As any Usenet user will attest, part of the complete Usenet experience
is the copping of abuse. I don't care who you are, or how "sensible"
and non-controversial you may be, but if you post enough messages, you
are bound to attract at least some negative comments. And of course,
if you express a political view, you will draw serious fire, and lots
of it.
is the copping of abuse. I don't care who you are, or how "sensible"
and non-controversial you may be, but if you post enough messages, you
are bound to attract at least some negative comments. And of course,
if you express a political view, you will draw serious fire, and lots
of it.
When it comes to cyber-sniping, there is probably nobody anywhere in
the whole world - let alone nz.general and nz.politics - who can match
our very own Dark Lord of Trollery, AKA "Rabid Russell", AKA the
"Greerton Gripper", AKA "Madness at the Mount", AKA the "Terror of
Tauranga", AKA the "Yobbo of Usenet", AKA Redbaiter (
This fellow is tireless and often very amusing, though not always on
the whole world - let alone nz.general and nz.politics - who can match
our very own Dark Lord of Trollery, AKA "Rabid Russell", AKA the
"Greerton Gripper", AKA "Madness at the Mount", AKA the "Terror of
Tauranga", AKA the "Yobbo of Usenet", AKA Redbaiter (
This fellow is tireless and often very amusing, though not always on
Redbaiter lives in Tauranga, where he spends his days writing letters
to Gordon McLauchlan and roaming the internet for lame and unmemorable
quotes by dimwitted blonde bimbos. He is presently "unattached".
(CALM DOWN, LADIES!!! Get the freaking firehoses out, Wonka!)
to Gordon McLauchlan and roaming the internet for lame and unmemorable
quotes by dimwitted blonde bimbos. He is presently "unattached".
(CALM DOWN, LADIES!!! Get the freaking firehoses out, Wonka!)
Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of coming across as some kind
of a skite, one simply has to point out that every single one of
these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of coming across as some kind
of a skite, one simply has to point out that every single one of
these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
1.) such a deluded fantasizing commie fuckwit.
2.) you vacuous embarrassing leftist dumbarse.
3.) You pathetic simian ranter, you wouldn't know the news if it was
biting your useless one eyed arse off..
biting your useless one eyed arse off..
4.) uninformed brainwashed halfwit
5.) deluded commie confused fuckwits like yourself.
6.) you Mowwisey will probably never amount to more than the whining
envy driven unaware nonentity you are today.
envy driven unaware nonentity you are today.
7.) What's this then? Yet another post made specifically for the
purpose of attacking another poster personally?? Haven't you been
warned about such a transgression of usenet etiquette already? Perhaps
its an obsessive compulsion you suffer from. You should be aware that
mental problems are not considered an acceptable excuse.
purpose of attacking another poster personally?? Haven't you been
warned about such a transgression of usenet etiquette already? Perhaps
its an obsessive compulsion you suffer from. You should be aware that
mental problems are not considered an acceptable excuse.
8.) this timewarped bozo
9.) Hey Mowwisey you big mouthed pretentious bullshit artist, where's
the Bush lie???
the Bush lie???
10.) Pretentious buffoon.
11.) Breen you ill mannered rattling pig. A disgrace to usenet.
12.) Take your whining easily hurt liberal leftist common as shit
psychosis somewhere else.
psychosis somewhere else.
13.) Bore.
14.) Moronssey leaves you breathless. The boy is a self-parody
requiring no further embellishment.
requiring no further embellishment.
15.) clearly immature mentally, but I would guess his real age at
somewhere around the fifties, given his dated political rhetoric.
somewhere around the fifties, given his dated political rhetoric.
16.) tied [sic!] old anti-US commie propaganda.
17.) Only a retarded time warped fool leftist ....propagator of such
cliched rubbish .... an unaware and embarrassing fool)
cliched rubbish .... an unaware and embarrassing fool)
18.) He sounds just like my friggin commie Uncle.
Download your own picture of the 腺aiter HERE ....
Download your own picture of the 腺aiter HERE ....
A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
immensely and I hope you do too.
barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
immensely and I hope you do too.
Click here to Reply
On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 03:06:14 -0800, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
> Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of coming across as some kind
> of a skite, one simply has to point out that every single one of
> these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
Fuck off and die quietly. People don't give a shit about you.
<snipped some wanky tripe>
This is a person who obviously (repeatedly) can't support their views by
discussion so has to point out perceived flaws in their 'opposition'
discussion so has to point out perceived flaws in their 'opposition'
Maybe I'm 'trolling' here but hell, I'm trolling the troll. Fuck off breen.
