Leading thinker tries to explain the huge RWC crowds in England (28 Sept. 2015)
“I’m not sure it’s the rugby.” Leading thinker tries to explain the huge RWC crowds in England The Panel, Radio NZ National, Monday 28 September 2015 Jim Mora, Gary McCormick, Wendyl Nissen
It is not at all controversial to point out that the standard of New Zealand rugby commentary is about as bad as commentary gets. The list of useless and/or offensive rugby commentators is a long one. Here are twenty of the worst:
1. Tim (“Someone might attack John Hart’s horse”) Bickerstaff (R.I.P) 2. Scott “Sumo” Stevenson 3. Murray (“Too many boofhead Islanders in the team”) Deaker 4. Martin “Moron” Devlin 5. Doug (“That black PIG Mugabe!”) Golightly 6. “Sir” John (“Too many Darkies”) Graham 7. Wynne “Sensible” Gray 8. Andy (“Too many Darkies”) Haden 9. Jim “Kadaverous” Kayes 10. David (“Too many dark faces for my taste”) Kirk 11. Paul “Lackwit” Lewis 12. Willy (“Gwaham Henwy can just PISS OFF!”) Lose, AKA Wiwwy Wose 13. John (“Are there too many darkies?”) Matheson (R.I.P.) 14. John (“Second Fiddle”) McBeth 15. Graham “Moods” Moody (R.I.P.) 16. Chris “Rat Shit” Rattue 17. Andrew (“Nothing to do in Cardiff”) Saveloy 18. Tony (“It wasn’t really me who hospitalized my fiancée”) Veitch, AKA “Veitchy” 19. Nigel (How many times can I say “Opportunity”?) Yalden 20. Spiro (“Rugby is ballet, it’s opera, it’s Swiss watch-making”) Zavos
This afternoon, sufferers of Jim Mora’s light chat show were inflicted with yet another member of this dismal fellowship….
JIM MORA: Mark, these crowds in England for the Rugby World Cup have been phenomenal. I see there was a record set for the Ireland-Romania match.
MARK REASON:[speaking slowly and carefully so as to convey deep thoughtfulness] I’m not sure it’s the rugby. It’s the occasion. …
Reason chuntered on in this deliberate, utterly ridiculous fashion for a long, long minute. Then he suddenly, thankfully, stopped talking.
JIM MORA: Shrewd analysis. That’s Mark Reason!
GARY McCORMICK: Really good analysis, Mark.
Aficionados of this kind of high-flown analysis should tune in tomorrow. Reason is on The Panel every day until the end of the tournament.
Leading thinker tries to explain the huge RWC crowds in England
The Panel, Radio NZ National, Monday 28 September 2015
Jim Mora, Gary McCormick, Wendyl Nissen
2. Scott “Sumo” Stevenson
3. Murray (“Too many boofhead Islanders in the team”) Deaker
4. Martin “Moron” Devlin
5. Doug (“That black PIG Mugabe!”) Golightly
6. “Sir” John (“Too many Darkies”) Graham
7. Wynne “Sensible” Gray
8. Andy (“Too many Darkies”) Haden
9. Jim “Kadaverous” Kayes
10. David (“Too many dark faces for my taste”) Kirk
11. Paul “Lackwit” Lewis
12. Willy (“Gwaham Henwy can just PISS OFF!”) Lose, AKA Wiwwy Wose
13. John (“Are there too many darkies?”) Matheson (R.I.P.)
14. John (“Second Fiddle”) McBeth
15. Graham “Moods” Moody (R.I.P.)
16. Chris “Rat Shit” Rattue
17. Andrew (“Nothing to do in Cardiff”) Saveloy
18. Tony (“It wasn’t really me who hospitalized my fiancée”) Veitch, AKA “Veitchy”
19. Nigel (How many times can I say “Opportunity”?) Yalden
20. Spiro (“Rugby is ballet, it’s opera, it’s Swiss watch-making”) Zavos