- Sanctuary18 April 2020 at 7:28 amThe media has so let the country down during this pandemic. Yet again, we've got RNZ leading the news with a reckon from an articulate middle class person about testing. FFS, we are thirteen days into this thing and you are still running lazy anecdotes? WTF is Guyon Espiner doing, isn't he paid to be an onto it sleuthing roving reporter free to leap into any story? Or is it to hard when the material isn't handed to you on a plate in a Tauranga cafe?It took an aside in this puff piece from the Washington Post – https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/new-zealand-isnt-just-flattening-the-curve-its-squashing-it/2020/04/07/6cab3a4a-7822-11ea-a311-adb1344719a9_story.html#comments-wrapper – to reveal something new about the decision to go into lockdown:"…A group of influential leaders got on the phone with her the following day to urge moving to Level 4.“We were hugely worried about what was happening in Italy and Spain,” said one of them, Stephen Tindall, founder of the Warehouse, New Zealand’s largest retailer…"Now, that is news. A glimpse into how the decision was made that informs us a little of the power structures of our country and how they work.Some Mum giving just her side of the story and bitching about how the system failed her expert epidemiology is not a story.On Twitter, Tova O'Brien has responded to the pile on of almost unrelieved criticism with the usual thin skinned response you get from our journalists – playing the victim, refusing to engage with even the sincere and reasoned critics and blocking people left right and centre. presumably when Mediaworks collapses and she is unemployed she will be genuinely puzzled that nobody really cares.
I Feel Love1.1
8 April 2020 at 7:54 amI just thought this morning that during the Dirty Politics era many of our journalists were aware (a majority I'd wager), yet none revealed what was going on, except Hager.Janice1.2
8 April 2020 at 8:34 amI agree that RNZ is focusing on negative hearsay. This morning’s woman who didn’t get a test, I am sorry for that, but did people expect all systems and people running them to be up to speed immediately in this new era that nobody has been in before. The other morning, they had some self-entitled woman complaining about being unable to get her appointment for fertility treatment. It is getting beyond stupid. The more negative anecdotes they run, the more moaning people they will get contacting them. Let's have some proper news please, we may as well listen to talkback.Sanctuary1.2.1
8 April 2020 at 8:41 amOne take away I have from the David Clark story is that the press gallery are not intellectually equipped to deal with complex news stories. They want conflict, gotchas and a horse race where they play a role as arbiters and manufacturers of public opinion.They fell upon the Clark story with the ravenous appetite of people who have been starved of the diet they know best and who have felt diminished by the reign of experts and good decision making. Demanding Clark’s head on a platter has been as much about re-assuring the egos of the press gallery journalists they are still important as anything else, IMHO.I’ve not heard anyone who doesn’t have a partisan axe to grind outside the press bubble giving a big shit about the 20km drive to the beach – a lot of people just pulled a guilty face at the news.Frankly, a lot of press gallery have come across as determined but also a bit dim. And stubborn stupidity doesn’t much to recommend it, really.bill1.2.1.1
8 April 2020 at 10:21 amI’ve not heard anyone who doesn’t have a partisan axe to grind outside the press bubble giving a big shit about the 20km drive to the beach – a lot of people just pulled a guilty face at the news.?
8 April 2020 at 8:43 amTalk back is terrible. My radio headphones yesterday got knocked from RNZ to talkback by mistake, and I heard some shock jock defending himself from a young woman who had taken him to task for his criticising what the PM was wearing on the daily press conference.I despair for our media at times. Bring back Aunt Daisy, I say. At least her recipes were useful.Tony Veitch (not etc.)
8 April 2020 at 9:36 amAh, Mac1, Aunt Daisy – who reportedly said on national radio "It's a lovely day and the sun is shining up my back passage!"You have to be a certain vintage to even know who Aunt Daisy was. Yes, her recipes and general good sense were legendary.RedLogix1.
8 April 2020 at 10:18 amHer husband was one of my grand-uncles Fred Basham. My mum was very fond of them both. A lost era …
Rosemary McDonald1.3
8 April 2020 at 9:33 am"Some Mum giving just her side of the story…bitching…”Misogyny, much?Sanctuary1.3.1
8 April 2020 at 9:58 amSnowflake alert!Rosemary McDonald1.3.1.1
8 April 2020 at 10:12 amAre you lost, Sanctuary?That's the kind of response I'd expect to read from Farrar's Ferals.
8 April 2020 at 9:50 amDid "influential leaders" really do that or are they just trying to grab the credit?Carolyn_Nth1.4.1
8 April 2020 at 10:05 amYeah. And what is the evidence that their phone call prompted to make her decision on lock down? other than say, all the medical, behavioural and economic modelling they have been doing for over a month?
8 April 2020 at 10:11 amThe odious Radio Neo Ziberal.Rosemary McDonald1.5.1
8 April 2020 at 10:19 amTake comfort Maui from the fact that Natrad is hated equally on the right.They call it 'RedRadio'.It is reasonably safe to assume that they are somewhere in the middle.And of course exercise one's own judgement.We can't expect to be spoon fedThe 'Truth".Morrisseyr
8 April 2020 at 10:41 amRNZ National is still far superior to anything on the commercial channels. It does have some excellent reporters. However, it has for many years inflicted third-rate opinionistas—glib and superficial at best, brutal and reactionary at worst—on the New Zealand public.https://morrisseybreen.blogspot.com/2018/02/bradley-manning-show-trial-begins-in.htmlhttps://morrisseybreen.blogspot.com/2019/07/nz-liberals-highly-amused-by-assanges.htmlhttps://morrisseybreen.blogspot.com/2019/01/shooting-protestors-will-lead-to.htmlClick to Edit – 8 minutes and 41 seconds
8 April 2020 at 8:06 amOk, now the lockdown is starting to bite.Yesterday I could feel my arteries going soft and squidgy, and my usual remedy to firm them back up is eight slices of pepperoni, tomato sauce and cheese awesomeness on a thin and crispy base. Not allowed right now.I could make one myself, but the home efforts lack the oversalted, sugared, grease-dripping, negative-nutritional-value gloriousness of the real thing.So the desperation move is buying a frozen one from the supermarket, and since I needed other stuff, off I went. Disaster. Frozen pizzas were all sold out, except for the vegan ones. Not even any plain vegetarian ones with real cheese that I could put my own pepperoni onto. Just fukn vegan.It's going to be a long two or three or six weeks.Sanctuary