Redbaiter might be full of hot air a lot of the time, but you're full of
shit all of the time. Die. That'll do.
shit all of the time. Die. That'll do.
> Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
> Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of coming across as some kind
> of a skite, one simply has to point out that every single one of
> these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
Fuck off and die quietly. People don't give a shit about you.
- Scott
- show quoted text -
- show quoted text -
I thought it was hilarious. All the more so for its strong element of
Well thanks for all that Mr Bean. What exactly was the purpose of putting up
this drivel ?
> Download your own picture of the 'Baiter HERE ....
> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
this drivel ?
In my opinion *you* deserve every classic quip salvo Redbaiter fires at
*you*. And probably even more, which *you* do get from time to time even
from others including myself.
*you*. And probably even more, which *you* do get from time to time even
from others including myself.
If *you* are going to go on about who he is, then prove he lives in Tauranga
and writes letters to G.M. Prove it! Where is *your* proof? *You* either
can't, or, *you* are too scared. Either way *you* are a coward.
and writes letters to G.M. Prove it! Where is *your* proof? *You* either
can't, or, *you* are too scared. Either way *you* are a coward.
God man, *you* can be real scummy and mean spirited at times ( well most
actually). Hardly the right qualities to be preaching a holier than thou
(*you*)attitude is it?
actually). Hardly the right qualities to be preaching a holier than thou
(*you*)attitude is it?
This post of *yours* is not about Redbaiter at all. It's all about *you*,
how *you* want revenge (even though *you* pretend it's humourous). How *you*
want others to support *you* in *your* unprovoked mean-spirited attack on
Redbaiter. How *you* want to be right and he wrong.
how *you* want revenge (even though *you* pretend it's humourous). How *you*
want others to support *you* in *your* unprovoked mean-spirited attack on
Redbaiter. How *you* want to be right and he wrong.
What a bloody sick wuss *you* are.
John B
John B
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
> A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
> barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
> vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
> the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
> colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
> immensely and I hope you do too.
SomebodyElse <> wrote in message news:< >...
> On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 03:06:14 -0800, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> <snipped some wanky tripe>
of orange juice. He needs to cool his overheated brain, methinks.
> On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 03:06:14 -0800, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> <snipped some wanky tripe>
Ooooohhh, that's vulgar.
> This is a person who obviously (repeatedly) can't support their views by
> discussion so has to point out perceived flaws in their 'opposition'
> This is a person who obviously (repeatedly) can't support their views by
> discussion so has to point out perceived flaws in their 'opposition'
Good Lord! You HAVE barked up the wrong tree here. My post, indeed
the whole Masters of Abuse series, is a genuine tribute to the powers
of invective displayed by such people as Redbaiter.
the whole Masters of Abuse series, is a genuine tribute to the powers
of invective displayed by such people as Redbaiter.
> Maybe I'm 'trolling' here but hell, I'm trolling the troll. Fuck off breen.
> Maybe I'm 'trolling' here but hell, I'm trolling the troll. Fuck off breen.
No fear. This writer is here for the duration.
> Redbaiter might be full of hot air a lot of the time, but you're full of
> shit all of the time.
Hold on for just a moment, will you? I must write that one down.> Redbaiter might be full of hot air a lot of the time, but you're full of
> shit all of the time.
> Die. That'll do.
> Die. That'll do.
[wincing] Oooohhhh... that's a bit harsh, surely.
> Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
[puffs out chest] Well, hell, I guess I DO...> Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
> Fuck off and die quietly.
Oh, I know you don't really mean that.> Fuck off and die quietly.
> People don't give a shit about you.
[Breen smiles indulgently] Scrooge, will you pour our friend a glass> People don't give a shit about you.
of orange juice. He needs to cool his overheated brain, methinks.
"John B" <> wrote in message news:<5MLTb.20509$ >...
> Well thanks for all that Mr Bean. What exactly was the purpose of putting up
> this drivel ?
One would have thought that was obvious. Is the concept of paying
tribute to one's opponents out-dated in this cynical age?
> If *you* are going to go on about who he is, then prove he lives in Tauranga
> and writes letters to G.M. Prove it! Where is *your* proof? *You* either
> can't, or, *you* are too scared. Either way *you* are a coward.
Good Lord! Talk about vehement...
> Well thanks for all that Mr Bean. What exactly was the purpose of putting up
> this drivel ?
tribute to one's opponents out-dated in this cynical age?
> In my opinion *you* deserve every classic quip salvo Redbaiter fires at
> *you*. And probably even more, which *you* do get from time to time even
> from others including myself.
> In my opinion *you* deserve every classic quip salvo Redbaiter fires at
> *you*. And probably even more, which *you* do get from time to time even
> from others including myself.
