A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
immensely and I hope you do too.
barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
immensely and I hope you do too.
Masters of Abuse (No. 1 - RICK BOYD)
Rick lives in Perth, W.A. where he works as a journalist and
cartoonist. He is married (sorry, ladies!) and his hobbies include
watching rugby football, travelling abroad, and heaping abuse on his
friends in the newsgroup rec.sport.rugby.union. As might be deduced
from the following selection of his polemics, Rick clashed with this
writer (i.e., moi) early and often....
Rick lives in Perth, W.A. where he works as a journalist and
cartoonist. He is married (sorry, ladies!) and his hobbies include
watching rugby football, travelling abroad, and heaping abuse on his
friends in the newsgroup rec.sport.rugby.union. As might be deduced
from the following selection of his polemics, Rick clashed with this
writer (i.e., moi) early and often....
1.) Your head is pointed, you sad, strange little hermaphrodite.
2.) Who the fuck could be bothered wading through all your
juvenile,laboured posturing.
juvenile,laboured posturing.
3.) Alas, poor Mowissey.... your sad, lonely little life...
4.) You are a complete fuckwit and would have a better chance of
flying to the moon in a teapot than ever understanding it.
5.) Now fuck off, twat-features.
flying to the moon in a teapot than ever understanding it.
5.) Now fuck off, twat-features.
6.) ....your appallingly self-indulgent drivel....
7.) I think we can take this as compete surrender from Mowwissey
Breenis, rsru's King of Bores, a title achieved in the stupendously
short time of just a couple of weeks.
Breenis, rsru's King of Bores, a title achieved in the stupendously
short time of just a couple of weeks.
8.) Fuck off Breen...you reeking leper's armpit.
9.) Francophile Nauseateur
10.) What's the betting this shrill little irritant lasts no more
than a couple more weeks?
than a couple more weeks?
11.) Mowissey Breenis, the unthinking man's orator ad nauseum.
12.) For this is the essential Mowissey, in all his pompous, myopic,
bombastic glory.
bombastic glory.
13.) one of the newsgroup's dribbling cretins
14.) Yes, and when they look at you they see a complete nonce,
15.) It's all in your tiny little pea brain.
15.) It's all in your tiny little pea brain.
16.) You sad, lonely little troll. Is that what you do with your day?
Meander miserably through DejaNews looking for other people's old
posts? Do you think anyone can ever be bothered following your
incomprehensible links? Oh yes, of course you do. Brain the size of a
pinhead, ego the size of Jupiter...
Meander miserably through DejaNews looking for other people's old
posts? Do you think anyone can ever be bothered following your
incomprehensible links? Oh yes, of course you do. Brain the size of a
pinhead, ego the size of Jupiter...
No photos of Rick available, sadly, but interested parties can
download a cartoon drawn by him HERE...
download a cartoon drawn by him HERE...
Click here to Reply
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
> Masters of Abuse (No. 1 - RICK BOYD)
> Rick lives in Perth, W.A. where he works...> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
> Masters of Abuse (No. 1 - RICK BOYD)
WTF ?????????
The Green Phantom
I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs.
-- H.L. Mencken
I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs.
-- H.L. Mencken
The Green Phantom wrote:
It's obvious isn't it?
> regards
> The Green Phantom
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
>> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
>> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
>> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
>> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
>> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
>> immensely and I hope you do too.
>> Masters of Abuse (No. 1 - RICK BOYD)
>> Rick lives in Perth, W.A. where he works...
> WTF ?????????
>> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
>> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
>> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
>> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
>> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
>> immensely and I hope you do too.
>> Masters of Abuse (No. 1 - RICK BOYD)
>> Rick lives in Perth, W.A. where he works...
> WTF ?????????
It's obvious isn't it?
The pc at the care in the community shelter has been fixed.
Cue rabid anti-sportstalk rants, lengthly screenplay type posts, and an
unnatural obsession with French rugby.
unnatural obsession with French rugby.
> regards
> The Green Phantom
"The Green Phantom" <ask@the.right.time> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
If he lived in Perth I can say with some authority that he probably
does indeed work in Perth: the commute to the nearest town, {somewhere
near Singapore} would be too much.
Rick has his own website does he not? I was looking through some of my
old haunts in Perth, with the aid of Google, and just for fun I added
'Rick Boyd' into the search, the horror that I saw that day, well,
I've said too much......./shudder
does indeed work in Perth: the commute to the nearest town, {somewhere
near Singapore} would be too much.
