- Hi Morrissey.Before I listen to the segment tonight, is your transcript “near word-perfect” or just “accurate”?Or is it one of the ones where the actual words don’t matter at all?
- It doesn’t matter. It’s the vibe, your honour. Mabo, etc.
- Oh look the tr0lls are out stalking Morrissey again, a more hapless pair of wannabees the blogosphere has never seen.
- Socko – Well put.Felix let’s himself down, and gives himself away by lowering to such puerile comments, which if truth be known, I find some of the cats comments to be entertaining and witty, so clearly a level of intelligence there, cross pollinated with something slightly unsavory!TRP – The follower, easily lead, also a handbag thrower!Rule Qatar!
- Dr Strangelove I presume
- How’s project Onan coming on Muz? And pointing out that Morassey regularly makes stuff up is not stalking, it’s a public service. The irony is that he accuses others, but can’t see the mote in his own eye.
- Public Service – Um, yeah ok Mr Plod!I prefer Mozzas commentary over your so called public service announcements, all day refThat’s not to say you don’t make some witty comments from time to time, you do, they don’t go unappreciated, but the above ain’t one of them, IMO.
- How’s project Onan coming on Muz?Ha ha ha ha ha! How will Muzza recover from THAT one?And pointing out that Morassey“Morassey”. Oh I see what you’re doing there!….regularly makes stuff up is not stalking, it’s a public service.I make up nothing in my transcripts. I don’t get them word-perfect all the way through because, sadly, I have never learned shorthand beyond a rudimentary few dozen words. But I make up nothing. You are the one who has made nonsensical claims, like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.
- Oh, do tell. When did I do that for Trotter?
- Time to saddle up and roam wide. Adios.
- “Oh look the tr0lls are out stalking Morrissey again, a more hapless pair of wannabees the blogosphere has never seen.”I don’t give a damn about Morrissey and I don’t imagine TRP does either. We do both share this habit of mocking obvious bullshit though, and it does tend to annoy the feeble.
- I don’t give a damn about Morrissey and I don’t imagine TRP does either.Now that must be about the funniest dishonest statement made in this country in the last 24 hours. It’s possibly even more funnier and dishonest than either the Prime Minister’s assertion that “John Banks is a thoroughly credible and trustworthy individual” or John Boscawen’s solemn pronouncement that the ACT party was in great shape.We do both share this habit of mocking obvious bullshit though, and it does tend to annoy the feeble.You are not “mocking bullshit” at all; the pair of you have shown yourselves to be assiduous recyclers of the most malicious black propaganda; if we were able to send you back to a more suitable milieu for your talents, we’d zap you back fifty years to Red China, where you could enthusiastically denounce dissenters and truth-tellers and ridicule satirists to your dark hearts’ content.
- “dissenters and truth-tellers and ridicule satirists”You’re none of those things, Moz. You’re just someone with comprehension difficulties who thinks making things up and attributing them to others is acceptable. On the upside, your intellectual laziness is matched by your pomposity and self delusion.
- You’re none of those things, Moz.Oh really? Could you explain why I’m not a satirist? Maybe you missed this little gem from yesterday….
http://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-16102013/#comment-710949….or this little pearler from the more distant past….
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nz.general/Ern1_QrFIw8….or THIS one….
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/nz.general/morrissey$20breen$20$2B$20bush$20$2B$20blair/nz.general/sl3yTyT3Bec/s76OirkbI0IJ…and don’t forget THIS one….
http://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-04082013/#comment-674390your intellectual laziness is matched by your pomposity and self delusion.“Pomposity”? On the part of this writer?!?!???!??- I’m too bored with you to bothered with your linkwankery. Though still waiting for you to show where I defended Trotter as you allege.
- ….still waiting for you to show where I defended Trotter as you allege.On July 19th I transcribed Trotter’s grandiloquent declamation on behalf of the Florida jury in the Trayvon Martin travesty. I might have omitted his windy “ummms” and “ahhhs”, but I got the pretentious and intellectually vacant tone of Trotter’s bloviating just right.Instead of chiding me for minor inaccuracies, which would have been a reasonable and fair thing to do, you foolishly claimed I had made it all up…..
- Link fail. Show me where I defended Trotter.
- You claimed I made it up that Trotter had said that. I did not make any of it up, and you knew I did not.Here is your claim, and my refutation of that claim….
http://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-19072013/#comment-665680 - Link fail. Show me where I defend Trotter.edit: here’s your made up claim again:“…like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.”
- Link fail. Show me where I defend Trotter.You said I made it up. That implies Trotter did not defend that lynch mob. He did, in the most pretentious manner possible.edit: here’s your made up claim again:There you go again! I made up nothing. There are (necessarily) some ellipses and some accidental transpositions of vacuous laughter. I made up nothing, and you know I did not. You are acting just like you did when you were parroting the most scurrilous official lies against Julian Assange last year, i.e., you’re prepared to say anything at all. That’s a very unwise course to embark on, my friend, and one you would be well advised to reconsider.“…like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.”That’s exactly what he did, as you know.