Ooooh, I must point out, with respect, that none of your attacks on
moi would qualify as a "classic quip". I suggest you should have
spent a lot more time reading and ruminating before committing your
views to cyber-space. But it's not all dark; I expect the quality of
your posts to improve considerably in the future. They could hardly
deteriorate any further, of course.
moi would qualify as a "classic quip". I suggest you should have
spent a lot more time reading and ruminating before committing your
views to cyber-space. But it's not all dark; I expect the quality of
your posts to improve considerably in the future. They could hardly
deteriorate any further, of course.
> If *you* are going to go on about who he is, then prove he lives in Tauranga
> and writes letters to G.M. Prove it! Where is *your* proof? *You* either
> can't, or, *you* are too scared. Either way *you* are a coward.
> God man, *you* can be real scummy and mean spirited at times ( well most
> actually). Hardly the right qualities to be preaching a holier than thou
> (*you*)attitude is it?
> God man, *you* can be real scummy and mean spirited at times ( well most
> actually). Hardly the right qualities to be preaching a holier than thou
> (*you*)attitude is it?
I came to PRAISE Redbaiter, not ridicule him. Your rabid asssssss is
utterly up the wrong tree.
utterly up the wrong tree.
> This post of *yours* is not about Redbaiter at all. It's all about *you*,
> This post of *yours* is not about Redbaiter at all. It's all about *you*,
Well, yes and no. The post is all about Redbaiter's remarkable
denunciations of moi, so I guess I do get some reflected glory out of
it. I'm sort of like the guy who you see on highlight tapes of motor
races, getting hit by one of the cars. In other words, my humiliation
is the necessary stage on which Redbaiter's talent can strut and
denunciations of moi, so I guess I do get some reflected glory out of
it. I'm sort of like the guy who you see on highlight tapes of motor
races, getting hit by one of the cars. In other words, my humiliation
is the necessary stage on which Redbaiter's talent can strut and
> how *you* want revenge
> how *you* want revenge
[disappointed] Oh, you've completely misread my motivation.
> (even though *you* pretend it's humourous).
> (even though *you* pretend it's humourous).
> How *you* want others to support *you* in *your* unprovoked mean-spirited attack on
> Redbaiter. How *you* want to be right and he wrong.
> How *you* want others to support *you* in *your* unprovoked mean-spirited attack on
> Redbaiter. How *you* want to be right and he wrong.
Oh, puh-leeeeeaaaaaaaze, puh-leeeeeaaaaze....
> What a bloody sick wuss *you* are.
> What a bloody sick wuss *you* are.
Scrooge, would you be so kind as to pour this fellow a long cool
draught of mint julep. We need to cool him down pronto.
draught of mint julep. We need to cool him down pronto.
John B wrote:
> Well thanks for all that Mr Bean. What exactly was the purpose of putting
> up this drivel ?
> up this drivel ?
He's lampooning the pathological hypocrisy of the rodbeater.
I was well composed and certainly funny.
SomebodyElse wrote:
> Redbaiter might be full of hot air a lot of the time, but you're full of
> shit all of the time. Die. That'll do.
>> Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
>> Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk ofcoming across as some kind
>> of a skite, one simply has topoint out that every single one of
>> these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
> Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
> Fuck off and die quietly. People don't give a shit about you.
> - Scott
> shit all of the time. Die. That'll do.
>> Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
>> Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of
>> of a skite, one simply has to
>> these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
> Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
> Fuck off and die quietly. People don't give a shit about you.
> - Scott
Please speak for yourself, Scott.
Morrissey posts a lot of interesting and factual material. His writing is
much more constructive and creative than the drosswe see from
Redbaiter....and his tiny band of alter-egos and fellow sickos.
much more constructive and creative than the drosswe see from
Redbaiter....and his tiny band of alter-egos and fellow sickos.
Warwick wrote:
> I thought it was hilarious. All the more so for its strong element of
> truth.
> I thought it was hilarious. All the more so for its strong element of
> truth.
Ah....truth. The enemy of redbaiter and his allies.
That's why they spend so much time denying it.
John B wrote:
> Well thanks for all that Mr Bean. What exactly was the purpose of putting
> up this drivel ?
> up this drivel ?
He's lampooning the pathological hypocrisy of the rodbeater.
It was well composed and certainly funny.
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Lol, and you don't see the comments you make as selective and abusive.??
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
whenever you state something is funny.
Henry.Boss wrote:
- show quoted text -
I don't know why you think up images of little boys.
Ask your psych counsellor. Maybe your prescription needs adjusting.
