- Your one sad miserable puppy Morrissey if that clip got you going, man how pathetic, let it go it was 4 years ago, the show was about the kids not the abs you ding bat
- Your [sic] one sad miserable puppy Morrissey if that clip got you going,No, what got me, and many others—especially in France—“going” was not that clip, but the sight of the travesty unfolding, live. Something tells me that YOU do not understand French, but people interested in fair play should watch the following analysis of that farcical night in October 2011….man how pathetic, let it go it was 4 years ago,That game was a disgrace as it happened, and it doesn’t get any better with the passage of time.the show was about the kids not the abs you ding batThe show was a highly organized PR exercise, given massive free publicity by Television One and other media.
It’s the referee that was unpredictable in the RWC final
Seven Sharp, Television One, Thursday 16 July 2015
JEROME KAINO: [suddenly grim] Ah, I’d have to say the 2011 Rugby World Cup final. The French were quite unpredictable.