Not many posters, even friendly or well-disposed ones, would be so
kind as to offer you their wife, current OR former. But that's
exactly what our good friend WeeWillyWonka did a few weeks ago.
"You're welcome to my ex", he generously told this writer (i.e. moi).
Now I know that Mr Wonka has his critics, who cannot resist pointing
out that he supported the Soviet invasion and occupation of
Afghanistan (and still defiantly says it was a good thing for
Afghanistan!) in 1979, supports the Israeli/American repression of the
people of Palestine, and supports the outrages of the rogue
Bush/Blair/Berlusconi axis with the same fervour he supported Soviet
aggression in the 1980s.
kind as to offer you their wife, current OR former. But that's
exactly what our good friend WeeWillyWonka did a few weeks ago.
"You're welcome to my ex", he generously told this writer (i.e. moi).
Now I know that Mr Wonka has his critics, who cannot resist pointing
out that he supported the Soviet invasion and occupation of
Afghanistan (and still defiantly says it was a good thing for
Afghanistan!) in 1979, supports the Israeli/American repression of the
people of Palestine, and supports the outrages of the rogue
Bush/Blair/Berlusconi axis with the same fervour he supported Soviet
aggression in the 1980s.
Then there was the matter of his swansong notice, when he gloomily
informed us that he had better things to do than waste his time
chatting on nz.general with plebeians. Risibly (some might say) he
was back posting within a week.
informed us that he had better things to do than waste his time
chatting on nz.general with plebeians. Risibly (some might say) he
was back posting within a week.
Yes, yes, yes - all of that is true. But to this writer,
WeeWillyWonka is above all a spirited and essentially good-hearted
fellow, generous with his advice and possessed of a clear style and
ready wit. His criticisms are often well-developed and valid. And
you know that Willy, no matter how fraught things might become
occasionally, will always rejoin the fray, with a minimum of spite and
rancour. He provides an object lesson for some of the more bitter,
hard-edged and alienating posters here, such as John Cawston.
WeeWillyWonka is above all a spirited and essentially good-hearted
fellow, generous with his advice and possessed of a clear style and
ready wit. His criticisms are often well-developed and valid. And
you know that Willy, no matter how fraught things might become
occasionally, will always rejoin the fray, with a minimum of spite and
rancour. He provides an object lesson for some of the more bitter,
hard-edged and alienating posters here, such as John Cawston.
And when all is said and done, there are precious few other men on
this board of whom it can it be said: "He laid down his wife for
Breen." WeeWillyWonka, this writer (i.e., moi) salutes you!
this board of whom it can it be said: "He laid down his wife for
Breen." WeeWillyWonka, this writer (i.e., moi) salutes you!
So, without further ado, let's enjoy some of the bon mots and plain
old ass-kickings he has handed out. And remember - they're all
directed at MOI....
old ass-kickings he has handed out. And remember - they're all
directed at MOI....
1.) ... so one-sided and slanted ... obviously not a product of
rational thought. You're just regurgitating socialist thought as
circulated in the universities. One cannot reason with an unreasoning
person, so that is why I do not try. Only shock therapy can save you
from yourself, it seems, at least at this stage. Alternatively, age
and experience will bring you to your senses, but that will take
years. So my sharp words are just a friendly attempt to make you see
how silly you sound to people who use their brains to think, not just
to rant.
rational thought. You're just regurgitating socialist thought as
circulated in the universities. One cannot reason with an unreasoning
person, so that is why I do not try. Only shock therapy can save you
from yourself, it seems, at least at this stage. Alternatively, age
and experience will bring you to your senses, but that will take
years. So my sharp words are just a friendly attempt to make you see
how silly you sound to people who use their brains to think, not just
to rant.
2.) weird and convoluted Breen's thinking is. The term
"holocaust denial" actually pertains to the Jewish holocaust during
WWII, and any attempt to hijack the term as Breen has done is itself a
double-think new attempt at holocaust denial. Weird, Moronssey,
"holocaust denial" actually pertains to the Jewish holocaust during
WWII, and any attempt to hijack the term as Breen has done is itself a
double-think new attempt at holocaust denial. Weird, Moronssey,
3.) .... complete drivel
4.) Breen, you are stupid and myopic beyond belief.
