- Andre224 May 2019 at 8:46 amMore indictments for Assange.https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/23/politics/julian-assange-espionage-act-charges/index.htmlThese go a lot further towards being political charges and being protected speech activities. So the prosecutorial overreach may in fact help Assange argue against extradition, whether it be directly from the UK, or from Sweden. And if it's from Sweden, then the UK also has to agree, so Assange may get extra protection from that.
24 May 2019 at 8:49 amwhat the new charges indicate are that even if they can’t get him to the US they will fight this for ever – he will be held in cells for a long long long time.Andre2.1.1
24 May 2019 at 8:54 amDunno about that. In 2013 Obama and his Justice Department concluded that it wasn't in the national interest to go after Assange because of the potential harmful chilling effect on legitimate journalism and free speech. Come January 2021, there may be a new prez and Attorney General that feel that same way.Sabine2.1.1.1
24 May 2019 at 9:02 amand then they elected the orange shit show and he has changed that. Elections have consequences.https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/julian-assange-versus-the-trump-administrationhttps://www.thedailybeast.com/decision-to-go-after-assange-came-during-trumps-war-on-leakershttps://psmag.com/ideas/why-trump-reversed-himself-on-wikileaksAndre2.
24 May 2019 at 9:12 amI gotta confess to some curiosity about about what Assange now thinks about his activities helping elect the most committed anti-free press pro-corruption president in modern history.Whether he's filed it under "oops, seemed a good idea at the time" or whether he's so consumed by anti-american hate that he thinks the damage getting done to the US by Tyrannosaurus Arse makes it worth it.greywarshark2.
24 May 2019 at 9:31 amAssange's thoughts would be more complex and labelling them as anti-american hate is a knee jerk choice of term I am sure. Anyone who tries to be objective about the behaviours of countries and particularly the large ones will be extremely worried and wary about their attitude to the people of the world. I don't think that calling big countries' attitudes anti-people-hate is taking it too far when one looks at the sort of things they have done.For instance the Marshall Islands have had to fight back from being guinea pigs for atomic blasts from the USA. Also the French exploded over a hundred atomic devices mostly in the South Pacific.The USA has used its prominence to do lots of bad stuff. Simply put. Assange recognises this and has reacted to it by showing up their hypocrisy of pretending they are good guys protecting the free world! Andre I think you have said you are American. I think therefore that your views may be biased and not objective.And now this:In Fiji on Thursday, he [UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres] told the crowd about "a kind of coffin" built by the US in the Marshall Islands to house the deadly radioactive debris from 1980s.The structure, however, was never meant to last. Today, due to disrepair and rising sea tides, it is dangerously vulnerable. A strong storm could breach the dome, releasing the deadly legacy of America's nuclear might."I've just been with the President of the Marshall Islands (Hilda Heine), who is very worried because there is a risk of leaking of radioactive materials that are contained in a kind of coffin in the area," Guterres said in Fiji, Agence France-Presse reported.Guterres' "coffin" was the product of a belated American response to the testing of the 1940s and 1950s. Beginning in 1977, the Defence Nuclear Agency began a sustained cleanup of the nuclear debris left over on Enewetak Atoll…https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/south-pacific/112903016/worry-as-pacific-nuclear-waste-barrier-cracksAndre…
24 May 2019 at 9:51 amAssange's actions around shoving his cock into women's bodies in ways that were explicitly not consented to, then scarpering every time it looked like he might get held accountable, don't speak to much complexity of thought on his part.francesca…
