The other day, a girl in Paris alleged that she'd been attacked by a
gang of Islamic thugs and slashed with knives. Naturally, this story
was manna from heaven for every Arab-hating bigot that heard it. One
of very worst Arab-hating bigots, other than Paul Holmes and Ian
Wishart, is the orotund Newstalk ZB morning host LEIGHTON SMITH, who
of course picked up this story and ran with it. "Islamic THUGS!!!!"
he raged, and proceeded to argue, in his intellectually rigorous way,
that this justified U.S. troops killing tens of thousands of Iraqi and
Afghani people.
Well, the next day it was revealed that (surprise, surprise) the
girl's story was, like a Tony Blair speech, nothing but lies. She
confessed to police that she'd actually cut up her own back, with the
help of her kinky boyfriend.
girl's story was, like a Tony Blair speech, nothing but lies. She
confessed to police that she'd actually cut up her own back, with the
help of her kinky boyfriend.
To his credit, Leighton Smith noted that what he'd said the day before
was mistaken. Sadly, however, Smith then went on to somewhat spoil
the effect of his (already muted) apology by insisting that, although
this particular story was nonsense, there could be NO DOUBT that
"Islamic thugs and brutes" were indeed committing atrocities against
white girls.
was mistaken. Sadly, however, Smith then went on to somewhat spoil
the effect of his (already muted) apology by insisting that, although
this particular story was nonsense, there could be NO DOUBT that
"Islamic thugs and brutes" were indeed committing atrocities against
white girls.
Despite some misgivings over Smith's sincerity and integrity, this
writer felt that the apology, however grudging, was an encouraging
sign. I therefore dashed off the following e-mail to the great
writer felt that the apology, however grudging, was an encouraging
sign. I therefore dashed off the following e-mail to the great
-----Original Message-----
From: Morrissey Breen [ ]
Sent: Wednesday, 14 July 2004 11:10
To: Leighton Smith
Subject: Leighton: now's a good time to admit...
From: Morrissey Breen [mailto:morriss...@yahoo.
Sent: Wednesday, 14 July 2004 11:10
To: Leighton Smith
Subject: Leighton: now's a good time to admit...
... that you were taken in by more than just a young
Congratulations on your (albeit vacillating)
admission that the story you read out yesterday was
admission that the story you read out yesterday was
Can we now look forward to you admitting that you got
it all wrong when you decided to believe everything
you were told by the Bush-Blair propaganda front?
it all wrong when you decided to believe everything
you were told by the Bush-Blair propaganda front?
Or do you only 'fess up on the trivial things, like a
disturbed girl telling lies?
disturbed girl telling lies?
And what kind of reply did I receive from New Zealand's answer to
Edward R. Murrow? Well, he did not disappoint. His reply was, as I
suspected it would be, thoughtful, nuanced and intelligent as the
comments he makes on his radio show...
Edward R. Murrow? Well, he did not disappoint. His reply was, as I
suspected it would be, thoughtful, nuanced and intelligent as the
comments he makes on his radio show...
Subject: RE: Leighton: now's a good time to admit...
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:59:33 +1200
From: "Leighton Smith" <>Add to Address
To: "Morrissey Breen" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:59:33 +1200
From: "Leighton Smith" <>
To: "Morrissey Breen" <>
Don't be daft!!!
If you enjoyed the above epistolary exchange, odds are you'll enjoy THIS.....
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
Is it just me, or do others get the feeling that Morewussy got turned down
for a job at NewstalkZB?
for a job at NewstalkZB?
Mr Scebe
"Personally i think you're a fucking idiot"
~Sean Connery in "The Rock"
Mr Scebe
"Personally i think you're a fucking idiot"
~Sean Connery in "The Rock"
On 14 Jul 2004 10:55:29 -0700, (Morrissey
Breen) wrote:
Breen) wrote:
>The other day, a girl in Paris alleged that she'd been attacked by a
>gang of Islamic thugs and slashed with knives. Naturally, this story
>was manna from heaven for every Arab-hating bigot that heard it. One
>of very worst Arab-hating bigots, other than Paul holmes and Ian
>Wishart, is the orotund Newstalk ZB morning host LEIGHTON SMITH, who
>of course picked up this story and ran with it. "Islamic THUGS!!!!"
