I often read threads where other people are responding to posts by
that extreme right wing goat who calls himself "Redbaiter". However,
I never see anything by this clown, except in the arrowed quotes in
other people's posts. For me, it's like this bore is a wraith who
can be glimpsed ever so briefly and then disappears into the ether
again. Others can see what the fool writes; I on the other hand see
only his reflected image.
that extreme right wing goat who calls himself "Redbaiter". However,
I never see anything by this clown, except in the arrowed quotes in
other people's posts. For me, it's like this bore is a wraith who
can be glimpsed ever so briefly and then disappears into the ether
again. Others can see what the fool writes; I on the other hand see
only his reflected image.
I also see the occasional piece of crap by the ironically named
"Verus" in the same fashion: mentioned in other people's posts. I'm
not complaining - neither of these fellows has anything interesting to
say. But what I would like to know is this: have these morons
"kill-filed" me? And have any other people had this happen to them?
"Verus" in the same fashion: mentioned in other people's posts. I'm
not complaining - neither of these fellows has anything interesting to
say. But what I would like to know is this: have these morons
"kill-filed" me? And have any other people had this happen to them?
Morrissey Breen wrote:
- show quoted text -
jesus morrissey... you are a tosser, what the fuck
is the point of following this ng if you killfile
everyone you disagree with ? ... you now have
joined the ranks of the true socialists. I will
always follow your posts, but I will know exactly
where you stand. You on the other hand can
continue with your killfiles, and reaffirmation of
your particularly insular views...
Well it just shows, despite the best intentions
the 'net to spread idea's, that socialists still
persist in their efforts to prevent the spread of
information - even if it means they have to resort
to kilfiles ... I pity you, I really do, quite
genuinely :-|
is the point of following this ng if you killfile
everyone you disagree with ? ... you now have
joined the ranks of the true socialists. I will
always follow your posts, but I will know exactly
where you stand. You on the other hand can
continue with your killfiles, and reaffirmation of
your particularly insular views...
Well it just shows, despite the best intentions
the 'net to spread idea's, that socialists still
persist in their efforts to prevent the spread of
information - even if it means they have to resort
to kilfiles ... I pity you, I really do, quite
genuinely :-|
Phelan allegedly said:
> jesus morrissey... you are a tosser, what the fuck
> is the point of following this ng if you killfile
> everyone you disagree with ?
> is the point of following this ng if you killfile
> everyone you disagree with ?
You've made an invalid assumption.
I don't kill-file people I disagree with.
I kill-file abusive, dishonest posters who aren't interested in a real
debate based on verifiable information.
debate based on verifiable information.
Red is one. He's neen dishonest from the first day he appeared. Impervious
to anything resembling a verifiable fact. Debates in bad faith from go to
whoa...and is abusive with it.
to anything resembling a verifiable fact. Debates in bad faith from go to
whoa...and is abusive with it.
Verus is another. See description above.
Max Burke is simply tedious and not interested in anything resembling a
verifiable fact.
verifiable fact.
Daniel da Silva rarely posts anything other than a sarky one-liner....and
isn't missed.
isn't missed.
Bob Howard is now on the list for being impervious to anything resembling a
verifiable fact.....though I gave him the benefit of the doubt for far
longer then he deserved.
verifiable fact.....though I gave him the benefit of the doubt for far
longer then he deserved.
It isn't that they disagree with me...It's they won't be honest enough to
take a point made and rebut it with solid information or analysis.
take a point made and rebut it with solid information or analysis.
I try to do exactly that....and have wasted a lot of time on people who
aren't the least bit interested in knowing the other side of the argument
well enough to rebut it effectively.
aren't the least bit interested in knowing the other side of the argument
well enough to rebut it effectively.
Steve wrote:
- show quoted text -
ooooooh, that's a bit sensitive, I didn't mention
you at all.... unless you are talking about the
socialist, which speaks volumes ;-)
you at all.... unless you are talking about the
socialist, which speaks volumes ;-)
Isn't it nice being god huh ? Mao was very similar.
Do I now make you kill file, or to I get the
pleasure of debating you until you cannot tolerate
my views any more.... don't you find that rather odd ?
pleasure of debating you until you cannot tolerate
my views any more.... don't you find that rather odd ?
Phelan allegedly said:
> Isn't it nice being god huh ? Mao was very similar.
> Do I now make you kill file, or to I get the
> pleasure of debating you until you cannot tolerate
> my views any more.... don't you find that rather odd ?
