- Actually, he lapsed into a gloomy silence for most of the interview. Helen Kelly knew her facts and he did not, and he realized the audience would know that too.It’s noteworthy that Helen Kelly was present when the hopelessly flustered Alisdire Thompson degenerated into a ludicrous rant against women last year. She’s much too smart for these old fellows that are not used to rigorously debating a point.The pity of it is that there are far too few instances of people standing up to bullies like Thompson and Silva. A few moments stand out, however: in 2010, Sue Bradford confronted John Barnett and Paul Holmes on the piss-poor Q&A, and on Jim Mora’s National Radio programme, I’ve heard Gordon Campbell challenge aggressive and ill-informed comments by Graham Bell and Richard Griffin. Both Bell and Griffin backed down from their extreme statements immediately, with Griffin going to the most pathetic lengths to ingratiate himself.
National Radio, Friday Feb. 24, 2012, 8:10 a.m.
Secretary of the Importers’ Institute, and he is clearly not accustomed to being challenged and contradicted, as he was by CTU president Helen Kelly when he unwisely tried to argue with her on
National Radio this morning. Here are a few highlights (although poor old Daniel Silva might not call them highlights)….
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Just as in his nz.general days, Silva proved capable of nothing other than angry, practically incoherent bluster. He must have been fuming in dumb, black rage as Helen Kelly got in the last word so eloquently.