Friday 8 February 2019

Hosking's “aspirational” heroes a standing reproach to protestors and other “dicks” (Feb. 5, 2016)

Mike “Contra” Hosking clearly intends his “aspirational” heroes to
be a standing reproach to protestors and other “dicks”.

Seven Sharp, Television One, Friday 5 February 2016
That brilliantined, preening, self-aggrandizing [1] National Party placeman and SkyCity Casino shill Mike “Contra” Hosking likes to keep repeating that, like the National Party, he’s all about “aspiration”. On tonight’s program, he pushed this message with a vengeance, and his grinning, giggling underling Toni Street followed along obediently….
Item no. 1: An interesting report about young people who learn to fly, and who build and launch rockets for a hobby. This of course provides the thoughtful and serious host with an opportunity for a pointed little homily….
MIKE “CONTRA” HOSKING: What a contrast with some of the people we’ve seen on the streets yesterday, [speaking through closed lips, through the side of his mouth] who are not involved in launching rockets, shall we say?
TONI STREET: [grinning nervously] Yeeeees.
Item no. 2: World Bike Polo championships in Timaru. The organizer says the key message for all Bike Polo players is “Don’t be a dick.” After some quite interesting bike polo action, it’s back to the studio….
MIKE “CONTRA” HOSKING: Words to live by. Words to live by—“Don’t be a dick.”
TONI STREET: [still grinning nervously] Ha ha ha ha!
Item no. 3: A Super Bowl commercial, featuring Dame Helen Mirren scolding drink-drivers, labeling them as “a short-sighted waste of space” and “a Darwin Award contender”, amongst other things. At the end of it, there is a brief moment of awe-struck silence, then there is this….
MIKE “CONTRA” HOSKING: Wonderful, eh!
Item no. 4: After noting that Joseph Parker is the number one contender for the world title, Hosking purrs, “Amazing, eh!”
To hear Hosking utter such fervent endorsements will not have surprised long-time Hosking monitors, many of whom will have recalled his endorsement, a couple of years ago on his NewstalkZB radio program, of another right wing ranter. After playing several minutes of his hero loudly and offensively excoriating black men in the United States, Hosking ascended to full worship mode, panting with excitement: “Good, eh!”
The right wing ranter that Hosking commended to his beleaguered listeners was Bill Cosby.

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