>he raged, and proceeded to argue, in his intellectually rigorous way,
>that this justified U.S. troops killing tens of thousands of Iraqi and
>Afghani people.
>gang of Islamic thugs and slashed with knives. Naturally, this story
>was manna from heaven for every Arab-hating bigot that heard it. One
>of very worst Arab-hating bigots, other than Paul holmes and Ian
>Wishart, is the orotund Newstalk ZB morning host LEIGHTON SMITH, who
>of course picked up this story and ran with it. "Islamic THUGS!!!!"
>he raged, and proceeded to argue, in his intellectually rigorous way,
>that this justified U.S. troops killing tens of thousands of Iraqi and
>Afghani people.
Morrissey, you really must bone up on New Zealand's hilarious talkback
Leighton Smith's show is of the utmost gravitas. It is supported by a
posse of journalists and researchers of the highest calibre. The
strictest intellectual rigour pervades all. Nothing that passes his
lips is anything but honest and trustworthy. Auckland, New Zealand's
most discriminating radio audience, demands nothing less.
Leighton Smith's show is of the utmost gravitas. It is supported by a
posse of journalists and researchers of the highest calibre. The
strictest intellectual rigour pervades all. Nothing that passes his
lips is anything but honest and trustworthy. Auckland, New Zealand's
most discriminating radio audience, demands nothing less.
How could it possibly be otherwise? After all Bedwetter practically
licks Smith's boots, so what better credentials could Smith possibly
have or need?
licks Smith's boots, so what better credentials could Smith possibly
have or need?
My dear friend "Mr Scebe" <> speculated thusly in
message news:<AZeJc.336$ >...
> "Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
> <snip>
> Is it just me, or do others get the feeling that Morewussy
message news:<AZeJc.336$N77.1...@
> "Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
> news:fb3a0456.0407140955.
> <snip>
> Is it just me, or do others get the feeling that Morewussy
"Morewussy"? Oh, I geddit! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! I LIKE it, I really
> got turned down or a job at NewstalkZB?
> got turned down or a job at NewstalkZB?
Ha! You're not the first person to have said that, Neill, and I guess
that it's understandable you might think that. For the record: no, I
have not applied for a job at that joke of a station, or at any other
radio station. Similarly, my criticism of, say, the rogue Bush
administration hardly implies any desire to join those gangsters.
that it's understandable you might think that. For the record: no, I
have not applied for a job at that joke of a station, or at any other
radio station. Similarly, my criticism of, say, the rogue Bush
administration hardly implies any desire to join those gangsters.
Morrissey Breen said the following on 15/07/2004 05:55:
And no comment from RedBaiter a world first and hopefully a sign of
things to come.
things to come.
This message has been deleted.
Harry said the following on 15/07/2004 18:18:
> That is because Redbaiter has had to go down to the dole office today.
Now now dont post to inflame the trolls 8-)
- show quoted text -
Now now dont post to inflame the trolls 8-)
LOL you're 0 from 2 with Leighton AND you still listen to him. Sucker...
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> To his credit, Leighton Smith noted that what he'd said the day before
> was mistaken. Sadly, however,Smith then went on to somewhat spoil
> the effect of his (already muted) apology by insisting that, although
> this particular story was nonsense, there could be NO DOUBT that
> "Islamic thugs and brutes" were indeed committing atrocities against
> white girls.
> Despite some misgivings over Smith's sincerity and integrity, this
> writer felt that the apology, however grudging, was an encouraging
> sign. I therefore dashed offthe following e-mail to the great
> pundit....
> was mistaken. Sadly, however,
> the effect of his (already muted) apology by insisting that, although
> this particular story was nonsense, there could be NO DOUBT that
> "Islamic thugs and brutes" were indeed committing atrocities against
> white girls.
> Despite some misgivings over Smith's sincerity and integrity, this
> writer felt that the apology, however grudging, was an encouraging
> sign. I therefore dashed off
> pundit....
