Tuesday 29 January 2019

Arch-criminal Shimon Peres was the antithesis of a man of peace (Oct. 2, 2016)

Those flags should be at half-mast for his thousands of victims;
Arch-criminal Shimon Peres was the antithesis of a man of peace.
He was a prime instigator of Israel’s internationally condemned nuclear program, and his personal catch-phrase was “Settlements everywhere.” As one of the commentators in the following video notes, “He was a genocidal maniac who murdered thousands.”…
  • Stunned Mullet8.1
    A great man may he rest in peace.
    Achieved more is his life than all the bleaters and moaners on blogs around the world combined .
    • Morrissey8.1.1
      People like you wrote similar eulogies for another “great man” who perished in April 1945…..
      • Red8.1.1.1
        Well that comparison places you in bat shit crazy camp, say no more
        • Morrissey8.
          I don’t think you possess either the knowledge or the judgement to make such a statement.
          The comparison of Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people to the oppression of Jews in Europe in the 1930s and ’40s is often made by Israeli people of conscience, and even by Israeli politicians, including Moshe Dayan and David Ben Gurion himself. Less than a decade ago, the hardline Israeli politician Yosef “Tommy” Lapid made the same point….
          Lapid said in a weekly commentary on Israel Radio in early 2007, after airing of video footage showing a Palestinian woman being viciously verbally attacked through the iron bars on the veranda of her downtown Hebron home by a neighboring Israeli woman settler – who among other things called the Palestinian woman a “Sharmuta” (“whore”), that what was happening in Hebron reminded him of persecution endured by Jews in his native Yugoslavia on the eve of World War Two. “It was not crematoria or pogroms that made our life in the diaspora bitter before they began to kill us, but persecution, harassment, stone-throwing, damage to livelihood, intimidation, spitting and scorn,” Lapid said in his radio commentary.
    • Chooky8.1.2
      Hardly a “great man”…more like a war criminal!
      By Robert Fisk ( The Independent) on Peres:
      ‘Shimon Peres was no peacemaker. I’ll never forget the sight of pouring blood and burning bodies at Qana –
      Peres said the massacre came as a ‘bitter surprise’. It was a lie: the UN had repeatedly told Israel the camp was packed with refugees’
      “When the world heard that Shimon Peres had died, it shouted “Peacemaker!” But when I heard that Peres was dead, I thought of blood and fire and slaughter.
      I saw the results: babies torn apart, shrieking refugees, smouldering bodies. It was a place called Qana and most of the 106 bodies – half of them children – now lie beneath the UN camp where they were torn to pieces by Israeli shells in 1996. I had been on a UN aid convoy just outside the south Lebanese village. Those shells swished right over our heads and into the refugees packed below us. It lasted for 17 minutes…
  • swordfish8.2
    The 50 year Israeli colonisation of occupied Palestinian land is, of course, at the heart of the conflict.
    And the greatest single increase of Israeli settlers on Palestinian land – a 50 per cent rise – took place not under Right-wing Sharon or Netanyahu Likud Administrations but rather in 1992-96 under the supposedly “dovish” Labor governments of “peace-makers”Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres at the high-water mark of the Oslo peace accords.
    Israel has now effectively annexed 42 per cent of the West Bank, with 300,000 settlers there and another 200,000 in East Jerusalem
    The romanticisation of Peres and Rabin in the MSM has been all too predictable.
    Both saw the Oslo “Peace Process” as a Palestinian surrender. As Peres told a gathering of ambassadors in Jerusalem during the second stage of the Oslo process, the permanent settlement envisaged by Oslo would categorically not involve any establishment of a functioning Palestinian state. In other words: no meaningful departure from the long-standing Likud-Labor consensus that there was to be no “additional Palestinian state in the Gaza district and in the area between Israel and Jordan” (“additional” because Israeli leaders and propagandists like to portray Jordan as the Palestinian State).
    As Israeli political scientist, Meron Benvenisti, described the bounds of the mainstream Israeli spectrum during Oslo: at one extreme, “a peace which imposes an unconditional surrender on the Palestinians,” at the other, “a peace with somewhat more generous terms of surrender.”
    Like all other Israeli leaders, then, Peres was a Rejectionist when it came to the two-state settlement predicated on International Law. Although it’s certainly true that he managed to cynically manipulate a series of American Celebs (read Useful Idiots) in hisPeace Foundation charade with the aim of cultivating a Peace-Maker image within the western media (I remember dear old Sharon Stone suggesting she’d “kiss just about anybody” if she thought it would end the conflict.
    Extraordinary that he should be portrayed as a great man of peace, “haunted by Israel’s failure to find an enduring settlement with the Palestinians.”
    • Draco T Bastard8.2.1
      The 50 year Israeli colonisation of occupied Palestinian land is, of course, at the heart of the conflict.
      It’s more like 70 years. The entirety of Israel is an invasion of Palestinian land with it’s creation being fully against the UN Charter.
      The romanticisation of Peres and Rabin in the MSM has been all too predictable.
      Of course it has. Can’t go round telling people that the West and the UN has been supporting a massive invasion and oppression of an entire people for the benefit of another people and all, seemingly, because a few people didn’t want Jews living in their countries.
      Extraordinary that he should be portrayed as a great man of peace, “haunted by Israel’s failure to find an enduring settlement with the Palestinians.”
      Probably haunted by the fact that he hadn’t been able to totally destroy the Palestinian people.
    • Chuck8.2.2
      “haunted by Israel’s failure to find an enduring settlement with the Palestinians.”
      With Hamas wanting the complete extermination of Jews, it does make it a little hard to find an enduring settlement.
      • Draco T Bastard8.2.2.1
        With Hamas wanting the complete extermination of Jews
        [citation needed]
        And we actually do know that the Jews want to wipe out the Palestinians. They say so all the bloody time.
        The Palestinians are the victims of an unjust invasion that the rest of the world forced upon them.
        • Chuck8.
          Hamas’ charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian Islamic state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.
          “Hamas has not recognized the three principles insisted on by the Quartet (the United States, EU, UN, and Russia): renunciation of violence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of prior international agreements.”
          • Morrissey8.
            …renunciation of violence…
            You mean like Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom have renounced violence?
          • Draco T Bastard8.
            The destruction of the state of Israel != complete extermination of the Jews.
            Interestingly enough, the creation of Israel was the unjust action that’s caused all the problems and it was fully against the UN charter of protecting states from invasion.

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