24 May 2019 at 10:02 amWell then Andre he deserves the judicial and psychological rape he is now being subjected to does he?And the military and economic rape the lawless US dishes out daily and which Assange exposed to the world can carry on merrily because …Assange is accused(but not convicted) of not using a condomAnd the powers that be are now in possession of a wonderful weapon… the gullibility of the public when accusations of sexual impropriety are thrown around.The chilling effect that this has on journalists, because we are all, every one of us flawed in all kinds of ways, and the compliant media could discredit every one of us, destroy us , rape us psychologically every day of the week and people like you will stand on the roadside cheering and jeeringFunny old worldAndre…
24 May 2019 at 10:12 amWhat's the current going rate for how many documents showing shitty government behaviour you need to publish to get one freebie rape?francesca…
24 May 2019 at 10:20 amSo the judicial process is now redundant?Accusations are enough?No need for trials in your post truth world?Whoopy do, brave new world indeedAndre…
24 May 2019 at 10:24 amAssange successfully stalled the legitimate judicial process for seven years. His choices and actions, nobody else's. And now the legitimate judicial process is starting up again. Which you seem to be objecting to.francesca…
24 May 2019 at 10:39 amTo your lower commentThe UN had different views , but what would the UN human rightscommission know compared to you eh Andre?https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=17013&
24 May 2019 at 10:05 amnot a very charitable version.2 starfuckers who compared notes and were…pissed off.Andre…
24 May 2019 at 1:03 pmStarfuckers aren't allowed to set limits to what they consent to? And because they're starfuckers, they lose the right to hold accountable those that breach the limits of their consent? When you’re a star, it’s ok even if they don’t want to let you do it?Psycho Milt…
24 May 2019 at 1:06 pmYeah, these two and Christine Blasey Ford – all these awful women making false accusations. Won't somebody please, please think of the rapists?
24 May 2019 at 12:47 pmYou seem to know a lot about his sexual carrying on Andre. All you described is covered by the words 'had sex with'. Do you find this itself a disgraceful and unpleasant behaviour? There might not be complexity in Assange's mind about it but there certainly seems to be in yours.As I understood it he had had sexual relations with his female partner, and then felt desire and had it again when she wasn't fully awake. You speak of 'ways that were explicitly not consented to' is that two counts or one? Was it the ways that he performed this act, or did he go against explicit instructions, ie not used condom? If he had not used a condom. that is wrong and exposes the woman to possible pregnancy and/or sexual diseases so is a no-no, but doesn't constitute rape.Andre…
24 May 2019 at 1:00 pmAre you an expert in Swedish law? Do you know exactly what happened? If not, then how do you know that what happened didn't constitute rape?Psycho Milt…
24 May 2019 at 1:12 pmAll you described is covered by the words 'had sex with'. Do you find this itself a disgraceful and unpleasant behaviour?Why ask Andre? What counts is what the person he "had sex with" has to say about it, and what they've had to say can't have been that complimentary, given the criminal investigation.If he had not used a condom. that is wrong and exposes the woman to possible pregnancy and/or sexual diseases so is a no-no, but doesn't constitute rape.Consent can be conditional on use of a condom. In which case the term for not using one isn't the "surprise creampie" often depicted as a hilarious gag in porn videos, it's "rape."Sam…
24 May 2019 at 1:19 pmYou stupid twats are sick in the head. It's non of your business what two people do in the bedroom. For starters Julian's accusers wanted Julian tested for STDz. It was a secound prosecutor under orders who had the allegations upgraded. This has and never have been about the victim. All this is is an excuse for the woke to demonstrate how virtuous there feelings of victimhood is.Psycho Milt…
24 May 2019 at 1:35 pmAbsolutely it's none of my business what two people do in a bedroom, but it definitely is my business when people are posting rape apologia on a blog I read.Also: believing that consent matters is not virtue-signalling for the woke. Men who don't understand that consent matters sometimes end up having to tell a court why the jury should believe sex was consensual when the other party vehemently denies it. Why not just avoid that scenario and avoid being a creep at the same time?greywarshark…