Leighton Smith isn't one to let the facts get in the way of a cherished
This is just one more example.
In article <>, says...
- show quoted text -
Has he been taking lessons from you?
Poor "Jim" <> made the mistake of trying to be clever in
message news:<cd5bbe$uns$ >...
> LOL you're 0 from 2 with Leighton AND you still listen to him. Sucker...
message news:<cd5bbe$uns$1...@lust.ihug.
> LOL you're 0 from 2 with Leighton AND you still listen to him. Sucker...
Mr Breen has twice succeeded in not only twice pricking the pomposity
of a notably shallow and obnoxious radio broadcaster, but has also, on
each occasion, exposed Smith's lack of wit.
of a notably shallow and obnoxious radio broadcaster, but has also, on
each occasion, exposed Smith's lack of wit.
Only a fool would see these exchanges as anything other than a
resounding victory for Breen.
resounding victory for Breen.
Have you, perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
On 15 Jul 2004 15:17:20 -0700, (Professor Longhair) wrote:
- show quoted text -
You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
"Professor Longhair" < > wrote in
Lets see... No.
message news:d1110173.0407151417.
- show quoted text -
What I do have though is a reasonable understanding of talkback radio.
Talkback is not about reasoned debate or wit so you can stow any
misconceptions you have about who "won".
Leighton called Morrissey an idiot on national radio and he annoyed him
enough to make the original post. Morrissey OTOH wrote two emails both of
which probably got trashed the instant Leighton had made his dismissive
reply, Leighton probably doesn't even remember them. Hence Morrissey being 0
from 2.
Talkback is not about reasoned debate or wit so you can stow any
misconceptions you have about who "won".
Leighton called Morrissey an idiot on national radio and he annoyed him
enough to make the original post. Morrissey OTOH wrote two emails both of
which probably got trashed the instant Leighton had made his dismissive
reply, Leighton probably doesn't even remember them. Hence Morrissey being 0
from 2.
Further you have overlooked the fact that it is talk-radio not email-radio.
It wouldn't make much money if Leighton had involved email debates with
every listener who disagreed. The dismissive reply and the on air insult are
not, as Morrissey thinks an indication that Leighton doesn't want to (or
cannot) debate, they are in fact a goad to get him to call up and argue ie.
to fulfill the purpose of talk radio. Just like the fact that opinions
expressed by talkback hosts are often not their real opinions but extreme
caricatures of them designed to goad listeners into calling.
It wouldn't make much money if Leighton had involved email debates with
every listener who disagreed. The dismissive reply and the on air insult are
not, as Morrissey thinks an indication that Leighton doesn't want to (or
cannot) debate, they are in fact a goad to get him to call up and argue ie.
to fulfill the purpose of talk radio. Just like the fact that opinions
expressed by talkback hosts are often not their real opinions but extreme
caricatures of them designed to goad listeners into calling.
Lastly, Morrissey has overlooked the fact that Leighton (and his radio
station) don't give a toss if you listen to him because you are in complete
agreement or because you think he is Hitler reincarnated. A listener is a
listener and a listener makes advertising dollars. By continuing to listen
Morrissey not only aggravates himself but supports the very thing he
despises. That is what makes him a sucker.
station) don't give a toss if you listen to him because you are in complete
agreement or because you think he is Hitler reincarnated. A listener is a
listener and a listener makes advertising dollars. By continuing to listen
Morrissey not only aggravates himself but supports the very thing he
despises. That is what makes him a sucker.
In article < >, says... says...
- show quoted text -
Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
inetnum: -
netname: TIG
descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/PrintOnline/TravelOnline
netname: TIG
descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/
Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
his identity?)
ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
his identity?)
Every Breen post I can see at the moment is from that same IP address,
though this could be a server name and not a fixed IP address allocated
to a particular Ihug subscriber. Plus he uses multiple nicks (posting
under the fictitious name of "Radio Transcripts Ltd", a non existent
though this could be a server name and not a fixed IP address allocated
to a particular Ihug subscriber. Plus he uses multiple nicks (posting
under the fictitious name of "Radio Transcripts Ltd", a non existent
Patrick Dunford wrote:
change two to number to reply
> Every Breen post I can see at the moment is from that same IP address,
> though this could be a server name and not a fixed IP address allocated
> to a particular Ihug subscriber.