- Another day, another crock of lies from Morrissey.You’ve still not quoted this supposed “defence of Deep South lynch law” that you made up.And if you didn’t make it up, you’d be able to quote it.But you did.So you won’t.
- Just to recap, the closest I could find was this bit of The Panel 18 July, from 6’14”.“…like claiming that the cuddly liberal icon Chris Trotter did not embark on a pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law.”That’s exactly what he did, as you know.This, as best as I can transcribe, it what trotter said in relation to Zimmerman’s juror’s lives being forever changed:T: Yes, and I can’t help thinking that the system we have here which really protects jurors [um] from the attentions of the news media, and in fact as far as I know prohibits jurors from discussing [ah] any case that they have judged, I think that’s by far th-the most sensible approach to take. The idea that having delivered their collective verdict they come out as individuals and muddy the waters in the way that this person has, I mean especially in a case as controversial as thisN: and as fraught as thisT: yeah I I I think it’s most unfortunateN: Were you surprised that only three of the jurors were said to have thought that this man was not guilty?
[1 second pause]
T: Oh, I think you have to be in the courtroom, in the jury box to judge any case. Ah, I think the information people don’t have, even if the news media is covering a trial, y’know, to the very best of it’s ability is so huge that that you really should trust jurors, I think – even in this case it would seem that the tragedy, ah notwithstanding, y’know, there were, um, items of evidence which would raise reasonable doubt I think in most people’s minds
[1-2 second pause before N starts a standard bridge to the next topicWhether that counts as a ” pompous and windy defence of Deep South lynch law”, I’ll let others decide.But unless Mozz has a link to a different piece that he was actually transcribing, it’s interesting to compare it with Moz’ near-word-perfect, extremely accurate transcription:CHRIS TROTTER: [very slowly, mustering all the pomp and gravitas he can] I think all this talk about the jury is most unfortunate. You have, even in this case I think, to trust the jury. In any trial, there are always items of evidence that we do not know about, even in this case I think.….[Long, extremely uncomfortable pause]….NOELLE McCARTHY: [doggedly positive] One thing the whole world is talking about, Zoe Ferguson, is the royal birth! - Well I think your snookered there Morrissey. Why not just say it is satire I don’t get why you are holding so tightly to this word perfect get the feel transcript stuff – heads up – no one cares – haven’t you seen the positive comments about your satire – that is your skill – so just say it and then all this would be over.
- Still waiting to see where I defend Trotter, Moz. Have a think about what I said about Trotter and let me know whether that’s a defence or an attack.“You actually let people like Trotter off the hook by making up quotes, when the real words he used should be damning him.”Should be damning him.Does that sound like I was defending Trotter? Nooooo, just the opposite, you goose! I actually had some small sympathy for your position, though not in the weird way you expressed it today (Deep South make excellent ice cream btw).I thought Trotter missed the point that day. On the evidence, I think you miss the point every day.
- Thanks for transcribing that, McFlock. I can see that I missed a lot, and you have a valid point in disagreeing with my interpretation of Trotter’s comments. I did render his words a little more pointedly than they actually were. However, I think that even when you compare my admittedly imperfect rush “transcript” to your word-perfect transcript, I have captured the essential pomposity of his speaking style and the gist of his admonition to the lesser mortals in the studio to respect that outrageous verdict in Florida. Trotter was speaking slowly and sententiously, as if he was defending the Western system of justice; what he was actually doing was defending a grievous miscarriage of justice. His suggestion that there were “items of evidence which would raise reasonable doubt I think in most people’s minds” was not backed up at all, and disappointingly, Noelle McCarthy failed to demand he did so.You are right to time the silences; they’re not as long as I recalled them in my mind, but they are significant nonetheless. Noelle McCarthy was, I believe, genuinely lost for words after listening to that. So was I.
- oh fuck off.
So let’s say you “captured” trotter’s pompousness (personally, I think you overstated it). That means that you are (at best) a dadaesque caricaturist of discourse.So are all the claims as to near word perfect accuracy simply self-delusion, or are you trying to mimic Sacha baron Cohen’s immersion satire?
Compassionless people lecture about lack of empathy
The Panel, Radio NZ National, Wednesday 16 October 2013
Jim Mora, Steve McCabe, Gordon McLauchlan
SUSAN BALDACCI: Well, first up is this modern phenomenon of giving children names that can contribute to them becoming narcissists.
JIM MORA: Oh yes? Ha ha ha ha!
SUSAN BALDACCI: Jean Twenge, psychologist and co-author of The Narcissism Epidemic, notes that a remarkable number of people have turned naming their babies into opportunities to show off — a sign of our culture’s increasing vanity.
GORDON McLAUCHLAN: [sagely] Ha ha ha ha!
STEVE McCABE: [thoughtfully] Hmmmmmm….
SUSAN BALDACCI: Yes, there is an ever increasing incidence of names such as Messiah, King, Prince, Greatness. There are even sixteen girls called Beautifull—with two Ls.
JIM MORA: You’d have to be beautiful, with a name like that!
SUSAN BALDACCI: Well it reflects a growing narcissism in society. You know, a lack of feeling, a lack of empathy for the suffering of others….