Friday 21 December 2018

“Do you think we can ever get rid of hate?” (Dec. 18, 2015)

“Do you think we can ever get rid of hate?”
The Panel, RNZ National, Friday 18 December 2015
Jim Mora, Jock Anderson, Nicky Pellegrino
“I think there’s a certain unwillingness to intervene when unruliness breaks out.”—Jim Mora.
Jim Mora was talking in this case about crime on the trains in Auckland, but perhaps some of the following incidences of “unwillingness to intervene when unruliness breaks out” passed across his mind for a moment….
JOCK ANDERSON casually insulting Australian soldiers, JOHN BISHOP cracking anti-Arab hate “jokes”, MICHAEL BASSETT snarling that Nicky Hager is a Holocaust-denier, MICHELLE BOAG denouncing for several minutes the untermenschen who dare to question the wisdom of politicians, CHRIS TROTTER laughing at the fate of political dissidents, DENISE L’ESTRANGE-CORBET shouting insanely about the poor (“I don’t believe there IS a shortage of jobs in New Zealand!”), CHRIS TROTTER (again) sternly lecturing those foolish enough to doubt the integrity of the Deep South jury that found the killer of Trayvon Martin “not guilty”, ROSEMARY McLEOD contemptuously dismissing Egyptian civilians (“Those people don’t WANT democracy!”) and—nobody who heard this one will ever forget it—Cameron Slater’s personal servant JORDAN WILLIAMS frothing and bawling like a banshee at Josie McNaught [1].
The list goes on, and on, and on, ad absurdum, ad nauseam.
Every one of those outbreaks of unruliness came on The Panel, the RNZ National program hosted by…. Jim Mora. In each of those outbreaks of unruliness, Mora either kept silent, or—perhaps even worse—joined in with the derisive laughing at the victims. He was unwilling—or afraid—to intervene.
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Right at the end of the program, the host brought up the German government’s decree that social media platforms must delete hate speech within 24 hours….
JIM MORA: Do you think we can ever get rid of hate?
NICKY PELLEGRINO: [speaking very slowly to convey great seriousness] You can’t get rid of it, but you can refuse to give it a platform.

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