Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Ethan Bronner's shameless lies (A YouTube epistolary exchange) Nov. 3, 2011

Preliminary comment by JACK A. NAPES, Editor in Chief, Daisycutter Sports Inc.: 
A while ago, young go-getter Daisycutter Sports Inc. intern HECTOR 
STOOP drew our attention to a particularly vile and dishonest YouTube 
performance by one ETHAN BRONNER, chief of the Jerusalem Bureau of the 
New York Times. Several members of this organization were so affronted 
by what they saw that they immediately signed themselves up with 
YouTube in order to fight the good fight. 

This writer ended up with the YouTube soubriquet of "Jack72824". I 
present for your entertainment and delectation the entire thread of 
the epistolary jousting between myself and a confused Israeli state 
supporter called "123backinyerface". 


Biased Media - Israeli Palestinian Conflict 

**EDIT: It's Bronner's son who is in the IDF, but the point still 
Hypocrisy and propaganda at its most shameless. 
OrthodoxDarwinist 2 months ago 

Ethan Bronner joined the IDF - the Israeli Defense Force, out of his 
own free-will -- the same organization that has been caught 
deliberately targeting civilians and "routinely" using human shields. 

There have been calls for The Times to remove him due to the obvious 
fact that it's impossible for him to have any level of impartiality. 


You couldn't make this sickening hypocrisy up!! 
OrthodoxDarwinist 2 months ago 

The return of the Jews into their homeland after 2000 years. Ok! Well, 
I´m Eskimo originally from Alaska. I want to make a new nation called 
Eskimoland and tell USA to fuck off my land. Don´t even think of 
drilling for oil on my land because if you do, I will drill you in 
your butthole. Got that? You stupid white european invader? Now tell 
that stupid four eye sarah palin to stick that shotgun up her pussy 
and pull the trigger. 
StreetArtillery 2 months ago 

"In Sudan and Congo, people are REALLY being killed and tortured." 
Unlike in Gaza and the West Bank---right? 

The most disturbing thing about this video is not that he's a bigot 
and a liar--there are plenty of them, from Bill Clinton to Dennis 
Miller to Jerry Seinfeld. No, what's really troubling is that he's 
posing as a reporter for the New York Times. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 You're just besotted with anti Israeli propaganda, but most 
wannabe activists are these days. You have no "cause" to get behind so 
you follow the one that is served up for you on a plate. You simply 
don't have any perspective, Ghettos are purposefully kept in poverty 
in Gaza to attract the media, its a cash cow in the form of false 
propaganda. I suggest you reevaluate "why" you hate Jews so much, then 
ask yourself where and how you were introduced to that mindset, and 
then 'think'. 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface The Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, B'tselem, Doctors 
Without Borders, U.N. observers, doctors and nurses from Gaza's 
hospitals, journalists---they are all wrong. And Gaza is all a big 
con job. 

Unwittingly, you are mimicking the vilest and most vicious black 
propaganda that Nazi sympathizers put out about the Warsaw Ghetto. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 Why don't you compare the statistics that each of those 
organizations put out and ask yourself why they are all different? 
Also look up Godwins law, its not a very good argument considering the 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface Godwin's Law only applies when it's inappropriate. 

Any fair-minded person---not you, obviously---can see the continuities 
between German and Israeli policies and practices. Even Tommy Lapid, 
the head of Yad Vashem, said that the persecution of Palestinians in 
Hebron by illegal settlers (backed up by the IDF) reminded him of 
persecution endured by Jews in his native Yugoslavia on the eve of 
World War II. 

You'd call Tommy Lapid a "Jew-hater", I suppose. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 Your point is lost when you try and use the Nazis to make 
your case like every other half baked argument you have made. You're a 
hypocrite, you compare Israelis to Nazis and haven't said a single 
word about any act towards Israelis, or are they not allowed to have 
any animosity for being attacked? Calling one side 'Nazis' while 
ignoring the other is hypocritical. Quoting one person proves what 

"Godwin's Law only applies when it's inappropriate" <-- lol that was 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface It is Israeli politicians and generals (like Moshe 
Dayan) who have explicitly compared Israeli measures against the 
Palestinians to German measures against the Jews. 

Unlike you, I condemn terrorism by BOTH sides, and recognize the fact 
that---to quote a world-renowned Jewish dissident---Hamas is engaged 
in retail terror, while Israel is engaged in wholesale terror. 

I quoted several organizations, not "one person". 

