumb-sucking child as it sleeps in
its cot.
But it doesn't take a Roberts or a Davey to illustrate the point.
Simply look no further than brain-dead TVNZ, the arch-exponent and
conduit of such easy persuasion and manipulation.
Simply look no further than brain-dead TVNZ, the arch-exponent and
conduit of such easy persuasion and manipulation.
Wakey wakey New Zealand!
steve wrote:
- show quoted text -
Yes, and he NEVER abuses anyone. I mean those scenaros he wrote -
absolutely brilliant, obviously written to get people to laugh at
themselves. And the ongoing "post of the year" award, wow, what more can
I say ...
absolutely brilliant, obviously written to get people to laugh at
themselves. And the ongoing "post of the year" award, wow, what more can
I say ...
Oh, and I hear that Sabrina is drop-dead gorgeous.
He was one of the people who put me off getting into advertising, held up
as a guru on taking NZ to the world, wasnt he chummy with Jenny Shipley when
she was prime minister... He came over as a carpet bagging swanky know it
all, Satchi lost market share while he was around for lame expensive
conservative adverts.. He was one of the people to try to turn the Allblack
into a brand which is one of the reasons the allblacks lost its aura and
virtue that the amature players built.. I have a feeling if he never got
into advertising he would have been that kind of guy you see on fairgo
setting up company after company ripping people off and talking at these get
rich quick money pyramid schemes... the last time I saw him on TV (20/20 or
sixty mins )he was talking about how he felt as a "New Yorker" watching the
towers fall down and wallowed in the grief from what I could tell. Hes a
cultural leech who looks for anything in what ever culture he lives in and
takes out and distorts anything he can make a buck from. "Use the haka to
sell toilet paper"
"Have Don Clark booting a pack of tampons over the goal posts"
as a guru on taking NZ to the world, wasnt he chummy with Jenny Shipley when
she was prime minister... He came over as a carpet bagging swanky know it
all, Satchi lost market share while he was around for lame expensive
conservative adverts.. He was one of the people to try to turn the Allblack
into a brand which is one of the reasons the allblacks lost its aura and
virtue that the amature players built.. I have a feeling if he never got
into advertising he would have been that kind of guy you see on fairgo
setting up company after company ripping people off and talking at these get
rich quick money pyramid schemes... the last time I saw him on TV (20/20 or
sixty mins )he was talking about how he felt as a "New Yorker" watching the
towers fall down and wallowed in the grief from what I could tell. Hes a
cultural leech who looks for anything in what ever culture he lives in and
takes out and distorts anything he can make a buck from. "Use the haka to
sell toilet paper"
"Have Don Clark booting a pack of tampons over the goal posts"
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
"Newsman" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Aren't Saatchis British ?
Adding Value on USENET
Redbaiter wrote:
>>>Hahahhaa.. The fact that he is a crazed time warped communist
>>>like you Withers would of course have nothing to do with it.
>>>Commies can post what they like here with the endorsement of
>>>hypocrites like Withers.
>>>like you Withers would of course have nothing to do with it.
>>>Commies can post what they like here with the endorsement of
>>>hypocrites like Withers.
> People should be free to use this facility without suffering
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
Another missed opportunity for F/Red to make a useful and constructive
contribution to this discussion.
contribution to this discussion.
If you pay attention, you will see that each of my posts is an
invitation for you to behave in a civil and contructive way. I direct
follow-ups to another group entirely - inviting you to post your abusive
responses there.
invitation for you to behave in a civil and contructive way. I direct
follow-ups to another group entirely - inviting you to post your abusive
responses there.
Your responses are typically abusive and attack me directly...and you
have to change the newsgroup headers to do it.
have to change the newsgroup headers to do it.
On the evidence, you're the spammer. Not me. I'm only responding with
renewed invitations for you to be civil.
renewed invitations for you to be civil.
Spamming the newsgroups with your personal attacks isn't adding value, Red.
If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
better response from everyone.
better response from everyone.
Follow-ups set to It is a more appropriate
newsgroup for personal attacks.
newsgroup for personal attacks.
- show quoted text -
You have a way of making a circle into a straight line.