5.) Morrissey Breen is a raving troller.
6.) Morissey Breen seems to have a genuinely evil agenda, for all his
7.) Breen, can't you find a productive vehicle for your energies? Go
out and get a life. You are a bore and a boor.
out and get a life. You are a bore and a boor.
8.) Perhaps there is a deficiency in our society. Perhaps imbeciles
like Moronssey should be allowed to be closer to the danger, so that
they will remove themselves by their own idiocy and so not be such an
irritant to all the rest of us who have a balanced view of good and
evil and understand our responsibility to protect our children from
the evil.
like Moronssey should be allowed to be closer to the danger, so that
they will remove themselves by their own idiocy and so not be such an
irritant to all the rest of us who have a balanced view of good and
evil and understand our responsibility to protect our children from
the evil.
9.) I guess I'm hoping that shock treatment will bring Moronssey to
his senses. He's intelligent enough, so there's got to be some hope
for him. There's a saying, "anyone who is never radical before 30 has
no heart, anyone who is still radical after 30 has no sense". Loonies
like Moronssey look like they'll go to 40 before they wake up, 50 in
the case of Steve. All those wasted years! A bit of shock therapy is
a kindness by comparison.
his senses. He's intelligent enough, so there's got to be some hope
for him. There's a saying, "anyone who is never radical before 30 has
no heart, anyone who is still radical after 30 has no sense". Loonies
like Moronssey look like they'll go to 40 before they wake up, 50 in
the case of Steve. All those wasted years! A bit of shock therapy is
a kindness by comparison.
10.) WONKA: Moronssey leaves you breathless. The boy is a
self-parody requiring no further embellishment.
REDBAITER: You think he's a boy?? Really?
WONKA: He's got the energy of a university 1st or 2nd year student.
Not an old-schooler I'd say.
self-parody requiring no further embellishment.
REDBAITER: You think he's a boy?? Really?
WONKA: He's got the energy of a university 1st or 2nd year student.
Not an old-schooler I'd say.
11.) Breen, you trolling knave!
12.) Moronssey. spaz. ....idiot.... Are you blind and deaf
by choice, or just frontally lobotomised? Jeez...
by choice, or just frontally lobotomised? Jeez...
13.) Breen, you are a demented fool. Get a life. Please!
A series in honour of those architects of ad hominem, those brutal
barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
immensely and I hope you do too.
barons of belittlement, those nattering nabobs of nastiness, those
vicious and vehement virtuosos of vilest vituperation who have, over
the last twelve months, livened up Usenet with their shrill and
colorful condemnation of this writer (moi). I have enjoyed them
immensely and I hope you do too.
Click here to Reply
Me thinks you are paranoid.
You think everyone hates you.
And they do! lol
You think everyone hates you.
And they do! lol
Dude, pretty much everyone who posts here gets called names, by pretty much
You're not special.
You're not special.
"Kim Shepherd" <> wrote in message news:< >...
- show quoted text -
I think you have misinterpreted the point of the "Masters of Abuse"
series. It's intended as a tribute to the powers of invective of the
likes of Mr Wonka. Any self-aggrandisement accruing to this writer
(moi) is purely coincidental.
series. It's intended as a tribute to the powers of invective of the
likes of Mr Wonka. Any self-aggrandisement accruing to this writer
(moi) is purely coincidental.
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> So, without further ado, let's enjoy some of the bon mots and plain
> old ass-kickings he has handed out. And remember - they're all
> directed at MOI....
> So, without further ado, let's enjoy some of the bon mots and plain
> old ass-kickings he has handed out. And remember - they're all
> directed at MOI....
It seems to me that one has to wonder about someone who saves all these
posts for future reference, after all Willie is no threat to you at all !
posts for future reference, after all Willie is no threat to you at all !