> though this could be a server name and not a fixed IP address allocated
> to a particular Ihug subscriber.
It is indeed - rDNS shows it as
change two to number to reply
In article <cd7fh8$8v2$>, says...
> Patrick Dunford wrote:
> > Every Breen post I can see at the moment is from that same IP address,
> > though this could be a server name and not a fixed IP address allocated
> > to a particular Ihug subscriber.
> It is indeed - rDNS shows it as
> Patrick Dunford wrote:
> > Every Breen post I can see at the moment is from that same IP address,
> > though this could be a server name and not a fixed IP address allocated
> > to a particular Ihug subscriber.
> It is indeed - rDNS shows it as
Fair, though to be posting both from ihug and using Google Groups is a
very rare combo
very rare combo
Sue Bilstein <> wrote in message news:< >...
perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
PROF. LONGHAIR: Only a fool would see these exchanges as anything
other than a
resounding victory for Breen. [long, meaningful pause] Have you,
other than a
resounding victory for Breen. [long, meaningful pause] Have you,
perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
SUE BILSTEIN: You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
MORRISSEY BREEN: Wrong. Now, will you send moi a postal order or
will you call round to Chez Breen with the cash in hand?
will you call round to Chez Breen with the cash in hand?
Morrissey Breen wrote:
Mr Smith obviously doesn't know you like the rest of us, Mr Breen. You
can't help but be daft.
- show quoted text -
Mr Smith obviously doesn't know you like the rest of us, Mr Breen. You
can't help but be daft.
Newsman wrote:
- show quoted text -
Left wing or right wing, talkshow hosts are meant to be one-sided
flamebaiters. It pulls in the listeners and the advertising dollar.
flamebaiters. It pulls in the listeners and the advertising dollar.
"Jim" <> wrote in message news:<cd73pr$12q$ >...
> >
> > Have you, perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
> Lets see... No.
> Further you have overlooked the fact that it is talk-radio not email-radio.
> >
> > Have you, perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
> Lets see... No.
> Leighton called Morrissey an idiot on national radio and he annoyed him
> enough to make the original post. Morrissey OTOH wrote two emails both of
> which probably got trashed the instant Leighton had made his dismissive
> reply, Leighton probably doesn't even remember them. Hence Morrissey being 0
> from 2.
> enough to make the original post. Morrissey OTOH wrote two emails both of
> which probably got trashed the instant Leighton had made his dismissive
> reply, Leighton probably doesn't even remember them. Hence Morrissey being 0
> from 2.
Errrr.... the fact that Smith is an arrogant boor is a point I readily
concede. I have no doubt at all that he dismissed my e-mails almost
instantly. That rather underlines my point, wouldn't you agree?
concede. I have no doubt at all that he dismissed my e-mails almost
instantly. That rather underlines my point, wouldn't you agree?
> Further you have overlooked the fact that it is talk-radio not email-radio.
Most talkback hosts, including Smith, ask listeners to send them in
> It wouldn't make much money if Leighton had involved email debates with
> every listener who disagreed.
> It wouldn't make much money if Leighton had involved email debates with
> every listener who disagreed.
Nobody expects an INVOLVED debate, especially from Leighton Smith.
What one might expect is a degree of panache or wit. Smith displays
What one might expect is a degree of panache or wit. Smith displays
> The dismissive reply and the on air insult are
> not, as Morrissey thinks an indication that Leighton doesn't want to (or
> cannot) debate,
> The dismissive reply and the on air insult are
> not, as Morrissey thinks an indication that Leighton doesn't want to (or
> cannot) debate,
Oh, he was hiding his light under a bushel, was he? Modesty perhaps?
> they are in fact a goad to get him to call up and argue ie.
> to fulfill the purpose of talk radio.
> they are in fact a goad to get him to call up and argue ie.