As with the palestinians - you blame the victims.
Were it not for disingenuous and dishonest posters like yourself and
F/Red, Morrisey and I and others would have no one to lampoon - and no
reason to do it.
F/Red, Morrisey and I and others would have no one to lampoon - and no
reason to do it.
Make the circle round. Try to connect action with cause. I know you
don't like being responsible for your own actions.....but there it is.
one of those truths you can refuse to accept - but the price is living
in delusion. You seem to prefer that. Morrisey Breen sends you up as a
don't like being responsible for your own actions.....but there it is.
one of those truths you can refuse to accept - but the price is living
in delusion. You seem to prefer that. Morrisey Breen sends you up as a
If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
better response from everyone.
better response from everyone.
Newsman wrote:
> But it doesn't take a Roberts or a Davey to illustrate the point.
> Simply look no further than brain-dead TVNZ, the arch-exponent and
> conduit of such easy persuasion and manipulation.
> Wakey wakey New Zealand!
> Simply look no further than brain-dead TVNZ, the arch-exponent and
> conduit of such easy persuasion and manipulation.
> Wakey wakey New Zealand!
Many enjoy their slumber and will violently resist any attempt to wake
them up.
them up.
NZ First are the political embodiment of this approach. The party of the
political dreamtime....the One Nation Party of New Zealand.
political dreamtime....the One Nation Party of New Zealand.
Olson Johnson wrote:
> Aren't Saatchis British ?
Kevin Roberts is a Kiwi.
Adding Value to USENET
Redbaiter wrote:
> steve says...
>>Follow-ups set to It is a more appropriate
>>newsgroup for personal attacks.
> steve says...
>>Follow-ups set to It is a more appropriate
>>newsgroup for personal attacks.
> People should be free to use this facility without suffering
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
Another missed opportunity for F/RED to make a useful and constructive
contribution to this discussion.
contribution to this discussion.
Spamming the newsgroups with your personal attacks isn't adding value, Red.
If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
better response from everyone.
better response from everyone.
Follow-ups set to It is a more appropriate
newsgroup for personal attacks.
newsgroup for personal attacks.
Invitation to Redbaiter to Post Constructively and in Good Faith
Redbaiter wrote:
> People should be free to use this facility without suffering
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
I see you continue to post personal attacks to nz.politcs despite
follow-ups being set to a more appropriate newsgroup.
follow-ups being set to a more appropriate newsgroup.
Once again, I invite you to post whatever you like, but to do so
contructively and in good faith.
contructively and in good faith.
If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
better response from everyone.
better response from everyone.
Spamming the newsgroups with your personal attacks isn't adding value, Red.
Once again, Follow-ups are set to It is a more
appropriate newsgroup for personal attacks.
It amazes me how these guys reach the top ?.
"v3" <> wrote in message news:bkg4r5$5n1$
"v3" <> wrote in message news:bkg4r5$5n1$1@lust.ihug.
- show quoted text -
Sean Byrne < > had a bit of a go at
this writer (moi) in message
news:<bkfchg$5bn$1$ >...
this writer (moi) in message
- show quoted text -
Yow! Asking for that, I guess I was...
LeftAintRight <> vents in message
news:<bkg4pg$5kg$ >...
are plenty more to come; 2.) I, K. Davies Esquire, also known as
LeftAintRight, am a serious contender for at least one of the major
prizes (Two weeks on the Weather coast of the Solomon Islands OR One
week in Pukekohe OR - females only - one week in Australia with Mr
Brian Le Gros).
> I mean those scenaros he wrote -
> absolutely brilliant, obviously written to get people to laugh at themselves.
Okay, okay, okay! So you want a bigger speaking part next time... > I mean those scenaros he wrote -
> absolutely brilliant, obviously written to get people to laugh at themselves.
> And the ongoing "post of the year" award, wow, what more can I say ...
You can say this: 1.) Keep watching this news group, because there> And the ongoing "post of the year" award, wow, what more can I say ...
are plenty more to come; 2.) I, K. Davies Esquire, also known as
LeftAintRight, am a serious contender for at least one of the major
prizes (Two weeks on the Weather coast of the Solomon Islands OR One
week in Pukekohe OR - females only - one week in Australia with Mr
Brian Le Gros).
