- Hey, Moz. This article isn’t actually by Cathy Newman and doesn’t appear to be a genuine Torygraph column (bad as they often are). It reads like the slurred mutterings of a drunken misogynist. Where did you find it?
- Click on the first link under the article my friend. Actually the article was by Cathy Newman, and you’re right: she does write like a drunken misogynist. Except the target of her loathing was not the wife of the bloodstained ruler of the United States, it was the wife of an official enemy of the state for which she (Cathy Newman) is a propagandist.All I did was change the name from Asma al Assad to Michelle Obama, and change some of the place names to fit in with that. The shrieking denunciation, written as you so brilliantly pointed out, “like the slurred mutterings of a drunken misogynist”, is not mine, it’s all Cathy Newman’s.
- Oh. Sadly, the bits you’ve inserted (and attributed to Newman) are the sections that I thought were written by the drunken misogynist.
- Oh. Sadly, the bits you’ve inserted (and attributed to Newman) are the sections that I thought were written by the drunken misogynist.What bits are those? I think you mean the two foul-mouthed rants from Instagram. Apart from the names and the substitution of “Chicago” for “Britain”, those were identical with the original ones, cited approvingly in another right wing rag, the Daily Mail—only the target was Bashar Assad’s wife, not Bashar Obama’s.So now I guess you’re going to tell me that I shouldn’t have messed with the words of Cathy Newman, that outstanding, dedicated, honest parrot, errrr… journalist.And to think you’re an aficionado of Lord Gnome.
- I think you misunderstand Lord Gnome, Moz. And I get that the quotes were from Instagram. But you claimed that Cathy Newman included them in her piece. She didn’t. I guess the problem is that you read satire, but can’t write it.Cathy Newman is a fine journalist, btw. Ask Lord Rennard.
- I think you misunderstand Lord Gnome, Moz. And I get that the quotes were from Instagram. But you claimed that Cathy Newman included them in her piece. She didn’t.
We all know she didn’t. Anybody with an IQ above the average at an ACT meeting could see that, and I provided the link to her original piece. You are quibbling again, and trying to belittle my post, which was actually very serious. I expect you send off pompous letters to the editor of Private Eye scolding him for pretending the New Coalition Academy is a real school?I guess the problem is that you read satire, but can’t write it.
Really? Then I advise you to have a browse of the following….BERNADINE, or “Hell Hath No Fury”
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nz.general/Ern1_QrFIw8Incident at Perth Bayswater, Friday 4 June
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.sport.rugby.union/DvySI1Zo-SwBOOK PAUL HOLMES FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS FUNCTION!!!!!
http://nz.general.narkive.com/860AbFRI/book-paul-holmes-for-your-function-advertisementCathy Newman is a fine journalist, btw.
Oh really? Then how come she wrote that specious piece of crude propaganda for the Torygraph?- Make up your mind, moz! Was it serious or satire? We already know you mis-attributed the authorship (yet again). Slagging off Newman for your failings is poor form. And Newman got her part-time job at the DT on the back of 20 years of excellent reporting. Ask Rennard how good she is, FFS. Quibble all you like, but she is the journo of the year (so far) in GB.Now, I wouldn’t work for the Telegraph in the unlikely event I was asked to, and you’re not a good enough writer to be employed by any title anywhere, but Newman was offered a significant role on one of Britain’s most influential papers. You do know that their website is the most popular of all the Brit papers web offerings, right?It would be a rare journo who wouldn’t consider taking the role, and even rarer one who would turn it down.
- Make up your mind, moz! Was it serious or satire?
Satire is serious. There was no one more serious than Jonathan Swift. Or George Orwell.I’ll skip the unpleasant little quips about my writing ability and deal with a more substantial point….It would be a rare journo who wouldn’t consider taking the role, and even rarer one who would turn it down.
Yes, of course. Glenn Greenwald, John Pilger, Amy Goodman, Gordon Campbell—any one of them would take the Torygraph‘s money and churn out vile black propaganda like Cathy Newman.Your claim about her being “journo of the year” is beyond satire. - This “Te Reo Putake” tick seems to me to be a prime example of the type of chap we referred to at prep school as an “ass.”His familiarity with satire seems to be non-existent, and his critical facilities, as evidenced by his tawdry attack on Mr Breen’s writing ability and his endorsement of that third rate Telegraph hackette, are, to put it mildly, deficient.
- Morrissey
You have been taken to task with playing at satire before. Personally I find it a very bad trend to muck up what appear to be facts when there are so many factual liars about. We have to be able to hold onto something definite for our information. Please don’t give me a dose of rudeness back or call my ‘my friend’ in a patronising manner.- Morrissey, You have been taken to task with playing at satire before.
Yes, Warbler, well done. It was satirical, and I didn’t really try to hide it, as evidenced by my link to the original item straight after my little masterpiece.Personally I find it a very bad trend to muck up what appear to be facts when there are so many factual liars about.
I understand your point and I agree with you, mostly. However, I was making a point about the partiality and hypocrisy of the Daily Torygraph in particular, but also of newspapers in general.We have to be able to hold onto something definite for our information.
I agree. I think in this case, however, the satirical intention was quite clear. It’s a habit, unfortunate or not, that I picked up from years of reading Private Eye.Please don’t give me a dose of rudeness back or call my ‘my friend’ in a patronising manner.
Okay, Warbler, I won’t. Let’s keep it civil.
Daily Telegraph, 20 January 2014