Wednesday 27 December 2017

David Garrett: “That bitch is a ‘mother’ only in the technical sense.”

“That bitch is a ‘mother’ only in the technical sense.”
Five mental health doctors, all in white coats, gather round a computer screen to consider a particularly grievous case. Professor MORRISSEY BREEN leads the convocation….
PROF. BREEN: This is something that came to our attention late yesterday. It’s a blog post about Chris Kahui, so you can imagine some of the Paul Holmes-type comments that ensue.
DOCTOR No. 1: Oh Jesus, do we HAVE to look at this?
PROF. BREEN: Come on now. You guys work with mental health cases. This is your job.
DOCTOR No. 2: Yes, but these right wing fellows are, if not simply bewildered, then certainly depraved. They ARE all guys, aren’t they?
PROF. BREEN: Well, there’s one Catholic woman who writes crackpot stuff about religion and Russia occasionally, but, yes, I think they’re mostly male contributors.
YOUNG FEMALE DOCTOR: [grimly] Very SAD males.
PROF. BREEN: Indeed. We’ll start with this comment from someone calling himself “dime”. He writes “what a piece of human garbage”.
DOCTOR No. 4: To be honest, that’s pretty tame. Lame, but tame.
PROF. BREEN: Granted. Unfortunately, however, our friend “dime” is the intellectual heavyweight in this forum. It only gets worse from here on. For instance, a sad git called “mara” writes: “This Kahui ought to have fallen down the stairs in prison years ago.”
….Disbelieving silence for several seconds….
DOCTOR No. 1: Fuck me! These MORONS are in institutional care, I take it?
PROF. BREEN: Sorry, but please bear with me if you can. A bit later a genius named “cmm” writes: “These people are always so keen to dis the white man that brings him the legal system that keeps him alive, gives him money for food, accommodation etc.”
ALL: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!… Jesus H. CHRIST, these people are D – U – M, DUMB!
PROF. BREEN: A bewildered soul called nasska writes: “Urban ferals never have & never will benefit from the millions thrown into the black hole that is the Maori grievance industry.”One “PhilP” writes learnedly that Chris Kahui is a “useless piece of shit.”
DOCTOR No. 4: Good Lord! This is like listening to a morning of Leighton Smith!
DOCTOR No. 5: Or Michael Laws. Or Sean Plunket. Or Larry “Lackwit” Williams.
PROF. BREEN: Yes, that’s right. Obviously these people get their talking points from the likes of Smith and Laws.
DOCTOR No. 3: And the ACT Party.
PROF. BREEN: Actually, No. 3, you’re close to the truth there. But we’ll get onto that in a minute. Let’s just consider the last couple of examples. Another fellow, “deadrightkev”, writes:“Kahui is a product of trash upbringing and fertilised by a social welfare state dependency problem out of control.” He then manages to top that with this gem: “Treaty settlements are fraud. They should be staying exactly where they should be – in the hands of the taxpayer.”
YOUNG FEMALE DOCTOR: More like “Deadweight” Kev, methinks.
ALL: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
PROF. BREEN: This one is my favorite, though, because he’s honest. Stupid, but honest. One “flash2846” writes learnedly: “Yet another good reason why I and others are racist! Just imagine a murderer of any other race in New zealand saying that shit. Filthy CUNT! needs castrating!!!!”
….A stunned silence ensues for several seconds…..
DOCTOR No. 1: [grimly] Farrar certainly seems to attract the intellectuals.
DOCTOR No. 3: You know what the most frightening thing about these guys is? They can breed and they can vote.
ALL: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
PROF. BREEN: Okay. Now some of you might remember this bloke. [He scrolls down the page] Sorry, fellas, before I reveal who it is, I know that like the rest of the country, you thought you’d never have to look at his ugly mug again or listen to one of his ill-informed, hate-filled rants, but he’s back—at least on Kiwiblog.
DOCTOR No. 1: Who? Murray Deaker?
DOCTOR No. 4: Not that fucking criminal JOHN BANKS?
DOCTOR No. 2: Not that dancing fool Rodney “The Perk Taker” Hide?