> Oh, and I hear that Sabrina is drop-dead gorgeous.
You heard right, my friend.> Oh, and I hear that Sabrina is drop-dead gorgeous.
- show quoted text -
Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
Anyway, I say this to be helpful. You really must do something about
your passive aggressiveness.
your passive aggressiveness.
Adding Value on USENET
Redbaiter wrote:
> steve says...
>>Once again, Follow-ups are set to It is a more
>>appropriate newsgroup for personal attacks.
> steve says...
>>Once again, Follow-ups are set to It is a more
>>appropriate newsgroup for personal attacks.
> People should be free to use this facility without suffering
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
Another missed opportunity for F/RED to make a useful and constructive
contribution to this discussion.
contribution to this discussion.
Spamming the newsgroups with your personal attacks isn't adding value, Red.
If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
better response from everyone.
better response from everyone.
I note:
- you reset the newsgroup to nz.politics so you could continue to post
your personal abuse here.
your personal abuse here.
- you alter the subject line so that each post is a fresh attack on
another poster....who only "crime" is asking you to use this facility
another poster....who only "crime" is asking you to use this facility
Follow-ups set to It is a more appropriate
newsgroup for personal attacks.
newsgroup for personal attacks.
LeftAintRight wrote:
> steve wrote:
> steve wrote:
>> If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
>> better response from everyone.
> Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
>> better response from everyone.
> Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
OK, you admit you take no notice of the facts poresented and any
supporting arguments rendered.
supporting arguments rendered.
That's a small step forward.
> Anyway, I say this to be helpful. You really must do something about
> your passive aggressiveness.
> your passive aggressiveness.
If you truly want to be helpful, try addressing the facts presented and
the points made.
the points made.
Otherwise, you will continue to be lampooned by people who find your
disingenuous lies humorous.
disingenuous lies humorous.
steve wrote:
> Many enjoy their slumber and will violently resist any attempt to wake
> them up.
> NZ First are the political embodiment of this approach. The party of the
> political dreamtime....the One Nation Party of New Zealand.
> Many enjoy their slumber and will violently resist any attempt to wake
> them up.
> NZ First are the political embodiment of this approach. The party of the
> political dreamtime....the One Nation Party of New Zealand.
I don't see the link between NZ First and advertising agency drongos.
> Good post m8. You should know however that once you start talking about
> 'imaginisation' and 'metaphors' you could lose some credibility....that
> Welsh guy wasn't all he was cracked up to be. Stick to UML.
> Anyway, it's nice to know that NZ has some prize plonkers as well. Mr Scebe
> is probably harmless enough, but anyone who suggested publicity and sept 11
> in the same sentance needs a good rogering.
> Good post m8. You should know however that once you start talking about
> 'imaginisation' and 'metaphors' you could lose some credibility....that
> Welsh guy wasn't all he was cracked up to be. Stick to UML.
> Anyway, it's nice to know that NZ has some prize plonkers as well. Mr Scebe
> is probably harmless enough, but anyone who suggested publicity and sept 11
> in the same sentance needs a good rogering.
I remember seeing Roberts make that remark about sept 11 and the haka.
Nearly made me want to puke. If anyone needed proof that advertising
people are lower than tape worms, then this was it.
Nearly made me want to puke. If anyone needed proof that advertising
people are lower than tape worms, then this was it.
steve wrote:
> LeftAintRight wrote:
>> steve wrote:
> ..........
>>> If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
>>> better response from everyone.
>> Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
> OK, you admit you take no notice of the facts poresented and any
> supporting arguments rendered.
> That's a small step forward.
> LeftAintRight wrote:
>> steve wrote:
> ..........
>>> If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
>>> better response from everyone.
>> Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
> OK, you admit you take no notice of the facts poresented and any
> supporting arguments rendered.
> That's a small step forward.
Accusing people that disagree with you of "not listening", "ignoring the
facts" etc is not productive.
facts" etc is not productive.
>> Anyway, I say this to be helpful. You really must do something about
>> your passive aggressiveness.