> to fulfill the purpose of talk radio.
Nonsense. Smith could have read the e-mails out on air, and responded
to them. He was not man enough to read out fair and measured
criticism of him, especially criticism that nailed him for his racist
comments and his gullibility.
to them. He was not man enough to read out fair and measured
criticism of him, especially criticism that nailed him for his racist
comments and his gullibility.
> Just like the fact that opinions
> expressed by talkback hosts are often not their real opinions but extreme
> caricatures of them designed to goad listeners into calling.
> Just like the fact that opinions
> expressed by talkback hosts are often not their real opinions but extreme
> caricatures of them designed to goad listeners into calling.
So the REAL Leighton Smith is a thoughtful, serious and intelligent
man, is he? What we hear on radio from Monday to Friday is just a
ghastly caricature?
man, is he? What we hear on radio from Monday to Friday is just a
ghastly caricature?
> Lastly, Morrissey has overlooked the fact that Leighton (and his radio
> station) don't give a toss if you listen to him because you are in complete
> agreement or because you think he is Hitler reincarnated. A listener is a
> listener and a listener makes advertising dollars. By continuing to listen
> Morrissey not only aggravates himself but supports the very thing he
> despises.
> Lastly, Morrissey has overlooked the fact that Leighton (and his radio
> station) don't give a toss if you listen to him because you are in complete
> agreement or because you think he is Hitler reincarnated. A listener is a
> listener and a listener makes advertising dollars. By continuing to listen
> Morrissey not only aggravates himself but supports the very thing he
> despises.
Your point is well made here, except for the part about Smith
"aggravating" me. I expect him to be like that, and I rarely allow
myself to get worked up about him. The e-mails were simply to goad
him, to let him know that some people at least are not prepared to
passively let his vicious, empty bombast float unremarked into the
"aggravating" me. I expect him to be like that, and I rarely allow
myself to get worked up about him. The e-mails were simply to goad
him, to let him know that some people at least are not prepared to
passively let his vicious, empty bombast float unremarked into the
> That is what makes him a sucker.
> That is what makes him a sucker.
A sucker is the sort of poor sap that defers to someone like Smith,
rather than challenging his ignorant asssss.
rather than challenging his ignorant asssss.
Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid> wrote in message news:< >...
> In article < >,
> says...
> > On 15 Jul 2004 15:17:20 -0700,
> > (Professor Longhair) wrote:
> >
> > >Poor "Jim" <> made the mistake of trying to be clever in
> > >message news:<cd5bbe$uns$ >...
> > >>
> > >> LOL you're 0 from 2 with Leighton AND you still listen to him. Sucker...
> > >
> > >Mr Breen has twice succeeded in not only twice pricking the pomposity
> > >of a notably shallow and obnoxious radio broadcaster, but has also, on
> > >each occasion, exposed Smith's lack of wit.
> > >
> > >Only a fool would see these exchanges as anything other than a
> > >resounding victory for Breen.
> > >
> > >Have you, perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
> >
> > You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
> Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
> inetnum: -
> netname: TIG
> descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
> descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/PrintOnline/TravelOnline
> Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
> ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
> his identity?)
> In article <9g1ef05i78m5vbv71pac1p89s7ceh
> says...
> > On 15 Jul 2004 15:17:20 -0700,
> > denver_state_p...@
> >
> > >Poor "Jim" <> made the mistake of trying to be clever in
> > >message news:<cd5bbe$uns$1...@lust.ihug.
> > >>
> > >> LOL you're 0 from 2 with Leighton AND you still listen to him. Sucker...
> > >
> > >Mr Breen has twice succeeded in not only twice pricking the pomposity
> > >of a notably shallow and obnoxious radio broadcaster, but has also, on
> > >each occasion, exposed Smith's lack of wit.
> > >
> > >Only a fool would see these exchanges as anything other than a
> > >resounding victory for Breen.
> > >
> > >Have you, perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
> >
> > You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
> Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
> inetnum: -
> netname: TIG
> descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
> descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/
> Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
> ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
> his identity?)
