Friday, 30 November 2018

Finkelstein doesn't like concentration camp guards (Dec. 1, 2018)


“And those soldiers, those snipers, those assassins… if every one of them were killed, I would not shed a tear!”
Both parents of renowned scholar and human rights activist Norman Finkelstein were survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto, Majdanek, and Auschwitz. Not surprisingly, he does not like concentration camp guards.
“The protests have been overwhelmingly non-violent… but even if they were violent, I would say to the people of Gaza: God bless you, I hope you break through that fence! And those soldiers, those snipers, those assassins… if every one of them were killed, I would not shed a tear!”

Thursday, 29 November 2018

In the space of a few minutes Jim Mora quoted Kiwiblog, followed by Bob “Whacker” McCoskrie’s Family Fist. (Nov. 30, 2018)

In the space of a few minutes Jim Mora quoted Kiwiblog, followed by Bob “Whacker” McCoskrie’s Family Fist. He seemed to pretend they were serious organizations.
The Panel, RNZ National, Friday 30 November 2018
Jim Mora, Andrew Clay, Ali Jones, Ali Ventura
Horrified, I sent him the following hurry-up:
Kiwiblog?!!?? Bob McCoskrie?!! WTF?
Dear Jim,
You first quoted the extreme right wing Kiwiblog, then in the very next breath you quoted the even more extreme Bob McCoskrie. Ali Jones reacted the way that any sensible listener would have: “What a load of RUBBISH!”
What’s next? Are you going to approvingly quote the complacent right wing New York Timesopinionist David Brooks, or some mad article from the Daily Telegraph, or the so-called “Sensible Sentencing Trust”, as you so often do?
Have you thought of quoting someone who actually writes in a thoughtful and balanced manner? Gordon Campbell perhaps?
You have a duty, surely, to assemble a credible and serious hour of broadcasting. Kiwiblog and Family First are anything but credible and serious.
Yours in concern at the standard of your program,
Morrissey Breen
Northcote Point

      • Chris24.1
        We shouldn’t expect too much from our Jimbo – he’s married to Mary Lambie ffs.
      • Gabby24.2
        I’m sure jimmoara’s public apology for not consulting you is being penned as we read, morsissey, quite possibly by you.
        • Morrissey24.2.1
          In fact, Baggers, the great man deigned to send this writer, i.e., moi, the following response:
          Nov 30, 2018, 5:10 PM
          I also quoted The Standard yesterday, Morrissey, I regularly quote the NYT, the Guardian, the Atlantic. Jim
          Click to Edit – 7 minutes and 26 seconds
      • DJ Ward24.3
        I don’t think the kiwiblog platform is extreme right wing or the content of its posts. The comments within kiwiblog does involve extreme points of view. The anti Semites, hmmm. Racists, warmongers, climate deniers, religous zealots etc.
        DPF is often accused of being a Lefty. Think about that Morrisey.
        Since your complaint didn’t express broadcasting rules being broken I can guess what happened to it.
        • Sacha24.3.1
          “DPF is often accused of being a Lefty”
          By a few extreme libertarian nutjobs, maybe, but never “often”.
          • DJ Ward24.3.1.1
            On some of the posts it is often, some he is congratulated often.
            Calling him extreme right wing was wrong. If you do call a person extreme right wing, who is, how is a person supposed to differentiate the difference. If Morrisey picked out comments and argued that it was wrong to put that point of view forward then his email would have had substance.
            Morrisey put forward his comment but most are aware of Morriseys dislike of Bob over a certain issue, and kiwiblog because he is wrongly nearly always automatically downvoted.
            It could be Jim Mora has some right wing points of view, or was highlighting the right wing point of view. Plenty of people wish to hear those views, not just the point of view Morrisey holds.
            If the media only presented my point of view for example, it would be a North Korean style media dictatorship. The same applies to the substance of Morriseys email and the result if it was complied with.
            You are only permitted to talk about views I agree with!

DUM BRITONS Exhibit 4: Johnny Mercer (Nov. 30, 2018)