“What sort of people could even DO torture? They’re psychopaths!”
The Panel grapples with the problem of evil
Radio NZ National, Wednesday 10 December 2014
Jim Mora, Michelle Acourt, Gordon McLauchlan, Zoe Ferguson
The Panel grapples with the problem of evil
Radio NZ National, Wednesday 10 December 2014
Jim Mora, Michelle Acourt, Gordon McLauchlan, Zoe Ferguson
No Nevil Breivik Gibson or John Barnett or Barry Corbett or Jordan Williams on the programme to defend torture today. Nobody like Chris Trotter to deliver a windy admonition against those who would be so foolish as to utter any word of condemnation of the torture and murder of helpless captives. Instead, there are two comparatively decent guests today for the inevitable discussion on the Senate Intelligence Committee report....
GORDON McLAUCHLAN: They’re seriously BAD DUDES!….What sort of people could even DO torture? They’re psychopaths. That’s what they are!
JIM MORA: Hmmmm….
What sort of people would do torture? Well, here’s a tentative answer: People with an empathy deficit, i.e., people who laugh at the plight of political dissidents being hounded into exile, then make fun of them when they fall sick. People who guffaw at the death of an officially designated enemy. People like…. well, Michelle Acourt was too polite and discrete to say anything, but perhaps she was casting her mind back a little bit…..