I nominate Morrissey Breen
Pity poor Stephen Mills. To him (although not him alone) falls the job of making the Left seem electable via the medium of National Radio. In pursuit of that hopeless goal, this morning on Nine to Noon, it was necessary for him to counter Matthew Hooton’s claim that the Left are excited by the prospect that Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader of the UK Labour Party and Bernie Sanders success in the US represents a major global ideological change.
Left wing people, says Stephen, do not see Jeremy Corbyn as an appropriate role model for left wing electoral success in New Zealand. And they prefer Hillary to Bernie.
Only, if we are to accept that the Standard is reflective of “the values and principles that underpin the broad labour movement” it seems that Stephen is badly wrong.
Morrissey , for example, considers Corbyn a “centrist”.

Mills comments, says Morrissey, reveal him to be a corporate running dog capitalist lackey. So sad, when he started so well.
What Nine to Noon needs, is a “proper” left wing commenter.
Can I nominate Morrissey himself? Clearly, no-one else can be trusted. Plus, it would be hi-lar-ious.
3 thoughts on “I nominate Morrissey Breen”
- Dude is a nutter.Like
- If he brought all his sick puppets along there wouldn’t be room for any one else in the studio.Like
- sock puppets ..Like