Rick has his own website does he not? I was looking through some of my
old haunts in Perth, with the aid of Google, and just for fun I added
'Rick Boyd' into the search, the horror that I saw that day, well,
I've said too much......./shudder
On 27 Jan 2004 02:57:25 -0800, morriss...@yahoo.com (Morrissey
Breen) wrote:
>No photos of Rick available, sadly, but interested parties can
>download a cartoon drawn by him HERE...
Breen) wrote:
>No photos of Rick available, sadly, but interested parties can
>download a cartoon drawn by him HERE...
I don't get it.
We should be careful to get out of an experience only
the wisdom that is in it - and stop there; lest we be
like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will
never sit down on a hot stove-lid again - and that is
well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one
We should be careful to get out of an experience only
the wisdom that is in it - and stop there; lest we be
like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will
never sit down on a hot stove-lid again - and that is
well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one
--Mark Twain
"Morrissey Breen" <morriss...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
I have to admit, some are just plain nasty. Bad Rick. But what's your beef
with 3) and 6)?
with 3) and 6)?
- show quoted text -
"Morrissey Breen" <morriss...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
someone has come off their medicine far too soon
"Morrissey Breen" <morriss...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
<snip scary stalking email>> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
Maybe so ... time to get on with your life dont you think.
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
> Masters of Abuse (No. 1 - RICK BOYD)
> Rick lives in Perth, W.A. where he works as a journalist and
> cartoonist. He is married (sorry, ladies!) and his hobbies include
> watching rugby football, travelling abroad, and heaping abuse on his
> friends in the newsgroup rec.sport.rugby.union. As might be deduced
> from the following selection of his polemics, Rick clashed with this
> writer (i.e., moi) early and often....
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
> Masters of Abuse (No. 1 - RICK BOYD)
> Rick lives in Perth, W.A. where he works as a journalist and
> cartoonist. He is married (sorry, ladies!) and his hobbies include
> watching rugby football, travelling abroad, and heaping abuse on his
> friends in the newsgroup rec.sport.rugby.union. As might be deduced
> from the following selection of his polemics, Rick clashed with this
> writer (i.e., moi) early and often....
So, Mowwissey, now that Rick hasn't been around for a while, you think it's safe to take
the piss out of him?
the piss out of him?
Is that because he isn't around to defend himself?
FWIW, I thought he pretty much had your number.
Now, in retaliation, it seems you're aiming to post his all over the web (or at least his
Sean Byrne <byrne_sean...@hotmail.com > wrote in message news:<bv658b$p6i$1$8300...@news.demon.co.uk >...
- show quoted text -
Well, I quite miss Rick's posts - like Ferdi, when he wasn't on a rant
on some pet subject, he he could actually post good stuff. Maybe this
ng's like Homer's brain - Bluetit comes in, so Rick falls out. Poor
exchange, I think.
on some pet subject, he he could actually post good stuff. Maybe this
ng's like Homer's brain - Bluetit comes in, so Rick falls out. Poor
exchange, I think.
Mike Gooding
Ken Higgs <kenh...@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<40173ACA...@hotmail.com >...
misreading of the intention of my post.
> So, Mowwissey, now that Rick hasn't been around for a while, you think it's safe to take
> the piss out of him?
> So, Mowwissey, now that Rick hasn't been around for a while, you think it's safe to take
> the piss out of him?
Jesus H. Christ, this is a TRIBUTE to Rick's powerful use of
invective. I admire his facility with such language.
invective. I admire his facility with such language.
> Is that because he isn't around to defend himself?
Not at all. I'm sure we'll flush him out of his holiday rathole> Is that because he isn't around to defend himself?
> FWIW, I thought he pretty much had your number.
Ha! I think we can judge how perceptive your judgements are by your> FWIW, I thought he pretty much had your number.
misreading of the intention of my post.
> Now, in retaliation, it seems you're aiming to post his all over the web (or at least his
> URL).
> Now, in retaliation, it seems you're aiming to post his all over the web (or at least his
> URL).
"Retaliation"? Are you insane? What the hell are you drinking?
In article <TDvRb.28183$qx2.3...@stones.force9.net >,
The Green Phantom <ask@the.right.time> wrote:
The Green Phantom <ask@the.right.time> wrote:
>I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs.
> -- H.L. Mencken
> -- H.L. Mencken
Because it's been f--oh, never mind...
"Ben L" <bjlongm...@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<bv6k7h$orb9v$1...@ID-195463.news.uni-berlin.de >...
> I have to admit, some are just plain nasty. Bad Rick. But what's your beef
> with 3) and 6)?
> I have to admit, some are just plain nasty. Bad Rick. But what's your beef
> with 3) and 6)?
Actually, my favourites are numbers 1, 8, 9 and 16.
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