Wednesday 6 March 2019

Andrey Panevin: Everyday Madness (Sept. 26, 2015)

    • Everyday Madness
      by ANDREY PANEVIN, Slavyangrad, 26 September 2015
      Perusing the daily headlines has become somewhat like reading a prologue to global conflict, penned by a madman. Every day there is some new-found elaborate Russian plan to overrun the Ukraine, take control of Syria, or conduct programmes of genocide. It seems that every Western reporter has uncovered a conspiracy of their own that firmly pins the blame for the world’s troubles on Putin or the Russian people; the only problem being that all of their sources remain ‘anonymous’ and their stories cannot be confirmed.
      These constant, and often contradictory, reports fill social media streams and television screens, and have become the basis for stock phrases such as ‘Russian aggression’ and ‘Western Values’, which politicians need only utter to convince their constituents that they are indeed righteous while the enemy is not. The insanity of Western political and cultural rhetoric is no longer an undercurrent, instead, with disconcerting ease, it has lodged itself into mainstream conversations. ….
      • weston9.1
        putin seems a lot more straight up than most of the other world leaders too and from a russian perspective it cant feel very nice all those nukes pointed in yr dirrection from 800 or so bases arround the world and even the oceans damn neer seething with british french and american nuclear armed subs and aircraft carriers its a wonder russias as stable as what it seems .good on them for giving snowden assylem too
    • keepLeft10
      Rally for Kim! Save Kim Dotcom from Amerikkkan corporate oppression! Kim Dotcom is facing extradition based on trumped up evidence and betrayal by his former comrades ( If extradited he will be taken to Amerikkka and forced to face Amerikkkan (in)justice system. Let’s get organised comrades!
      • Puckish Rogue10.1
        Save the 1%! Yes!
        • savenz10.1.1
          I think Puckish Rogue, you will find something like 90% of people have used a file website like You-Tube so the case is about Internet freedom and illegal spying. If Hollywood notice something illegal they just ask the file Website to remove it. NO DRAMAS – this is about oppression and control from Big Business in which even Sony’s lawyers confirmed they did not think their was a case and NZ government officials hoodwinked the facts to put a ‘positive’ spin on their bizarre actions of sending in 70 armed defenders to a family with young children to arrest and contain them.
          • Puckish Rogue10.1.1.1
            I’m sure Kim will thank you from his mansion where hes underpaying and threatening the staff working for him
            • weston10.
              even if he was its completly and utterly irrelavent next to the fact that the key government allowed and approved an fbi style raid on a nz citizen complete with helicopters and swat teams after illeagally using state intelligence agencys to spy on him for months .whether you like the man personaly or not is irrelevant to the fact that as a nz citizen he should have exactly the same rights as you or i.By continuing the key narrative of lets all hate kim .com you are simply letting them get completely away with a gross misuse of state power.Next time you feel like uttering key mantras go back and see the vid of kim dot com pleading pastionately against the gcsb bill in parilment .He was doing all of us a favour.
        • Morrissey10.1.2
          Puckish Rogue, you’re out of your depth. You’ve made some foolish comments on this forum, but that must be about the stupidest of all.
      • savenz10.2
        Go Dotcom. Hope you win! This is not about American corporate oppression it is about corporate welfare and oppression and lobbyists now controlling inter country armed defenders to do their dirty work – without a trial – instead of what they should be doing. The armed defenders and GCSB should not be a private security enforcement agency and spies for Hollywood. Nor should we be giving tax cuts and employment law changes for Hollywood.
      • xanthe10.3
        Still drip feed of Dotcom communications without context. how long can they keep this up? Surely there must be some sort of actual crime that he committed? Cmon Crown you signed up to liability for billions in damages on our behalf ! You must have something? anything?
    • Alan W11
      Rally for Kim?
      So a few people with limited knowledge wave a few banners and chant a few chants, Yep, that is going to make a huge difference to the outcome

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