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Morrissey Breen wrote:
> I think you have misinterpreted the point of the "Masters of Abuse"
> series. It's intended as a tribute to the powers of invective of the
> likes of Mr Wonka. Any self-aggrandisement accruing to this writer
> (moi) is purely coincidental.
> I think you have misinterpreted the point of the "Masters of Abuse"
> series. It's intended as a tribute to the powers of invective of the
> likes of Mr Wonka. Any self-aggrandisement accruing to this writer
> (moi) is purely coincidental.
Have you saved the posts of these people Mowissey for future use?
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Version: 6.0.594 / Virus Database: 377 - Release Date: 24/02/04
"Tilly" <> wrote in message news:<gED0c.6833$ >...
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
> >
> > So, without further ado, let's enjoy some of the bon mots and plain
> > old ass-kickings he has handed out. And remember - they're all
> > directed at MOI....
> It seems to me that one has to wonder about someone who saves all these
> posts for future reference, after all Willie is no threat to you at all !
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
> >
> > So, without further ado, let's enjoy some of the bon mots and plain
> > old ass-kickings he has handed out. And remember - they're all
> > directed at MOI....
> It seems to me that one has to wonder about someone who saves all these
> posts for future reference, after all Willie is no threat to you at all !
Tilly, you miss the point of the Masters of Abuse series. It is a
genuine tribute to the likes of Willy, 'Baiter, and the legendary Rick
Boyd. It seems to me that ad hominem attack is pretty much the lingua
franca for a very high proportion of Usenet posters, and I thought it
was time some of the best practitioners were honoured.
genuine tribute to the likes of Willy, 'Baiter, and the legendary Rick
Boyd. It seems to me that ad hominem attack is pretty much the lingua
franca for a very high proportion of Usenet posters, and I thought it
was time some of the best practitioners were honoured.
BREEN ADVISES: Careful, Tilly, you might well feature in an upcoming
edition yourself.
edition yourself.
Morrissey Breen wrote:
> BREEN ADVISES: Careful, Tilly, you might well feature in an upcoming
> edition yourself.
> BREEN ADVISES: Careful, Tilly, you might well feature in an upcoming
> edition yourself.
Ia that a threat or a promise Mowissey?
> Morrissey Breen wrote:
> > I think you have misinterpreted the point of the "Masters of Abuse"
> > series. It's intended as a tribute to the powers of invective of the
> > likes of Mr Wonka. Any self-aggrandisement accruing to this writer
> > (moi) is purely coincidental.
> > I think you have misinterpreted the point of the "Masters of Abuse"
> > series. It's intended as a tribute to the powers of invective of the
> > likes of Mr Wonka. Any self-aggrandisement accruing to this writer
> > (moi) is purely coincidental.
Self aggrandisement is exactly what it's about, we can see that in the
grandiose pompous reference to a series, etc.
grandiose pompous reference to a series, etc.
The normally terse and literate Mainlander <*@*.nz> is guilty of the
sin of redundancy in message
news:< >...
sin of redundancy in message
> Self aggrandisement is exactly what it's about, we can see that in the
> grandiose pompous reference to a series, etc.
> Self aggrandisement is exactly what it's about, we can see that in the
> grandiose pompous reference to a series, etc.
I'm sure that other readers have already spotted the crime.
Yes, that's right: that linkage of "grandiose" with "pompous" is ugly,
ugly, ugly. Mainlander has tried too hard here to achieve an effect;
in the end, each of the adjectives serves only to diminish the power
and impact of the other.
ugly, ugly. Mainlander has tried too hard here to achieve an effect;
in the end, each of the adjectives serves only to diminish the power
and impact of the other.
On 6 Mar 2004 01:15:40 -0800, (Morrissey
- show quoted text -
I endorse Morrissey's comment here. Morrissey, if you can confine
yourself to literaturical issues, you'll do well. In political
matters, you're a sure luser (to use the vernacular). Work on your
strengths; that's a good boy.
yourself to literaturical issues, you'll do well. In political
matters, you're a sure luser (to use the vernacular). Work on your
strengths; that's a good boy.
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