Monday 8 January 2018

No Mihi Forbes, no John Campbell—but THESE jackasses are still on TV every night. (Nov. 30, 2015)

Hosking holds court, as his underlings dutifully guffaw at his deliberate faux pas;
No Mihi Forbes, no John Campbell—but THESE jackasses are still on TV every night.

Television One News (final minute) and When Hilary Met Oprah, TV3, 7 p.m., Monday 30 November 2015
grovel n. to humble oneself or act in an abject manner, as in great fear or utter servility.
6:59 p.m. The Television One news is winding to a close, but the groveling is only getting started. An ill-at-ease Thunderbird puppet swivels in his chair and addresses the coiffured, preening star of the upcoming show….
SIMON DALLOW: Coming up on Seven Sharp, an interview with Michael Bublé. I’ll bet you’re a fan, Mike!
MIKE “KING OF CONTRA” HOSKING: Oooh yeah! Everybody likes the Boobs!
…..Pregnant pause….
SIMON DALLOW: Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho!
TONI STREET: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
WENDY “FIST PUMPER” PETRIE: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
SIMON DALLOW: That was your David Seymour moment!
MIKE “KING OF CONTRA” HOSKING: A few minutes back on the job and I’m already in trouble!
WENDY “FIST PUMPER” PETRIE: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
SIMON DALLOW: Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!
TONI STREET: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I cut away from that rubbish to have a look at what was happening on TV3. Incredibly, it was even more cringe-inducing than watching Hosking’s hapless underlings perform their duty. Hilary Barry had been granted an audience with Her Majesty Oprah Winfrey; this was a publicity exercise for Oprah’s forthcoming visit to New Zealand. Barry, embarrassingly, gushed about how nervous she was; Oprah responded by offering to give her a reassuring hug. After that, Oprah did all the talking. Hilary Barry’s part consisted of gazing at her with a desperate intensity, not even pretending to be an interviewer, but playing the demeaning role of awe-struck and reverential devotee.
But no matter how much she may have been forced to debase herself before Oprah Winfrey, it still beats her day job….

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