> If you truly want to be helpful, try addressing the facts presented and
> the points made.
> Otherwise, you will continue to be lampooned by people who find your
> disingenuous lies humorous.
>> Anyway, I say this to be helpful. You really must do something about
>> your passive aggressiveness.
> If you truly want to be helpful, try addressing the facts presented and
> the points made.
> Otherwise, you will continue to be lampooned by people who find your
> disingenuous lies humorous.
In article <NMIab.2442$ >, steve@adding- says...
> Sean Byrne wrote:
> > Morrissey Breen wrote:
> >
> >>Anyone with a taste for the absurd, the creepy and the pretentious
> >
> > I reckon that pretty much sums you up Breen.
> >
> > Later,
> > Sean
> Breen is a talented and creative writer who makes a significant
> contribution to this newsgroup just by 'being here'. says...
> Sean Byrne wrote:
> > Morrissey Breen wrote:
> >
> >>Anyone with a taste for the absurd, the creepy and the pretentious
> >
> > I reckon that pretty much sums you up Breen.
> >
> > Later,
> > Sean
> Breen is a talented and creative writer who makes a significant
> contribution to this newsgroup just by 'being here'.
He posts crap abuse, I don't see how anyone in their right minds could
use the above words without supporting such crap.
use the above words without supporting such crap.
Mainlander allegedly said:
- show quoted text -
Breen doesn't suffer liars and fools glads....absolutely.
He has never given me a moment's concern.
LeftAintRight allegedly said:
> steve wrote:
>> LeftAintRight wrote:
>>> steve wrote:
>> ..........
>>>> If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
>>>> better response from everyone.
>>> Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
>> OK, you admit you take no notice of the facts poresented and any
>> supporting arguments rendered.
>> That's a small step forward.
> Accusing people that disagree with you of "not listening", "ignoring the
> facts" etc is not productive.
>> LeftAintRight wrote:
>>> steve wrote:
>> ..........
>>>> If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
>>>> better response from everyone.
>>> Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
>> OK, you admit you take no notice of the facts poresented and any
>> supporting arguments rendered.
>> That's a small step forward.
> Accusing people that disagree with you of "not listening", "ignoring the
> facts" etc is not productive.
Unfortunately, it sometime must be done so that they know they have been
caught out in being dishonest.
caught out in being dishonest.
I never say such things to people who post constructively and in good faith.
Having read your posts for some time now, it is my considered opinion that
you do not post in good faith.
you do not post in good faith.
We can go into detail on that if you like.
Your insistence that I am anti-Semitic because I oppose the violent and
dangerous policies of the Israeli government is one example.
dangerous policies of the Israeli government is one example.
I also opose the violent and dangerous policies of the Palestinian
The words seem the same, but the two can't be easily equated. The Israeli
side is confiscating land (while denying it) and seizing water resources
(while denying it).
side is confiscating land (while denying it) and seizing water resources
(while denying it).
That will get a violent reaction...and the continuation of these practices
during the recent cease fire guaranteed it would fail.
during the recent cease fire guaranteed it would fail.
You can't deal honestly with that. You have already dismissed it and avoided
addressing this head on....despite evidence to suport it being readily
addressing this head on....despite evidence to suport it being readily
So i stand by my assessment of you - productive or not.
Adding Value on USENET
Redbaiter allegedly said:
> steve says...
> ...
>> >
>> >>Once again, Follow-ups are set to It is a more
>> >>appropriate newsgroup for personal attacks.
> ...
>> >
>> >>Once again, Follow-ups are set to It is a more
>> >>appropriate newsgroup for personal attacks.
> People should be free to use this facility without suffering
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
> such harassment from the likes of leftist scum like you. Get off
> usenet you cheap sanctimonious hypocrite.
Once again, you change the newsgroup to nz.general, the subject line to a
personal attack.....and post abusive material.
personal attack.....and post abusive material.
If you post constructively and in good faith, you can say what you like -
and get a better response from everyone.
and get a better response from everyone.
steve wrote:
> So i stand by my assessment of you - productive or not.