24 May 2019 at 1:57 pmI was talking about the way that Andre explained the matter PM. It seems to be that sex sets many of you off like wind-up clockwork toys.Sam…
24 May 2019 at 2:38 pmyall are producing stupid comments that illustrate how naive you are.Psycho Milt…
24 May 2019 at 4:23 pmIt seems to be that sex sets many of you off like wind-up clockwork toys.Sex? Haven't noticed that topic come up. Rape apologia certainly sets some of us off though, yes. Have you all considered not writing any? That would shut down my comments on the subject of Assange almost completely.Sam…
24 May 2019 at 5:18 pmThis actually goes to a wider set of societal norms. So is it okay for the state to run assignation programmes? Or in this case against Assange, is it okay to use the coercive powers of the state keeping in mind that Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State public stated a desire to drone him for publishing evidence that she was malfeasance in the death of a Lybian Ambassador. So the question I'm trying to get at here is it it cool for the state to use rape allegations as a tool to extradite Assange?Morrissey…
24 May 2019 at 5:51 pmThere's far more compelling evidence that Assange sacrificed young boys to the goddess Chamunda while in the Ecuadorian embassy. You'd build a more convincing case if you followed up that rumour.Psycho Milt…
24 May 2019 at 7:09 pmSo the question I'm trying to get at here is it it cool for the state to use rape allegations as a tool to extradite Assange?Well, that depends, doesn't it? If it's using rape allegations to extradite Assange for some nefarious non-rape-allegations-related purpose, then that wouldn't be cool at all.However, if it's using rape allegations to extradite Assange because someone's made a rape allegation against him, then yes, totally cool. I notice that someone has made a rape allegation against him.Psycho Milt…
24 May 2019 at 7:11 pmThere's far more compelling evidence that Assange sacrificed young boys to the goddess Chamunda while in the Ecuadorian embassy.I wasn't aware you'd reviewed the evidence in this case, Morrissey. Have you passed your findings on to the Swedish investigators?
24 May 2019 at 4:48 pmI found this to be quite a good readhttps://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/debunking-all-the-assange-smears-a549fd677cacMcFlock…
24 May 2019 at 4:57 pmMore of the same, really.Full of straw men and not-quite-truths.Morrissey…
24 May 2019 at 5:27 pm?????You really have nothing to offer except bile and lies. State-sponsored lies.McFlock…
24 May 2019 at 5:35 pmState sponsored? I thought my tax refund was a bit light, frankly.Morrissey…
24 May 2019 at 5:45 pmYou're doing it for free. At least the likes of hapless Hosking and his ilk get paid for their nonsense.McFlock…
24 May 2019 at 5:57 pmSo my comments aren't state sponsored then. Nasty thing to accuse me of, that.Summing up the entire swedish situation as people saying "he's a rapist" is a straw man argument. It allows no room for the concept of "he was accused of rape, so should face up to the legal system on that charge". And before you dolt45 "no charges", the British Supreme Court disagreed with that argument.The statement in jeremyB's link "InterPol bizarrely issued a Red Notice for Assange, typically reserved for terrorists and dangerous criminals, not alleged first-time rapists" is a mischaracterisation of interpol notice classifications. And rape is a serious crime, even the first time. So that's a not-quite-truth.And so on, with everything covered before here on rape-apology groundhog day, anyway.Morrissey…
24 May 2019 at 6:00 pm"Rape apology"? State-sponsored or simply choosing to repeat state lies without shame, you're lying.James[]
25 May 2019 at 9:13 amAre you an apologist for all rapes – or just these ones?McFlock…
24 May 2019 at 6:15 pmYou say that, yet choose to not show how my examples from the link are not a " not-quite-truth" or a "straw man argument".Because using either to minimise rape allegations against someone is rape apology. So therefore I'm telling the truth when I use that term.Try using fewer slogans and more substance.