I don't know how you define a 'real identity' Patrick, but I do know
Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
"Jim" <> wrote in message news:<cd73pr$12q$ >...
- show quoted text -
All good points. I don't listen to talkback radio because my radio
wouldn't physically last long if I did :)
It's a pity NZ has nothing like good ol'Crikey in Australia which is
pretty much independent media - web only - and has gotten quite
influential there.
They regularly give some classic serves (and even get sued by) such
idiots as Stan Price and Alan Jones, as well as the right-wing opinion
columnists (I can't possibly refer to them as journalists) Andrew Bolt
and Piers AKerman.
wouldn't physically last long if I did :)
It's a pity NZ has nothing like good ol'Crikey in Australia which is
pretty much independent media - web only - and has gotten quite
influential there.
They regularly give some classic serves (and even get sued by) such
idiots as Stan Price and Alan Jones, as well as the right-wing opinion
columnists (I can't possibly refer to them as journalists) Andrew Bolt
and Piers AKerman.
I do enjoy reading some of the exchanges on their site,
Just imagine if NZ had a similar check on the all-pervading influence
of the likes of Holmes. People might actually have to use their brains
and powers of analysis.
of the likes of Holmes. People might actually have to use their brains
and powers of analysis.
On 16 Jul 2004 17:23:10 -0700, (GreenHat) wrote:
>Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid> wrote in message news:< >...
>> In article < >,
>> says...
>> >
>Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid
>> In article <9g1ef05i78m5vbv71pac1p89s7ceh
>> says...
>> >
>> > You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
>> Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
>> inetnum: -
>> netname: TIG
>> descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
>> descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/PrintOnline/TravelOnline
>> Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
>> ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
>> his identity?)
>I don't know how you define a 'real identity' Patrick, but I do know
>Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
>have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
>> Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
>> inetnum: -
>> netname: TIG
>> descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
>> descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/
>> Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
>> ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
>> his identity?)
>I don't know how you define a 'real identity' Patrick, but I do know
>Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
>have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
You have to register using an address that can receive email. But you
can get as many of those as you like, from hotmail, yahoo etc.
can get as many of those as you like, from hotmail, yahoo etc.
My addie works to receive email - if you remove the obvious glitch.
It's the same spam-catcher I've used for several years. Is it a
"real" address in your terms?
It's the same spam-catcher I've used for several years. Is it a
"real" address in your terms?
In article < >, says... says...
- show quoted text -
So what? Anyone can sign up for a Yahoo or Hotmail account.
- show quoted text -
Most people don't use Google Groups because they can run a news client
application and get far better service from their ISP's news server.
application and get far better service from their ISP's news server.
Sue Bilstein <> wrote in message news:< >...
> On 16 Jul 2004 17:23:10 -0700, (GreenHat) wrote:
> >Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid> wrote in message news:< >...
> >> In article < >,
> >> says...
> >> >
> >> > You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
> >>
> >> Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
> >>
> >> inetnum: -
> >> netname: TIG
> >> descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
> >> descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/PrintOnline/TravelOnline
> >>
> >> Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
> >> ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
> >> his identity?)
> >
> >I don't know how you define a 'real identity' Patrick, but I do know
> >that
> >Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
> >have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
> You have to register using an address that can receive email. But you
> can get as many of those as you like, from hotmail, yahoo etc.
> My addie works to receive email - if you remove the obvious glitch.
> It's the same spam-catcher I've used for several years. Is it a
> "real" address in your terms?
Actually i've just got a new addie that doesn't forward on mails to me
as I was so sick of the worms/viruses I was being inundated with.
SO I have a new ID on Google groups ...^_^ ...
meanwhile I have registered with as my ISP has no
newserver, ( so I can't use Outlook) and I am coming to grips with a
proper newsagent, Freeagent. When I've figured it out, I'll use it all
the time
> On 16 Jul 2004 17:23:10 -0700, (GreenHat) wrote:
> >Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid
> >> In article <9g1ef05i78m5vbv71pac1p89s7ceh
> >> says...