Henry.Boss wrote:
> "steve" <> wrote in message
> news:4WTTb.20543$
> "steve" <> wrote in message
> news:4WTTb.20543$ws.2739467@
>> Please speak for yourself, Scott.
>> Morrissey posts a lot of interesting and factual material. His writing is
>> much more constructive and creative than the drosswe see from
>> Redbaiter....and his tiny band of alter-egos and fellow sickos.
> Lol, and you don't see the comments you make as selective and abusive.??
>> Morrissey posts a lot of interesting and factual material. His writing is
>> much more constructive and creative than the drosswe see from
>> Redbaiter....and his tiny band of alter-egos and fellow sickos.
> Lol, and you don't see the comments you make as selective and abusive.??
Only to dishonest posters like yourself and Redbaiter.
You desereve no better....and you get exactly what you deserve.
Have a look at my responses to honest posters. I take them seriously and I
debate them with energy and in good faith.
debate them with energy and in good faith.
You probably don't even understand what I'm talking about.
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Yes, same old bigoted gibberish.
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
work in the field of psychology with a particular interest in the study of
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 10:41:02 +1300, Henry.Boss wrote:
> No that one wont work either, I'm the one that's permanently employed, and
> work in the field of psychology with a particular interest in the study of
> psychopathy.
> work in the field of psychology with a particular interest in the study of
> psychopathy.
Then you are incompetent.
For if you truly had any training in psychology you would recognise
redbaiter's myopic and obsessive pathology and his incipient abuse and
intolerance of others.
redbaiter's myopic and obsessive pathology and his incipient abuse and
intolerance of others.
And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is anti-social
and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration, not his psychosis.
counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is anti-social
and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration, not his psychosis.
... Brendan
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein
Note: All comments are copyright 4/02/2004 11:57:52 a.m., and are opinion only where not otherwise stated, and always "to the best of my reccollection".
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Geez there's some good stuff there Red.. masterley invective ... might
borrow some of it one day myself... (with appropriate acknowledgements of
borrow some of it one day myself... (with appropriate acknowledgements of
"Brendan" <
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 10:41:02 +1300, Henry.Boss wrote:
> > No that one wont work either, I'm the one that's permanently employed,
> > work in the field of psychology with a particular interest in the study
> > psychopathy.
> Then you are incompetent.
> For if you truly had any training in psychology you would recognise
> redbaiter's myopic and obsessive pathology and his incipient abuse and
> intolerance of others.
> And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
> counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is anti-social
> and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration, not his
> --
> ... Brendan
psychiatry might be best advised to avoid making comment.
I stated I had an interest in the study of psychopathy, but it is more
related to psychiatry than psychology.
Strange that you were not aware of this.
Brendan wrote:
> And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
> counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is anti-social
> and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration, not his
> psychosis.
> And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
> counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is anti-social
> and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration, not his
> psychosis.
If Henry.Boss truly was a psychologist, I'd lose all faith in the
Henry.Boss wrote:
> "steve" <> wrote in message
> news:SnUTb.20564$
>> Henry.Boss wrote:
>> >
>> > "steve" <> wrote in message
>> > news:4WTTb.20543$
>> .........
>> >> Please speak for yourself, Scott.
>> >>
>> >> Morrissey posts a lot of interesting and factual material. His writing
> is
>> >> much more constructive and creative than the drosswe see from
>> >> Redbaiter....and his tiny band of alter-egos and fellow sickos.
>> >
>> > Lol, and you don't see the comments you make as selective and
>> > abusive.??
>> Only to dishonest posters like yourself and Redbaiter.
>> You desereve no better....and you get exactly what you deserve.
>> Have a look at my responses to honest posters. I take them seriously and
>> I debate them with energy and in good faith.
>> You probably don't even understand what I'm talking about.
> Yes, same old bigoted gibberish.
> "steve" <> wrote in message
> news:SnUTb.20564$ws.2740063@
>> Henry.Boss wrote:
>> >
>> > "steve" <> wrote in message
>> > news:4WTTb.20543$ws.2739467@
>> .........
>> >> Please speak for yourself, Scott.
>> >>
>> >> Morrissey posts a lot of interesting and factual material. His writing
> is
>> >> much more constructive and creative than the drosswe see from
>> >> Redbaiter....and his tiny band of alter-egos and fellow sickos.
>> >
>> > Lol, and you don't see the comments you make as selective and
>> > abusive.??
>> Only to dishonest posters like yourself and Redbaiter.
>> You desereve no better....and you get exactly what you deserve.
>> Have a look at my responses to honest posters. I take them seriously and
>> I debate them with energy and in good faith.
>> You probably don't even understand what I'm talking about.
> Yes, same old bigoted gibberish.