- show quoted text -
I put it he way I did because you may not be corect in assuming Morrisey
kill-files people for disagreeing with him.
kill-files people for disagreeing with him.
I suspect he doesn't....based on his post. But he can confirm that if he
wants to.
wants to.
> Isn't it nice being god huh ? Mao was very similar.
You must feel threatened by the clarity and confidence of my posts.
Don't be.
> Do I now make you kill file, or to I get the
> pleasure of debating you until you cannot tolerate
> my views any more.... don't you find that rather odd ?
You've missed the point....
Of all the posters in this newsgroup, exactly 5 people have made my kill
file in 13 years.....and all of them in the past year.
file in 13 years.....and all of them in the past year.
It isn't that I grow tired of anyone's views. It's that they fail to defend
them adequately...and don't understand they haven't got a leg to stand on.
them adequately...and don't understand they haven't got a leg to stand on.
That's simply boring and a waste of time for anyone who makes the mistake of
taking them seriously.
taking them seriously.
I learn from my mistakes....even they don't, can't - or won't.
"Naturally, the common people don't want war;
neither in Russia nor in England nor in America,
nor for that matter in Germany.
That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders
of the country who determine the policy and
it is always a simple matter to drag the people
along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist
dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist
dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can
always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them
they are being attacked and denounce the
pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same way
in any country."
- Hermann Goering, Nazi Reichsmarshall
"Naturally, the common people don't want war;
neither in Russia nor in England nor in America,
nor for that matter in Germany.
That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders
of the country who determine the policy and
it is always a simple matter to drag the people
along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist
dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist
dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can
always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them
they are being attacked and denounce the
pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same way
in any country."
- Hermann Goering, Nazi Reichsmarshall
Phelan <free...@kaimataREMOVE.co.nz> wrote in message news:<3EE5C2FB...@kaimataREMOVE.co.nz >...
> jesus morrissey... you are a tosser, what the fuck is the point of following this ng if you
> killfile everyone you disagree with ?
> jesus morrissey... you are a tosser, what the fuck is the point of following this ng if you
> killfile everyone you disagree with ?
Errrr, Phelan, please read my post carefully. I said: "Have these
morons kill-filed ME?" Like you, I would never klll-file anyone.
morons kill-filed ME?" Like you, I would never klll-file anyone.
I haven't kill-filed them, though I understand perfectly why many
others, like Steve, have binned the buttheads. I don't even know HOW
to kill-file anyone.
others, like Steve, have binned the buttheads. I don't even know HOW
to kill-file anyone.
(Mind you, I DID kill Axel Van Kampen, on line, with a Glock pistol:
in front of a noisy crowd of regulars. Remember that?)
in front of a noisy crowd of regulars. Remember that?)
On 10 Jun 2003 10:05:25 -0700, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> Like you, I would never klll-file anyone.
> Like you, I would never klll-file anyone.
Normally, Moronssey, one would say that you had indeed killfiled Red
and Verus, and then forgotten about it -- since your news browser is
doing exactly that. But knowing about your spectacular veracity and
integrity, I'll concede that something unique may have happened in
your case. Maybe one of these:
and Verus, and then forgotten about it -- since your news browser is
doing exactly that. But knowing about your spectacular veracity and
integrity, I'll concede that something unique may have happened in
your case. Maybe one of these:
1) Your news browser is killfiling you progressively (for reasons of
self-defense) and you are seeing the first step of that progress.
2) Your brain is killfiling yourself, your eyes are falling out and
you can no longer see posts which are staring you in the face.
3) The nonsense of your thoughts have achieved such density that they
have imploded into a black hole inside your brain. You are being
progressively sucked into it, and the world is beginning to look like
shadows to you.
self-defense) and you are seeing the first step of that progress.
2) Your brain is killfiling yourself, your eyes are falling out and
you can no longer see posts which are staring you in the face.
3) The nonsense of your thoughts have achieved such density that they
have imploded into a black hole inside your brain. You are being
progressively sucked into it, and the world is beginning to look like
shadows to you.
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 01:01:07 +1200, Steve <st...@nospam4me.org> wrote:
>You must feel threatened by the clarity and confidence of my posts.
>Don't be.
>You must feel threatened by the clarity and confidence of my posts.
>Don't be.
This is too much! HA HA HA Haaaahaaaa heeeee heeeeee........
