- Totally agree about Bell. The clanger I recall from him was when the Greens announced a policy about putting $200million (I think) into cycleways and cycling improvements around the country….… of course something like this Bell would have had absolutely no idea about and of course he subsequently let his lack of nous on the subject pour forth ….
…blah blah he dribbled … “what an absolute waste of money … blah blah … I can’t believe the Greens keep coming up with these barmy ideas … waffle rant”Then of course the cycling expert came on and cleaning dispatched the fool by outlining how the return for $1 spent on cycling improvements is $7 (think health, energy, etc etc) and the return for $1 spent on “roads of notional significance” is 60cents….Bell is a dork with nothing useful to say. I agree he is a waste of time. - Have missed your biting and witty critique or Mora’s dreadful show.
Jim Mora, Graham Bell, Ali Jones
GRAHAM BELL: Well, I tried to get some tickets this morning for the Eagles concert next year in Auckland. What a BLOODY FIASCO!
MORA: [perhaps misreading just how serious Bell is] Ha ha ha ha ha!
GRAHAM BELL: [raving] I’ve MISSED OUT! I’ve been waiting for them to come for twenty years and I’ve missed out.
MORA: Who’s your favorite Eagle?
GRAHAM BELL: Joe Walsh. Arrrrrgghhh! I sat there for TWO HOURS, logging in and out of their site.
MORA: [insensitively] Ha ha ha ha ha!
GRAHAM BELL: It drove me NUTS! How do these scalpers get the tickets though?
According to Radio NZ National’s frequent station promos, The Panel features “leading opinion makers”, who discuss the news and “help to make sense of it all”.