I know that any suggestion you act with integrity and honesty IS gibberish
to I remain unsurpised by your response.
to I remain unsurpised by your response.
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
I don't care.
Henry.Boss wrote:
> Any person who cannot define between the medical feilds of psychology and
> psychiatry might be best advised to avoid making comment.
> I stated I had an interest in the study of psychopathy, but it is more
> related to psychiatry than psychology.
> Strange that you were not aware of this.
> psychiatry might be best advised to avoid making comment.
> I stated I had an interest in the study of psychopathy, but it is more
> related to psychiatry than psychology.
> Strange that you were not aware of this.
Obviously self-study.....
Henry.Boss wrote:
- show quoted text - make my point for me.
Thank you.
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Here are two posters so abysmally ignorant that they believe Psychology is
confined only to mental health.
confined only to mental health.
Henry.Boss wrote:
> "steve" <> wrote in message
> news:HdWTb.20586$
>> Brendan wrote:
>> >
>> > And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
>> > counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is
>> > anti-social and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration,
>> > not his psychosis.
>> If Henry.Boss truly was a psychologist, I'd lose all faith in the
>> discipline.
>> QUACK!!!!
> Here are two posters so abysmally ignorant that they believe Psychology is
> confined only to mental health.
> "steve" <> wrote in message
> news:HdWTb.20586$ws.2742346@
>> Brendan wrote:
>> >
>> > And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
>> > counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is
>> > anti-social and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration,
>> > not his psychosis.
>> If Henry.Boss truly was a psychologist, I'd lose all faith in the
>> discipline.
>> QUACK!!!!
> Here are two posters so abysmally ignorant that they believe Psychology is
> confined only to mental health.
How do you arrive at that inappropriate conclusion from my post?
This is the sort of dishonesty I expect from you. Do carry on.
"steve" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Simple, read back on your own posts, look at the ill-informed comments, you
made complete bloody fools of yourselves,by first jumping to conclusions,
then compounding your stupidity by pontificating about a subject you clearly
knew very little about.
Go away, I have better things to do than argue with a pair of morons.
made complete bloody fools of yourselves,by first jumping to conclusions,
then compounding your stupidity by pontificating about a subject you clearly
knew very little about.
Go away, I have better things to do than argue with a pair of morons.
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 17:13:54 +1300, Henry.Boss wrote:
> Simple, read back on your own posts, look at the ill-informed comments, you
> made complete bloody fools of yourselves,by first jumping to conclusions,
> then compounding your stupidity by pontificating about a subject you clearly
> knew very little about.
> Go away, I have better things to do than argue with a pair of morons.
Some more HB quotes from the nz.general ng.
>If you say so, it must be so, at least I have never had the
>arrogance to pretend to be all seeing, all knowing.on.
>arrogance to pretend to be all seeing, all knowing.on.
>Yes Warwick, I cry, all the way to the bank.
>But hey if you believe you are the smartest poster on the
>net, hell whatever makes you happy.
>But hey if you believe you are the smartest poster on the
>net, hell whatever makes you happy.
I challenged him on the arrogance and smartest poster assertions, I have
made no claim to either. No sensible replies were forthcoming (of course).
made no claim to either. No sensible replies were forthcoming (of course).
I can't help but laugh when I see HB on a separate thread 'pontificating'
about how clever he is, how qualified he is and all with a decent measure
of arrogance to boot.
about how clever he is, how qualified he is and all with a decent measure
of arrogance to boot.
At the same time his arguments seem full of fabrication and bad
conclusions, and (like R.F.) suffers from paranoid delusions.
R.F. imagines a fictitious group he calls leftists that he is in permanant
combat with, H.B.'s delusion is about a group of sniggering little boys.
conclusions, and (like R.F.) suffers from paranoid delusions.
R.F. imagines a fictitious group he calls leftists that he is in permanant
combat with, H.B.'s delusion is about a group of sniggering little boys.
Astounding to think he is a professional of some kind in the field of
On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 10:18:10 -0800, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> [Breen smiles indulgently] Scrooge, will you pour our friend a glass
> of orange juice. He needs to cool his overheated brain, methinks.
> [Breen smiles indulgently] Scrooge, will you pour our friend a glass
> of orange juice. He needs to cool his overheated brain, methinks.
LMAO Haha damn that was funny.
I really should stop posting messages when I've drunk that much...
Sorry mate, I think I'll just go crawl back under my rock.....
I really should stop posting messages when I've drunk that much...
Sorry mate, I think I'll just go crawl back under my rock.....
- Scott
Brendan says
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 10:41:02 +1300, Henry.Boss wrote:
> > No that one wont work either, I'm the one that's permanently employed, and
> > work in the field of psychology with a particular interest in the study of
> > psychopathy.