> >> >
> >> > You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
> >>
> >> Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
> >>
> >> inetnum: -
> >> netname: TIG
> >> descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
> >> descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/
> >>
> >> Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
> >> ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
> >> his identity?)
> >
> >I don't know how you define a 'real identity' Patrick, but I do know
> >that
> >Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
> >have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
> You have to register using an address that can receive email. But you
> can get as many of those as you like, from hotmail, yahoo etc.
> My addie works to receive email - if you remove the obvious glitch.
> It's the same spam-catcher I've used for several years. Is it a
> "real" address in your terms?
Actually i've just got a new addie that doesn't forward on mails to me
as I was so sick of the worms/viruses I was being inundated with.
SO I have a new ID on Google groups ...^_^ ...
meanwhile I have registered with as my ISP has no
newserver, ( so I can't use Outlook) and I am coming to grips with a
proper newsagent, Freeagent. When I've figured it out, I'll use it all
the time
Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid> wrote in message news:< >...
> In article < >,
> says...
> > Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid> wrote in message news:< >...
> > > In article < >,
> > > says...
> > > > On 15 Jul 2004 15:17:20 -0700,
> > > > (Professor Longhair) wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >Poor "Jim" <> made the mistake of trying to be clever in
> > > > >message news:<cd5bbe$uns$ >...
> > > > >>
> > > > >> LOL you're 0 from 2 with Leighton AND you still listen to him. Sucker...
> > > > >
> > > > >Mr Breen has twice succeeded in not only twice pricking the pomposity
> > > > >of a notably shallow and obnoxious radio broadcaster, but has also, on
> > > > >each occasion, exposed Smith's lack of wit.
> > > > >
> > > > >Only a fool would see these exchanges as anything other than a
> > > > >resounding victory for Breen.
> > > > >
> > > > >Have you, perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
> > > >
> > > > You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
> > >
> > > Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
> > >
> > > inetnum: -
> > > netname: TIG
> > > descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
> > > descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/PrintOnline/TravelOnline
> > >
> > > Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
> > > ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
> > > his identity?)
> >
> > I don't know how you define a 'real identity' Patrick, but I do know
> > that
> > Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
> > have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
> Most people don't use Google Groups because they can run a news client
> application and get far better service from their ISP's news server.
> In article <341e6d02.04071...@
> says...
> > Patrick Dunford <patrickdunford@nomail.invalid
> > > In article <9g1ef05i78m5vbv71pac1p89s7ceh
> > > says...
> > > > denver_state_p...@
> > > >
> > > > >Poor "Jim" <> made the mistake of trying to be clever in
> > > > >message news:<cd5bbe$uns$1...@lust.ihug.
> > > > >>
> > > > >> LOL you're 0 from 2 with Leighton AND you still listen to him. Sucker...
> > > > >
> > > > >Mr Breen has twice succeeded in not only twice pricking the pomposity
> > > > >of a notably shallow and obnoxious radio broadcaster, but has also, on
> > > > >each occasion, exposed Smith's lack of wit.
> > > > >
> > > > >Only a fool would see these exchanges as anything other than a
> > > > >resounding victory for Breen.
> > > > >
> > > > >Have you, perchance, been identified formally as a fool?
> > > >
> > > > You are Morrissey Breen, and I claim the 5 pounds.
> > >
> > > Longhair's NNTP-Posting-Host:
> > >
> > > inetnum: -
> > > netname: TIG
> > > descr: The Internet Group Ltd.
> > > descr: IHUG/StarNet/VIPNet/
> > >
> > > Now, ol' Morrissey is about the only person here who regularly posts from
> > > ihug, and he uses Google Groups for some stupid reason (trying to cloak
> > > his identity?)
> >
> > I don't know how you define a 'real identity' Patrick, but I do know
> > that
> > Google groups requires you to log on with a *real* email address.. I
> > have tried it with a no-spam fakey and it doesn't work.
> application and get far better service from their ISP's news server.
my ISP has no newserver.:(
..see my other post.
..see my other post.
In article < >, says... says...
- show quoted text -
It's not an identity. Nothing stops you from using words of the English
language to identify yourself.
language to identify yourself.
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