>Of all the posters in this newsgroup, exactly 5 people have made my kill
>file in 13 years.....and all of them in the past year.
>file in 13 years.....and all of them in the past year.
And you've specifed all 5. But you have killfiled me as well. That
makes 6. So much for factual correctness. If your facts are wrong,
everything else is garbage.
makes 6. So much for factual correctness. If your facts are wrong,
everything else is garbage.
On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:31:27 GMT in article
<3ee62d4...@news.iconz.co.nz >, w...@freenet.co.nz WeeWillyWonka
> On 10 Jun 2003 10:05:25 -0700, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> > Like you, I would never klll-file anyone.
> Normally, Moronssey, one would say that you had indeed killfiled Red
> and Verus, and then forgotten about it -- since your news browser is
> doing exactly that.
> On 10 Jun 2003 10:05:25 -0700, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> > Like you, I would never klll-file anyone.
> Normally, Moronssey, one would say that you had indeed killfiled Red
> and Verus, and then forgotten about it -- since your news browser is
> doing exactly that.
Jeez, you're both plonkers.
Morris Minor is using Google Groups to read this newsgroup. RedBaiter
doesn't beleive his words need to preserved so uses the X-archive flag to
prevent this. Ergo his posts don't show up on Google.
doesn't beleive his words need to preserved so uses the X-archive flag to
prevent this. Ergo his posts don't show up on Google.
Whither the left..???
morriss...@yahoo.com says...
In the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low
- show quoted text -
The tired old left like you just aren't sexy any more
You're the establishment now and you're past it.
That's why you've got that gnawing doubt in the pit of your
stomach. Its finally starting to dawn on you how wrong you
have been.
stomach. Its finally starting to dawn on you how wrong you
have been.
Pity you hadn't kept up, you would have realised it a lot
sooner, and in that realisation, you might have slowed
somewhat your careless rush to portray yourself on this
newsgroup as the epitome of yesterday's man.
sooner, and in that realisation, you might have slowed
somewhat your careless rush to portray yourself on this
newsgroup as the epitome of yesterday's man.
And I know you read me. The left are always using that
pathetic killfile ploy, but they all read Redbaiter. They
have to, to keep up.
pathetic killfile ploy, but they all read Redbaiter. They
have to, to keep up.
In the leftist's lexicon, the lowest of the low
On 10 Jun 2003 03:13:11 -0700, morriss...@yahoo.com (Morrissey
Breen) wrote:
> But what I would like to know is this: have these morons
>"kill-filed" me? And have any other people had this happen to them?
It depends on how much of a risk they perceive you to be. If you are
low risk, then yes. If you are perceived as high risk, then yes. As
it is their warped perception, there is no need at feeling rejected at
being kill-filed by them.
Breen) wrote:
> But what I would like to know is this: have these morons
>"kill-filed" me? And have any other people had this happen to them?
low risk, then yes. If you are perceived as high risk, then yes. As
it is their warped perception, there is no need at feeling rejected at
being kill-filed by them.
A bit like when a certain property guy accused Air NZ hostesses of
being ugly. The Chairman of Air NZ responded that there was nothing
wrong with being called ugly by a toad.
being ugly. The Chairman of Air NZ responded that there was nothing
wrong with being called ugly by a toad.
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 08:20:49 +1200, kei...@N0JUNKclear.net.nz (Keith)
>Morris Minor is using Google Groups to read this newsgroup.
>Morris Minor is using Google Groups to read this newsgroup.
Well, that may be the explanation then. But there's still a good
chance of a black hole of stupidity in Moronssey's brain. :)
chance of a black hole of stupidity in Moronssey's brain. :)
Steve wrote:
not threatened, or surprised really. In my experience people of the left have little time for others views, this is not intended as a criticism but as a observation.
> Phelan allegedly said:
>>Steve wrote:
>>>Phelan allegedly said:
>>>>jesus morrissey... you are a tosser, what the fuck
>>>>is the point of following this ng if you killfile
>>>>everyone you disagree with ?
>>>You've made an invalid assumption.
>>>I don't kill-file people I disagree with.
>>Steve wrote:
>>>Phelan allegedly said:
>>>>jesus morrissey... you are a tosser, what the fuck
>>>>is the point of following this ng if you killfile
>>>>everyone you disagree with ?
>>>You've made an invalid assumption.
>>>I don't kill-file people I disagree with.
not threatened, or surprised really. In my experience people of the left have little time for others views, this is not intended as a criticism but as a observation.