> Then you are incompetent.
> For if you truly had any training in psychology you would recognise
> redbaiter's myopic and obsessive pathology and his incipient abuse and
> intolerance of others.
> And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
> counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is anti-social
> and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration, not his psychosis.
The above sanctimonious overblown pompous crap Henry, is tedious
socialist code for-
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 10:41:02 +1300, Henry.Boss wrote:
> > No that one wont work either, I'm the one that's permanently employed, and
> > work in the field of psychology with a particular interest in the study of
> > psychopathy.
> Then you are incompetent.
> For if you truly had any training in psychology you would recognise
> redbaiter's myopic and obsessive pathology and his incipient abuse and
> intolerance of others.
> And you would not defend him; instead you would hope he gets some
> counselling and therefore perspective. His behaviour here is anti-social
> and obnoxious. Your job is to assist in his integration, not his psychosis.
socialist code for-
"Redbaiter needs to be interned in a re-education camp until his
thought processes are in compliance, (as Brendan's are), with
the edicts of our socialist leaders. He must demonstrate
unquestioning fore lock tugging obedience and conformity, and
above all, agree to fully commit to the ideal that socialism is
the way the truth and the life, and to join in ostracising
anyone saying otherwise, and that such should be liquidated like
the vermin they are if they cannot be convinced to join the
In the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low
thought processes are in compliance, (as Brendan's are), with
the edicts of our socialist leaders. He must demonstrate
unquestioning fore lock tugging obedience and conformity, and
above all, agree to fully commit to the ideal that socialism is
the way the truth and the life, and to join in ostracising
anyone saying otherwise, and that such should be liquidated like
the vermin they are if they cannot be convinced to join the
In the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low
"One man with courage is a majority." Thomas Jefferson
Henry.Boss wrote:
> "steve" <> wrote in message
> news:4WTTb.20543$ws.2739467@> "steve" <> wrote in message
>>SomebodyElse wrote:
>>>Redbaiter might be full of hot air a lot of the time, but you're full of
>>>shit all of the time. Die. That'll do.
>>>>Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
>>>>Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of coming across as some kind
>>>>of a skite, one simply has to point out that every single one of
>>>>these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
>>>Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
>>>Fuck off and die quietly. People don't give a shit about you.
>>>- Scott
>>Please speak for yourself, Scott.
>>Morrissey posts a lot of interesting and factual material. His writing is
>>much more constructive and creative than the drosswe see from
>>Redbaiter....and his tiny band of alter-egos and fellow sickos.
> Lol, and you don't see the comments you make as selective and abusive.??
Actually he doesn't. Steve believes so much that he is right that he
thinks that anyone who disagrees with him is "dishonest" and a "liar".
thinks that anyone who disagrees with him is "dishonest" and a "liar".
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:30:35 +1300, Henry.Boss wrote:
> Any person who cannot define between the medical feilds of psychology and
> psychiatry might be best advised to avoid making comment.
> psychiatry might be best advised to avoid making comment.
You claimed to work in the field of psychology.
I pointed out that your conduct here is incompatible with that profession.
> I stated I had an interest in the study of psychopathy, but it is more
> related to psychiatry than psychology.
> Strange that you were not aware of this.
> related to psychiatry than psychology.
> Strange that you were not aware of this.
I find your comments insipid and banal usually. I do not follow your petty
debates as a rule and so am unaware of which grandiose claim you are
pushing currently.
debates as a rule and so am unaware of which grandiose claim you are
pushing currently.
... Brendan
"Those who control their passions do so because their passions are weak enough to be controlled." -- William Blake
Note: All comments are copyright 4/02/2004 9:18:02 p.m., and are opinion only where not otherwise stated, and always "to the best of my reccollection".
On Wed, 04 Feb 2004 12:56:53 +1300, steve wrote:
> If Henry.Boss truly was a psychologist, I'd lose all faith in the
> discipline.
> QUACK!!!!
> discipline.
> QUACK!!!!
The profession has enough incompetents as it is according to news of the
last years... It's all too possible this halfwit is one of them.
last years... It's all too possible this halfwit is one of them.
... Brendan
"Many a young lady does not realize just how strong her love for a young man is until he fails to pass the approval test with her parents."
Note: All comments are copyright 4/02/2004 9:14:24 p.m., and are opinion only where not otherwise stated, and always "to the best of my reccollection".
> Morrissey posts a lot of interesting and factual material.