> LeftAintRight allegedly said:
>>steve wrote:
>>>LeftAintRight wrote:
>>>>steve wrote:
>>>>>If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
>>>>>better response from everyone.
>>>>Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
>>>OK, you admit you take no notice of the facts poresented and any
>>>supporting arguments rendered.
>>>That's a small step forward.
>>Accusing people that disagree with you of "not listening", "ignoring the
>>facts" etc is not productive.
> Unfortunately, it sometime must be done so that they know they have been
> caught out in being dishonest.
> I never say such things to people who post constructively and in good faith.
>>steve wrote:
>>>LeftAintRight wrote:
>>>>steve wrote:
>>>>>If you post constructively and in good faith, I'm sure you will get a
>>>>>better response from everyone.
>>>>Steve, have you finished talking to yourself?
>>>OK, you admit you take no notice of the facts poresented and any
>>>supporting arguments rendered.
>>>That's a small step forward.
>>Accusing people that disagree with you of "not listening", "ignoring the
>>facts" etc is not productive.
> Unfortunately, it sometime must be done so that they know they have been
> caught out in being dishonest.
> I never say such things to people who post constructively and in good faith.
Bullshit. When someone disagrees with you you accuse them of not
listening. That strategy may work in primary school but it won't work here.
listening. That strategy may work in primary school but it won't work here.
> Having read your posts for some time now, it is my considered opinion that
> you do not post in good faith.
> We can go into detail on that if you like.
> you do not post in good faith.
> We can go into detail on that if you like.
Please do.
> Your insistence that I am anti-Semitic because I oppose the violent and
> dangerous policies of the Israeli government is one example.
> I also opose the violent and dangerous policies of the Palestinian
> extremists.
> Your insistence that I am anti-Semitic because I oppose the violent and
> dangerous policies of the Israeli government is one example.
> I also opose the violent and dangerous policies of the Palestinian
> extremists.
Bullshit. You have not once unconditionally condemned Palestinian
> The words seem the same, but the two can't be easily equated. The Israeli
> side is confiscating land (while denying it) and seizing water resources
> (while denying it).
> The words seem the same, but the two can't be easily equated. The Israeli
> side is confiscating land (while denying it) and seizing water resources
> (while denying it).
See? You just can't help yourself. You're an apologist for terrorists.
You just can't help yourself.
You just can't help yourself.
> That will get a violent reaction...and the continuation of these practices
> during the recent cease fire guaranteed it would fail.
> That will get a violent reaction...and the continuation of these practices
> during the recent cease fire guaranteed it would fail.
So that Israeli schoolbus was bombed because some land was allegedly
confiscated. Pull the other one.
confiscated. Pull the other one.
> You can't deal honestly with that. You have already dismissed it and avoided
> addressing this head on....despite evidence to suport it being readily
> available.
> You can't deal honestly with that. You have already dismissed it and avoided
> addressing this head on....despite evidence to suport it being readily
> available.
Oh but I can. The reason behind Palestinian terrorism is not Israel's
behaviour. What antagonizes terrorists like Arafat and groups like Hamas
is the fact that Israel's exists. As a matter of fact if you knew your
history you'd know that there was terrorism between Arabs and Jews (on
both sides) even before Israel existed. Therefore it would be more
accurate to say that Palestinian terrorism is because they can't stand
the fact that Israel is Jewish. It's really just a continuation of the
Jewish vs Arab violence that has been going on even before 1948.
behaviour. What antagonizes terrorists like Arafat and groups like Hamas
is the fact that Israel's exists. As a matter of fact if you knew your
history you'd know that there was terrorism between Arabs and Jews (on
both sides) even before Israel existed. Therefore it would be more
accurate to say that Palestinian terrorism is because they can't stand
the fact that Israel is Jewish. It's really just a continuation of the
Jewish vs Arab violence that has been going on even before 1948.
> So i stand by my assessment of you - productive or not.
BAM wrote:
> It amazes me how these guys reach the top ?.
it's the oldest story in the world mate, tell people what they want to hear and
having a complete lack of morals are the key to suceeding in the corporate
world. God I miss those day ;)
having a complete lack of morals are the key to suceeding in the corporate
world. God I miss those day ;)
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