You don't have to read their post, I don't know
what sort of software you use, but I choose
whether or not to click on someone's post and read
it. But the very act of 'kill filing' - I first
came across it with janice - remember her ? - is a
very left wing approach to views that differ from
your own.
There are varying degrees - your rather harmless
kill files, Margaret Wilson's distaste fro direct
democracy, or Mao murdering millions to satisfy
his need to realise some pure form of communist
ideology... essentially it all boils down to the
same thing - intolerance.
what sort of software you use, but I choose
whether or not to click on someone's post and read
it. But the very act of 'kill filing' - I first
came across it with janice - remember her ? - is a
very left wing approach to views that differ from
your own.
There are varying degrees - your rather harmless
kill files, Margaret Wilson's distaste fro direct
democracy, or Mao murdering millions to satisfy
his need to realise some pure form of communist
ideology... essentially it all boils down to the
same thing - intolerance.
Morrissey Breen wrote:
- show quoted text -
one too many scotches before going on line ;-(
please accept my abject apology... I guess I shall
continue to make such blunders as long as I
continue to 'drink & post' ...
please accept my abject apology... I guess I shall
continue to make such blunders as long as I
continue to 'drink & post' ...
very sorry !!!!!
Redbaiter wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:31:27 GMT in article
>><3ee62d4...@news.iconz.co.nz >, w...@freenet.co.nz WeeWillyWonka
>>>On 10 Jun 2003 10:05:25 -0700, Morrissey Breen wrote:
> was using Google. I'll have to post an archived message just
> for him...
> kei...@N0JUNKclear.net.nz says...
>>On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:31:27 GMT in article
>>>On 10 Jun 2003 10:05:25 -0700, Morrissey Breen wrote:
>>>> Like you, I would never klll-file anyone.
>>>Normally, Moronssey, one would say that you had indeed killfiled Red
>>>and Verus, and then forgotten about it -- since your news browser is
>>>doing exactly that.
>>Jeez, you're both plonkers.
>>Morris Minor is using Google Groups to read this newsgroup. RedBaiter
>>doesn't beleive his words need to preserved so uses the X-archive flag to
>>prevent this. Ergo his posts don't show up on Google.
> Of course Keith, very good. I over looked that the maroon>>>and Verus, and then forgotten about it -- since your news browser is
>>>doing exactly that.
>>Jeez, you're both plonkers.
>>Morris Minor is using Google Groups to read this newsgroup. RedBaiter
>>doesn't beleive his words need to preserved so uses the X-archive flag to
>>prevent this. Ergo his posts don't show up on Google.
> was using Google. I'll have to post an archived message just
> for him...
hell that's all very high tech - what are you
using for posting ?
using for posting ?
by the way who are you ? can you email me directly ?
The notorious drunkard Phelan <free...@kaimataREMOVE.co.nz> posts up
the following confession in message
news:<3EE6FDA6...@kaimataREMOVE.co.nz >...
> one too many scotches before going on line ;-(
> please accept my abject apology... I guess I shall
> continue to make such blunders as long as I
> continue to 'drink & post' ...
> very sorry !!!!!
the following confession in message
> one too many scotches before going on line ;-(
> please accept my abject apology... I guess I shall
> continue to make such blunders as long as I
> continue to 'drink & post' ...
> very sorry !!!!!
Ahhhhhhh!!!! Just as I thought....
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:02:03 +1200 in article
<3EE6FE1B...@kaimataREMOVE.co.nz >, free...@kaimataREMOVE.co.nz
Phelan says...
Phelan says...
- show quoted text -
Are you talking to me or Redbaiter?
Either way we are both using different versions of the Gravity news
client. To set the no archive flag you add an extra header "X-No-Archive:
yes" through an Advanaced Field option.
client. To set the no archive flag you add an extra header "X-No-Archive:
yes" through an Advanaced Field option.
In article <fb3a0456.03061...@posting.google.com >,
morriss...@yahoo.com says...
> The notorious drunkard Phelan
morriss...@yahoo.com says...
> The notorious drunkard Phelan
What a loser you are.
Keith wrote:
- show quoted text -
er, no, Red - my post was under his wasn't it ? -
I'm not too good at this.
I'm not too good at this.
Morrissey Breen wrote:
- show quoted text -
hmmmm, cheers - suppose i deserved that :-(
Morrissey Breen wrote:
- show quoted text -
hmmmm, cheers - suppose i deserved that :-(
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