Mowussy posts third rate dross and is a laughing stock. He fantasises about
humping French rugby players and is a collossal bore. I believe his posting
rate on this ng is up because no-one answers his threads on RSRU.
humping French rugby players and is a collossal bore. I believe his posting
rate on this ng is up because no-one answers his threads on RSRU.
Mr Scebe
"Personally i think you're a fucking idiot"
~Sean Connery in "The Rock"
Mr Scebe
"Personally i think you're a fucking idiot"
~Sean Connery in "The Rock"
Pardon my ignorance but who is Gordon McLauchlan and why are lettrers
written to this person?
Cheers *
written to this person?
Cheers *
In an astonishingly dyspeptic three lines, "Mr Scebe"
<> draws from what is obviously a deep, deep well
of bitterness for this writer (moi) in message
news:<kP3Ub.33778$ >...
<> draws from what is obviously a deep, deep well
of bitterness for this writer (moi) in message
> Mowussy posts third rate dross and is a laughing stock. He fantasises about
> humping French rugby players and is a collossal
> Mowussy posts third rate dross and is a laughing stock. He fantasises about
> humping French rugby players and is a collossal
> bore. I believe his posting
> rate on this ng is up because no-one answers his threads on RSRU.
> bore. I believe his posting
> rate on this ng is up because no-one answers his threads on RSRU.
Reasons for this sourness? I suggest readers check out the following
couple of threads, where our Cantabrian chum is roundly booted by not
only this writer, but several other football fans....
couple of threads, where our Cantabrian chum is roundly booted by not
only this writer, but several other football fans....
First, in my thread "All Blacks sawbones defends bogus
neuro-psychometric tests - again". Note Scebe's lame attempt to
counter my argument, when he wheels out an "expert" whose name he
"can't remember". Click HERE for a good
neuro-psychometric tests - again". Note Scebe's lame attempt to
counter my argument, when he wheels out an "expert" whose name he
"can't remember". Click HERE for a good
Secondly, in my thread "Prof. Scebe: Why NEW ZEALAND are world
champs", I pour cold water over the poor fellow's moronic idea that
England "didn't deserve" to be called the world champs, just because
they won the World Cup last year. And note how quickly the Professor
lapses into foul language in his "reply". Click
champs", I pour cold water over the poor fellow's moronic idea that
England "didn't deserve" to be called the world champs, just because
they won the World Cup last year. And note how quickly the Professor
lapses into foul language in his "reply". Click
And note also just how many replies there are to each of those
"geezer" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Geez there's some good stuff there Red.. masterley invective ... might
> borrow some of it one day myself... (with appropriate acknowledgements of
> course)
> Geez there's some good stuff there Red.. masterley invective ... might
> borrow some of it one day myself... (with appropriate acknowledgements of
> course)
At last - another Redbaiter aficionado! What's your favourite,
Geezer? Mine is when he calls me a "pathetic simian ranter". I just
love that one.
Geezer? Mine is when he calls me a "pathetic simian ranter". I just
love that one.
"Morrissey Breen" <> wrote in message
- show quoted text -
Yep have to admit that shows a bit of flair...and could be applied to good
effect to many ng ravers, some not a million miles from this thread.
effect to many ng ravers, some not a million miles from this thread.
On Thu, 05 Feb 2004 00:04:14 +1300, Joe <>
>Pardon my ignorance but who is Gordon McLauchlan and why are lettrers
>written to this person?
>Cheers *
>written to this person?
>Cheers *
Ask Bedwetter.
Brian Dooley
Wellington New Zealand
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
> Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of coming across as some kind
> of a skite, one simply has to point out that every single one of
> these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
> 1.) such a deluded fantasizing commie fuckwit.
> 2.) you vacuous embarrassing leftist dumbarse.
> 3.) You pathetic simian ranter, you wouldn't know the news if it was
> biting your useless one eyed arse off..
> 4.) uninformed brainwashed halfwit
> 5.) deluded commie confused fuckwits like yourself.
> 6.) you Mowwisey will probably never amount to more than the whining
> envy driven unaware nonentity you are today.
> 7.) What's this then? Yet another post made specifically for the
> purpose of attacking another poster personally?? Haven't you been
> warned about such a transgression of usenet etiquette already? Perhaps
> its an obsessive compulsion you suffer from. You should be aware that
> mental problems are not considered an acceptable excuse.
> 8.) this timewarped bozo
> 9.) Hey Mowwisey you big mouthed pretentious bullshit artist, where's
> the Bush lie???
> 10.) Pretentious buffoon.
> 11.) Breen you ill mannered rattling pig. A disgrace to usenet.
> 12.) Take your whining easily hurt liberal leftist common as shit
> psychosis somewhere else.
> 13.) Bore.