PROF. BREEN: Now, No. 3, remember how you suggested these halfwits could be channeling the ACT Party. Well, get a load of THIS: “Of course he’s fucking unemployable… But of the two, his former “missus” is the worst in my view…male scum who couldn’t give a fuck about or abuse their progeny are a dime a dozen…somehow we expect more of mothers…That bitch is a “mother” only in the technical sense…and she is probably a killer…she certainly knows who did kill the poor little buggers… the useless mongrel – and I say that even if he didn’t kill his sons – has almost certainly sired a couple more by now….and you can bet your arse those children have “come to the attention of the authorities”
GENERAL HUBBUB: Jesus! …. What the HELL?… You can virtually feel the spittle!… Was that a quote from the late Paul Holmes?…. Sounds like Cameron Slater… Or John Ansell?… It’s hard to say which part of this is more offensive: the militant display of ignorance or the hatred. …. Are these people in care, and if not, why not? … They can vote, and they can breed…. So tell us, Prof. Breen: who was it?
PROF. BREEN: I’ll give you three clues. Clue number one: he’s a disgraced ACT M.P.
DOCTOR No. 4: Jamie “Lock Up His Sisters” Whyte!
DOCTOR No. 1: Rodney “The Perk Taker” Hide!
DOCTOR No. 3: Heather Roy!
DOCTOR No. 2: Doctor Muriel Newman, the dimmest medical practitioner in the world until the advent of Dr Ben Carson!
PROF. BREEN: All reasonable choices. But not the answer I’m looking for. Clue number two: he was convicted of assaulting a doctor in Tonga.
ALL: Oh Jesus, no!… I know who it is now. …. I’d blocked that person out of my memory, I’d thought…. No, no, no! Not him!… It’s that monster from the S.S. Trust!
PROF. BREEN: Clue number three: he stole the identity of a dead baby and was convicted for it, but it still didn’t stop ACT selecting him as a candidate!
GENERAL HUBBUB: The right dishonorable David fucking Garrett! … He’s the lowest of the low!… Thanks, Prof. Breen, I had banished that zombie into my mental trash can, and now you bring him back from the dead!… Absolutely reprehensible!… Compared to David Garrett, Chris Kahui is Albert fucking Schweitzer.
PROF. BREEN: Say, I LIKE that comment. I might just modify it a bit and post it up on Kiwiblog….
  • Tim11.1
    Chris Kahui does deserve to be in prison though. Or do you have some other plausible theory for how those injuries happened?
    • Molly11.1.1
      Unless you are privy to all the details of the case, from what was published – there does not seem to be enough evidence to make that decisive judgement call.
      One of my relatives worked in the ICU at that time, and it had been noted by staff that the (somewhat regular) lack of bonding with the mother had occurred, and that substantial at home visits and supports would be necessary to address this. This did not occur after discharge.
      It is by no means uncommon for parents of very premature births to have a resistance to forming bonds with their child. The children are often physically different from expectations of a healthy birth – very skinny, with loose and hairy skin, and it is a form of unconscious mental self-preservation to not invest emotionally if outcomes are uncertain.
      Whether Chris Kahui was responsible for the injuries or not, seemed hard to define given the conflicting evidence that I can recall.
      What is true however, is that a vulnerability was identified and a strategy defined which was not followed up on.
      This is tragedy was indicative of a support system failure as well.
    • Morrissey11.1.2
      You could well be right, Tim. However, the discredited National Party hitman Cameron Slater is not fit to comment on him or anyone else.
      The point of my post was not to defend Chris Kahui, but to show the hypocrisy of the ignorant and bloody-minded lynch-mob that were denouncing him on the right wing blogs. It’s perhaps no surprise to learn that the most foul-mouthed, crudest commenter of all on that particular thread was the disgraced ex-ACT felon David Garrett….
      • Tim11.1.2.1
        I enjoyed your post (as usual) and I’m glad you let those guys know how it is. It just prompted me to think about the case again and left me with a sense of anger – probably at the family as well as Macsyna and Chris, for the way in which all seemed complicit in preventing the truth coming to light at the time… Or at least that is what the media has it seem like.

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