- morrissy....cd u plse tell us why you so distorted what actually happened....in yr reporting of the hooton/williams piece on nat-rad yesterday..
- ..cd u plse tell us why you so distorted what actually happened....in yr reporting of the hooton/williams piece on nat-rad yesterday..Golly, phillip, you sure like to bang away at something, even when it’s been patiently clarified for you. If you think Hooton was not trying to undermine Andrew Little yesterday, and if you failed to comprehend that Mike Williams was in his usual groveling mode, then I suggest that you lay off the weed for a while, and clear your head.
- as i asked u yesterday....cd u plse specify how hooton was ‘undermining’ little....and cd you also detail what williams shd not have ‘agreed with’…..(in that opening-segment you ostensibly ‘reported’ on..)..everything hooton said was matter-of-fact/the-bleeding-obvious....there was nothing for williams to disagree with..(and a pot-sneer..?..really..?..that’s all ya got..?…)..and cd u show me where u said/did this..“..even when it’s been patiently clarified for you..”
- No that’s not “all I’ve got”, phillip, but your obtuseness is something to behold. You usually write quite interesting and thoughtful messages, but on this occasion you’ve somehow got the idea that Hooton was not playing games yesterday, and that Williams was anything other than the groveller he usually is.You’re either lying like a National Party operative, or you’re hallucinating. I can’t think of a better explanation than too much dope.
- i wd ask anyone to go and listen to that segment....this doesn’t need to be argued between us....listeners can make their own call....what u did is clear....i am asking ‘why?’..(..then again..maybe you’ve sprung me guv..!..maybe i am a national party operative..in deep cover....and u say i am effected by ‘dope’..?....does yrs just come naturally..?..)
- i wd ask anyone to go and listen to that segment..Indeed. And could anyone who thinks Hooton was not up to his usual smarmy insinuations and that Williams was not kowtowing in his usual humiliating fashion, please say so.
- “..“..even when it’s been patiently clarified for you..”..so was that another lie too..?..and why the need to make shit up about them..?..aren’t they bad enough in their own right..?..surely just accurately reporting what they say/do is enough in itself..
- Morrisey, enough with the ad hominems. Pu actually asked a pretty straight forward question: how did Hooton undermine Little?Here’s the link in case anyone wants the primary source.
- Morrisey, enough with the ad hominems.You’re a fine one to talk, my friend!Pu actually asked a pretty straight forward question: how did Hooton undermine Little?He TRIED to undermine him, to plant a seed of doubt in listeners’ minds. Anybody with a grain of sense, who isn’t on drugs, could understand what he was up to. He put the most negative possible spin on the latest polls. He even said that Little’s leadership would be endangered.
- “You’re a fine one to talk, my friend!”Where is the ad hominem in my comment to you? Or recent comments to you?
- Thanks for clarifying. I’ve gone and had a listen myself now, and largely agree*. See below.*except for the bits about pu’s drug use. I’m guessing his disagreement is politics (he thinks Labour is deficient etc).
- 1. in latest poll, Labour have half what National do. Because we’re in FPP still, thanks Matthew.2. far lower than Goff or Shearer or any of Little’s predecessor’s were polling. Because all of Labour’s problems are Little’s fault now, and he alone has to turn things around from one poll to the next.3. if Little can’t end the year higher than 26% then we’re looking at another leadership change by the end of 20154. indiviual polls are what count, not trends.Looks like fairly standard manipulative spin from Hooton to me. He wants to undermine the Labour party and the left by making out that Little is deficient, and Labour are still in disarray and will need a new leader!That’s the first two minutes. Can’t be bothered with the rest, so am just going to skip to Williams.Ryan asked Williams not if he agrees with Hooton in general, but if he agrees that Little now needs to pick up the ball with any and every opportunity.Williams, “Yeah, I would absolutely agree with almost everything Matthew said.” Followed by some comment about the summer being almost politics free moodwise amongst the public.He then goes on to say some things that actually contradict Hooton, so the question for me remains why does Williams do that agreeing with shit at the start of his commentary?
- Thanks weka, for taking the time to seriously read what I wrote and check it against phillip’s allegations. You’re correct: his loathing for the Labour leadership has blinded him to the extent that he is prepared to endorse the manipulative words of Matthew Hooton, which were as sincere yesterday as they were in his ludicrous tribute to Nelson Mandela in December 2013.
- you lying prick morrissey....hooton said labour are at 26% in the polls..fact....hooton said little has 12 months to prove himself..fact....hooton said littles’ speech on wed ins important..fact....that is all he said..that is all williams agreed with....and a factcheck 4 you..i supported little for the labour party leadership....what a fucken lying-troll/piece-of-work u have turned out to be..
- Gosh, phillip, a simple expression of disagreement would have put your case across clearly. Why escalate it to such unpleasantness?I note also that you hijacked a serious thread about something else entirely, that I had initiated. If you do that again, I will make a formal complaint to the Headmaster.
- i’m sorry..?..u make shit up about me..and do serial drug-slurs....and i am the ‘unpleasant’ one....eh..?
- “You’re correct: his loathing for the Labour leadership has blinded him to the extent that he is prepared to endorse the manipulative words of Matthew Hooton,”‘cept I didn’t say that about phil
- ‘cept I didn’t say that about philWell, yes you did, actually. You wrote: “I’m guessing his disagreement is politics (he thinks Labour is deficient etc).”I wrote: “his loathing for the Labour leadership has blinded him to the extent that he is prepared to endorse the manipulative words of Matthew Hooton”In other words, as you wrote, he’s driven by his (quite understandable) attitude about the Labour Party.
- no.I guessed, you asserted fact.I said I thought it was about phil’s politics, you said it IS about his hatred as motivation and what that hatred does to his perception.There is a difference here and it’s to do with attributing things to other people that haven’t been checked out. It takes people into conversational cul de sacs. I’m not picking on you, we all do it. I just saw this thing happening and though ok, here we go again. And what a waste when we could actually be talking about the politics.You and phil appeared to be talking about different things. Phil was talking about the content of Hooton’s statements at face value, you were talking about what Hooton was doing with those statements and Hooton’s motivation. IMO both are valid topics, and arguing about which is rightfully valid is redundant.
- Well said, weka! I pretty much agree with everything you’ve said.
- Williams, “Yeah, I would absolutely agree with almost everything Matthew said.”And that’s what listeners will remember. Williams is an idiot. How about something like “Obviously I don’t see things the same way that the NAct asslicker Hooton does, even though a few facts have crept into his analysis this time.”
- Exactly, Murray.
- Aside from that particular interview and more generally with other appearances, what concerns me is that Williams does not take the lead on any narrative or put up other compelling alternative perspectives.
- i agree, kiwiri, (@3.40pm)
and your comment would sum up the approach the party he was president of.
the Herald was breezily promoting travel to Nazi Germany
By M. F. GRAHAM, New Zealand Herald, 5 November 1938, Page 1 of Supplement