Tuesday 12 May 2020

Surprise, suruprise: NZ Herald keeps slandering Bailey Kurariki as a "killer" (May 2, 2011)

  1. ianmac23
    In the Herald: “Kurariki was convicted of manslaughter in 2002 for his role as a lookout in the killing of pizza delivery man Michael Choy. Kurariki, who was 12 at the time, was released from jail in 2008.”
    Well. Convicted of manslaughter as the lookout? But the Herald and other MSM have repeatedly named him as “NZ’s youngest killer.” And how well do we know the others who actually did the killing?
  2. Vicky3224
    Having insomnia and playing with an anagram generator – this is too precious not to share:
    Paula Bennett’s anagram name is PETULANT BEAN!
  3. Vicky3225
    And one more, I just can’t help myself:
    Rodney Hide’s anagram name is OY! HINDERED

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