24 May 2019 at 5:20 pmDont mind McTrash. He's damaged.Edit: yeah, 1 through 10. I could agree with that although as you can see from Mc Trashs response, you either agree that the state should be held to account or not.McFlock…
24 May 2019 at 5:28 pmOr maybe the state should be held to account, but so should individuals.Incognito…
24 May 2019 at 5:46 pmIt was going so wellSam…
24 May 2019 at 5:54 pmGoing well? Really…Assange has been stewing in jeopardy and this is well? I don't think so.Yknow, New Zealand is a juvenile island Nation that for many reasons can not let go of the great powers car door, now America.Incognito[]
24 May 2019 at 6:18 pmNever mind. Sam, I wasn’t commenting on AssangeSam…
24 May 2019 at 6:45 pmWell I was. We need global solutions and Assange is apart of the package.
24 May 2019 at 9:53 amHow can you say that Assange helped elect Trump when Clinton won the popular vote?How did Assange publishing accurate information swing the electoral college ?How did Assange affect the votes of those crucial states which Clinton thought she had in the bag and didnt bother campaigning in?How did Assange induce the DNC to deny opportunities to Sanders to fairly campaign?By rigging the nomination the DNC denied voters the possibility of Sanders being a viable opposition to TrumpYou can't blame Assange for thatAndre…
24 May 2019 at 10:07 amWow, you're really into this post-fact post-truth thing.Here's a couple of pieces from The Intercept about how WikiLeaks was enthusiastically helping the Fraud from Fifth Avenue and dumping on Hillary.https://theintercept.com/2018/02/14/julian-assange-wikileaks-election-clinton-trump/https://theintercept.com/2017/11/15/wikileaks-julian-assange-donald-trump-jr-hillary-clinton/Or there's things like WikiLeaks enthusiastically collaborating in spreading smears about Hillary's health.https://www.thedailybeast.com/jerome-corsi-told-roger-stone-wikileaks-had-dirt-on-hillarys-health-then-the-attacks-startedfrancesca…
24 May 2019 at 10:18 amWow!Read the comments below the line on those 2 outdated Intercept pieces?Fucking hilarious, and better written than the articlesIntercept readers weren't buying itAndre…
24 May 2019 at 10:30 amAssange groupie endorses views of other Assange groupies, ignores anything unfavourable to Assange. What a surprise.francesca…
24 May 2019 at 10:40 amvice versaPoission…
24 May 2019 at 2:46 pmWill Assange have some new room mates if extradited?https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-23/trump-orders-fbi-cia-fully-cooperate-barr-authorizes-full-and-complete-authorityAndre…
24 May 2019 at 3:12 pm@Poission: depends on whether those people end up in front of a real judge or a Drumpf appointee whose only qualification was an ability to crawl so far up Drumpf's ass they got to shake hands with Hannity.joe90…
24 May 2019 at 3:30 pmAnd the penalty for espionage is?https://www.rawstory.com/2019/05/trump-suggests-death-penalty-punishment-for-comey-page-strozk-and-mccabe/McFlock…
24 May 2019 at 3:52 pmFor a start, they'd have to take that off the table to have a shit-show of getting him extradited to the US.
24 May 2019 at 5:31 pmFrancesca, the outstanding independent journalist Allan Nairn was on Democracy Now! today. He had words of counsel for the Democratic Party:francesca…
24 May 2019 at 6:55 pmyeah thanks MorrisseyIts obviously much more exciting to believe in cartoon villains like them evil Rooskies….whatever they do its Wrong…they can't help it its in their natureespecially if you've been brought up on comics and Lex Luthor
24 May 2019 at 1:31 pmHis original extradition case only took a couple of years, and went all the way up the system.But the British will have to have the same argument about freedom of speech and journalists as the US would if he ends up going over there.
24 May 2019 at 9:51 amhttps://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6024848/5-23-19-US-Assange-Superseding-Indictment.pdf
24 May 2019 at 9:55 amIndia's Prime Minister Modi showed an echo of Trump when he was talking about making India great again, or similar expression. He is very popular despite some worrying tendencies in the past. Populism is in eh.