> 14.) Moronssey leaves you breathless. The boy is a self-parody
> requiring no further embellishment.
> 15.) clearly immature mentally, but I would guess his real age at
> somewhere around the fifties, given his dated political rhetoric.
> 16.) tied [sic!] old anti-US commie propaganda.
> 17.) Only a retarded time warped fool leftist ....propagator of such
> cliched rubbish .... an unaware and embarrassing fool)
> 18.) He sounds just like my friggin commie Uncle.
> As any Usenet user will attest, part of the complete Usenet experience
> is the copping of abuse. I don't care who you are, or how "sensible"
> and non-controversial you may be, but if you post enough messages, you
> are bound to attract at least some negative comments. And of course,
> if you express a political view, you will draw serious fire, and lots
> of it.
> When it comes to cyber-sniping, there is probably nobody anywhere in
> the whole world - let alone nz.general and nz.politics - who can match
> our very own Dark Lord of Trollery, AKA "Rabid Russell", AKA the
> "Greerton Gripper", AKA "Madness at the Mount", AKA the "Terror of
> Tauranga", AKA the "Yobbo of Usenet", AKA Redbaiter (
> This fellow is tireless and often very amusing, though not always on
> purpose.
> Redbaiter lives in Tauranga, where he spends his days writing letters
> to Gordon McLauchlan and roaming the internet for lame and unmemorable
> quotes by dimwitted blonde bimbos. He is presently "unattached".
> (CALM DOWN, LADIES!!! Get the freaking firehoses out, Wonka!)
> is the copping of abuse. I don't care who you are, or how "sensible"
> and non-controversial you may be, but if you post enough messages, you
> are bound to attract at least some negative comments. And of course,
> if you express a political view, you will draw serious fire, and lots
> of it.
> When it comes to cyber-sniping, there is probably nobody anywhere in
> the whole world - let alone nz.general and nz.politics - who can match
> our very own Dark Lord of Trollery, AKA "Rabid Russell", AKA the
> "Greerton Gripper", AKA "Madness at the Mount", AKA the "Terror of
> Tauranga", AKA the "Yobbo of Usenet", AKA Redbaiter (
> This fellow is tireless and often very amusing, though not always on
> purpose.
> Redbaiter lives in Tauranga, where he spends his days writing letters
> to Gordon McLauchlan and roaming the internet for lame and unmemorable
> quotes by dimwitted blonde bimbos. He is presently "unattached".
> (CALM DOWN, LADIES!!! Get the freaking firehoses out, Wonka!)
> Anyway, without further ado, here is a selection of some of
> Redbaiter's very best. And, at the risk of coming across as some kind
> of a skite, one simply has to point out that every single one of
> these classic quips was aimed at lucky old moi....
> 2.) you vacuous embarrassing leftist dumbarse.
> 3.) You pathetic simian ranter, you wouldn't know the news if it was
> biting your useless one eyed arse off..
> 4.) uninformed brainwashed halfwit
> 5.) deluded commie confused fuckwits like yourself.
> 6.) you Mowwisey will probably never amount to more than the whining
> envy driven unaware nonentity you are today.
> 7.) What's this then? Yet another post made specifically for the
> purpose of attacking another poster personally?? Haven't you been
> warned about such a transgression of usenet etiquette already? Perhaps
> its an obsessive compulsion you suffer from. You should be aware that
> mental problems are not considered an acceptable excuse.
> 8.) this timewarped bozo
> 9.) Hey Mowwisey you big mouthed pretentious bullshit artist, where's
> the Bush lie???
> 10.) Pretentious buffoon.
> 11.) Breen you ill mannered rattling pig. A disgrace to usenet.
> 12.) Take your whining easily hurt liberal leftist common as shit
> psychosis somewhere else.
> 13.) Bore.
> 14.) Moronssey leaves you breathless. The boy is a self-parody
> requiring no further embellishment.
> 15.) clearly immature mentally, but I would guess his real age at
> somewhere around the fifties, given his dated political rhetoric.
> 16.) tied [sic!] old anti-US commie propaganda.
> 17.) Only a retarded time warped fool leftist ....propagator of such
> cliched rubbish .... an unaware and embarrassing fool)
> 18.) He sounds just like my friggin commie Uncle.
Gee and HE complains about name calling and abuse?
heh right.
heh right.
SomebodyElse wrote:
Nasty, nasty.. it was funny. You appear to have no humour.
> Fuck you have a very high opinion of yourself, don't you.
> Fuck off and die quietly. People don't give a shit about you.
> - Scott
> Fuck off and die quietly. People don't give a shit about you.
> - Scott
Nasty, nasty.. it was funny. You appear to have no humour.
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