Sunday 21 January 2018

Note how eager Josie Pagani is to agree with everything Farrar says. (May 12, 2015)

Great minds thinking alike.
Note how eager Josie Pagani is to agree with everything Farrar says.

The Panel, Radio NZ National, Tuesday 12 May 2015
Jim Mora, David Farrar, Josie Pagani, Noelle McCarthy
3:45 p.m. ……
JIM MORA: And good afternoon, very nice to have your company. 2101 if you’re contacting us, or the W-w-w-what the World is Talking About with Noelle shortly: Is Seymour Hersh’s account of the SEAL attack on Osama bin Laden fact or fantasy? The superbug strain of typhoid is spreading, the end of independence for Norfolk Island, the end of American Idol, Bear Grylls’s island show embroiled in an animal cruelty stoush, the plan to get rid of the names of well known diseases: why? And, er, when you donate to Wikipedia, where does your money go? Also what happens when you rotate your dinner plate? And our —ha ha, ha ha!—aahhh, and—I’m sorry Noelle, that was—
NOELLE McCARTHY: Slightly to the right.
MORA: Yes, or slightly to the left. Ah, our love of bottled water shows no sign of f-f-f-f-fizzing. Speaking of slightly to the right and slightly to the left, on the Panel today are David Farrar and Josie Pagani!
DAVID FARRAR: What’s this “slightly”?
JOSIE PAGANI: Hallo! Yes, he’s a RABID right winger.
DAVID FARRAR: Miss former ALLIANCE staffer!
JOSIE PAGANI: Tory bastard.
DAVID FARRAR: What—how is the Alliance going, Josie?
JOSIE PAGANI: Um, I’ve no idea, David!
DAVID FARRAR: Ha ha ha ha!
MORA: We’ve made a good beginning!
MORA: Facial hair on schoolboys, Prince Harry looking for love, the awfully bad weather—I’ll ask you two about that later, Guy Carawan is dead—ahh, what was his claim to fame? Well he never found much fame, but something he did made the world better. Terrorism across the ditch but don’t worry, we’re good here, and the art of Quaxing with Josie and David after 4 o’clock. Noelle McCarthy, What the World is Talking About, good afternoon.
NOELLE McCARTHY: Good afternoon, all. Well we talked yesterday, didn’t we, about journalist Seymour Hersh and his report on the killing of Osama bin Laden, where he said that the White House version of these events was basically a fairy story. He said that the Pakistani authorities knew about the raid, contrary to what we heard from the President at the time. Well the reactions to this are coming in now, critics calling him a conspiracy theorist, ahhhm, and questioning his source, we talked about the source briefly yesterday, ahhhhm, Seymour Hersh said he had a “retired intelligence official” who was the person who told him that the Pakistani authorities had been holding Osama bin Laden this whole time. Ahhhhmmm, the, those who are questioning his account now say, well THIS guy isn’t exactly a key player, and he’s anonymous.
MORA: Not enough of a source, Seymour.
DAVID FARRAR: Interesting if you go through, as a journalist did, all of Seymour Hersh’s recent writings, he claims to have anonymous* sources in more than thirty foreign governments, and every U.S. department of state. He’s written some great stuff in the past, but the last ten years, almost every article he’s written has been anonymous* sources, and you do have to be skeptical when that is your only, ahhhh, validity.
JOSIE PAGANI: And you have to ask, what is the motive? What would be the motive to have this incredibly complicated alternative version of reality?
NOELLE McCARTHY: Yes, and the scope of the accusations is something else that’s attracting attention. If what Seymour Hersh is saying is true, then hundreds of people in at least two governments have been lying in unison for years.
JOSIE PAGANI: And no one leaked? [bemused snickering]
DAVID FARRAR: Part of his theory or article is that Saudi Arabia was behind protecting him in Pakistan. Now, he is the mortal enemy of the House of Saud. They expelled him from Saudi Arabia because he tried to overthrow them effectively, so the notion that—
JOSIE PAGANI: David’s just segueing into an episode of Game of Thrones now!
DAVID FARRAR: A ha ha ha ha ha!
MORA: Yeah, it does sound a bit like that!
DAVID FARRAR: It does, doesn’t it! But I think the point being that, y’ow, it’s pretty, even if, y’ow, there was better verification, you just apply the logic test, and almost everything in this article just doesn’t really add up in terms of motivations.
MORA: Well it’s got Seymour’s name in the headlines again.
NOELLE McCARTHY: That’s right. Mike Morell who used to be head of the CIA is FURIOUS, he says he has ABSOLUTELY no idea what he was talking about, EVERY one of those sentences he’s written is wrong. He says the Pakistanis didn’t know, they were FURIOUS, and HE was sent to Pakistan to sort it out.
MORA: Mmkay, that’s the latest on Seymour Hersh. ….[Loudly shuffling papers]…. Now, typhoid! Pink spots on the chest, isn’t it….
* Farrar pronounces this word “anomynous”.
  • Colonial Rawshark12.1
    I see NBC has come up with elements which corroborate Seymour Hersh’s report on what actually happened around Osama’s death. Specifically, that a walk in from the Pakistani intelligence services told the CIA where Bin Laden was and that Pakistan had been holding Bin Laden for years. Of course, getting Bin Laden was a key rationale for the US to be in Afghanistan, so having Bin Laden on hand was very inconvenient.
  • Weepus beard12.2
    * Farrar pronounces this word “anomynous”.
    He had some sort of speech impediment as a child which resulted in not speaking until the age of 35.
    His first words were, “John Key”.

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