And what is it that you don't comprehend about Godwin's Law? 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 Great, a Chomsky disciple, you need to save that for 
someone who falls for it. 

"Unlike you, I condemn terrorism by BOTH sides". lol what? I haven't 
condoned either sides actions, merely pointed out your bias to one 
over the other, so making things up isn't helping your case. You have 
quoted nothing about any organizations, you simply reamed off names 
like its all that is required, much like your use of Chomsky.  
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface I have not quoted Chomsky, I quoted another Jewish 
intellectual. You don't read enough to be able to work out who it is, 
even though it is perfectly obvious to anyone who knows anything 
about the Israel-Palestine conflict. You're bewildered, however, so 
I'll let you stew publicly in your embarrassment. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 The embarrassment is yours, your a hypocrite, you would 
rather everyone blame Israel for the worlds problems and feel good 
about yourself while doing it, you can think you are intelligent all 
you like but it won't make is so. If you wanted specificity then you 
should have named the person you were referring to, instead of yet 
again, trying to inflate your ego, but It won't work with me sunshine. 
You think everyone is unintelligent unless they read what you do? lol 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface Where have I ever suggested that I "blame Israel for 
the world's problems"? 

I won't bother replying to the rest of your message, which seems to 
be nothing but wandery and vacuous abuse. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 Yeah whatever, I'm done. 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface You certainly are done. You never had anything to 
contribute in the first place. 

How about you scuttle off and read a few books instead of posting up 
ignorant Rush Limbaugh-lite comments on something you know nothing 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 Still can't resist inflating that ego can Well 
you're still young, so you will learn sooner or later not to believe 
everything you read that furbishes your ego rather than be the truth. 
Just remember, its all a conspiracy by the evil Jews and that Gaza is 
the most important thing in your world, and never ask yourself, why 
that actually 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface Who said anything about "a conspiracy by the evil 
Jews"? Oh, that's right---YOU did. 

I don't believe everything I read, but I think you do. If you settled 
down and read more widely, and intelligently, your posts would perhaps 
make sense, and show a glimmer of understanding. 

Please give it some consideration---for your own sake as much as 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 lol, that arrogant little ego wow, it cracks me up with 
every comment. Its obvious where you are going with this, anyone who 
reads it can see it, transparent as glass. 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface The only thing obvious here is that you haven't a 
clue what's going on. You lazily---and foolishly---asserted I was 
quoting Chomsky, and you haven't got the rudimentary knowledge 
required to work out who I WAS quoting. 

As I said previously, I'll let you simmer in your own shame. It's not 
often we get the pleasure of seeing someone torturing himself and 
killing his own credibility so publicly. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

@Jack72824 You method to provoke abuse isn't working, are you waiting 
for me to call you names so you can yet again inflate your impotent 
ego? See my previous comment, its still quite applicable. Come back to 
me when you can spit out whatever it is that is obsessing you, there's 
a good boy. 
123backinyerface 2 months ago 

@123backinyerface You've already called me names, but that's not 
important. What IS important is that you have no idea at all what you 
are talking about, and you are still here. 

Gotta give you kudos for chutzpah, if nothing else. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

It's usually the atheists and agnostics who happen to be liberal that 
are anti-Israel. 
studiousx3 5 months ago 

why are his kids in the IDF? why does he think the palestinians' 
connection to the land is strictly religious? it's not religious, it's 
HOME. Palestine is for the Palestinians, before anyone. 
shodali 7 months ago 

Both sides have people who would see the other dead in the conflict. 
These such people make it near impossible for either side to reach 
ig88bc 9 months ago 

No doubt this will be taken as a devilish ploy of using logic and 
reason to control the world 

I don't presume to know the Zionist narrative, I suppose you can only 
take so much shit before you draw a line in the sand and refuse to 
take any more. 

123backinyerface 1 year ago 8 
@123backinyerface.. Arabs have been drawing the line since 1948...In 
every instance they have been the aggressors..either by provocation 
are the way good video 
ierdnall 1 year ago 

@ierdnall True, 

btw love the dog with the wig on your channel ... lol. 
123backinyerface 1 year ago 

@ierdnall no the arabs have been "drawing the line" since the 1920s 
krokom9 9 months ago 

@123backinyerface This guy doesn't use reason and logic---he is a liar 
and propagandist. 

Maybe if you were a bit more serious and READ a few books (actually 
dozens of books would be better) you would know a little bit more 
about the Zionist narrative of which you admit you are ignorant. 

Your "line in the sand" comment is fatuous. 
Jack72824 2 months ago 

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