Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Who takes Hillary Barry seriously when she counsels us to “call out and confront hate”? (Mar. 20, 2019)

With her dismal record of silence, who takes Hillary Barry
seriously when she counsels us to “call out and confront hate”?

Seven Sharp, TVNZ1, Wednesday 20 March 2019
Last night, after agreeing with her offsider Jeremy Wells that “now is not the time” for the Canterbury Crusaders to change their name, Hillary Barry assumed her serious face and admonished the viewers—“all of us”—to “call out hate”, and particularly Islamophobia, on social media. “We need to call it out, to confront it,” she purred in a display of epic seriousness.
Funnily enough, on May 27th, 2015 she had the perfect opportunity to call out and confront a raving, hateful Islamophobe and racist. But she failed to do so….
PAUL HENRY: Are you in favor of our troops being in Iraq?
ANDREW PATTERSON: No I’m not comfortable. But of course you’ve got to do SOMETHING.
HENRY: It sends a very clear message that New Zealand is WITH the United States and the rest of the willing. Is this a fight worth having? You HAVE to say YES.
ANDREW PATTERSON: [gravely] Of course, of COURSE.
HENRY: This is a fight that we have to be on the right side of, isn’t it?
JOE COTTON: [baffled sigh] Whooooooof….
HENRY: We have to POUND them and SQUASH them don’t we?
ANDREW PATTERSON: I guess the big question here is: how do we counter the ideology?
HENRY: It’s hard. It’s hard…..
8:35 a.m. ….
HENRY: Absolutely we should be part of the fight. And we have to really take it to them!
HILLARY BARRY: [softly] I’m afraid so.
JIM KAYES: [softly, grimacing with moral doubt] Yes, I think so.
HENRY: We have to be in there STRONG and HARD! We have to KILL THEM ALL! And in the course of this, bombs are going to bounce into tents where there are women and children! But we must not get up in arms about that! Kill them all!
HILLARY BARRY: [clearly uncomfortable] Mmm hmmm.
JIM KAYES: [gravely] That’s the reality of war.
HILLARY BARRY: I’d like some feedback on this Alex/Alexandra controversy! Paul thinks I should say Alexandra.
HENRY: I think you are being too casual towards the people of Alexandra when you call their town Alex.
HILLARY BARRY: [mock-scolding] Look who’s calling me casual!
HENRY: Just on this ISIS thing again. THEY thrive because WE hesitate. They’re not LIKE us.
JIM KAYES: We fight in a conventional, honest way. Whereas—
HENRY: Exactly! We need to KILL THEM ALL! And if some women and children get killed, so be it.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Matthew Palmer QC says TPPA opponents “not a bunch of wild-eyed radicals” (Sept. 28, 2015)

  1. Matthew Palmer QC says TPPA opponents “not a bunch of wild-eyed radicals”;
    He and his media parrots need to consider their words more carefully.

    Checkpoint, Radio NZ National, Monday 28 September 2015
    About 6:10 p.m. ….
    Talking about the government’s refusal to release information about the talks, Patrick O’Meara repeated the careless phrasing of Matthew Palmer QC that the groups seeking the judicial review were “not a bunch of wild-eyed radicals” and included such “reputable” organizations as Consumer New Zealand, Ngati Kahungunu and the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists.
    By using such irresponsible and cavalier words, Matthew Palmer and the journalists that parrot his words are (perhaps unwittingly) demeaning and even demonizing the people and organizations that have been trying to talk seriously about this assault on democracy for several years.
    By the way, am I the only person to be gravely concerned at the recent steep decline in quality of Checkpoint? With Mary Wilson being kicked upstairs and no longer able to discomfit the likes of Bill English or Gerry Brownlee, the dominant voice there now is Jim Mora, who is simply not up to the job.
    • weston19.1
      i thought checkpoints been crap for ages i cant even listen to it anymore yeah be great if mary really did get into brownlee and co but trying to make a mountain out of a molehill perpetualy is just a drag to listen to .Plus the guts of the content has been more than thoroughly turned over during the day ! Cam slater and the nats call it red radio i call it radio repetition and these days i can only handle it in small doses .really enjoy though your regurgitations for our entertainment good stuff youve obviously got a solid constitution.!1

Leading thinker tries to explain the huge RWC crowds in England (Sept. 28, 2015)

“I’m not sure it’s the rugby.”
Leading thinker tries to explain the huge RWC crowds in England

The Panel, Radio NZ National, Monday 28 September 2015
Jim Mora, Gary McCormick, Wendyl Nissen
It is not at all controversial to point out that the standard of New Zealand rugby commentary is about as bad as commentary gets. The list of useless and/or offensive rugby commentators is a long one. Here are twenty of the worst:
1. Tim (“Someone might attack John Hart’s horse”) Bickerstaff (R.I.P)
2. Scott “Sumo” Stevenson
3. Murray (“Too many boofhead Islanders in the team”) Deaker
4. Martin “Moron” Devlin
5. Doug (“That black PIG Mugabe!”) Golightly
6. “Sir” John (“Too many Darkies”) Graham
7. Wynne “Sensible” Gray
8. Andy (“Too many Darkies”) Haden
9. Jim “Kadaverous” Kayes
10. David (“Too many dark faces for my taste”) Kirk
11. Paul “Lackwit” Lewis
12. Willy (“Gwaham Henwy can just PISS OFF!”) Lose, AKA Wiwwy Wose
13. John (“Are there too many darkies?”) Matheson (R.I.P.)
14. John (“Second Fiddle”) McBeth
15. Graham “Moods” Moody (R.I.P.)
16. Chris “Rat Shit” Rattue
17. Andrew (“Nothing to do in Cardiff”) Saveloy
18. Tony (“It wasn’t really me who hospitalized my fiancĂ©e”) Veitch, AKA “Veitchy”
19. Nigel (How many times can I say “Opportunity”?) Yalden
20. Spiro (“Rugby is ballet, it’s opera, it’s Swiss watch-making”) Zavos
This afternoon, sufferers of Jim Mora’s light chat show were inflicted with yet another member of this dismal fellowship….
JIM MORA: Mark, these crowds in England for the Rugby World Cup have been phenomenal. I see there was a record set for the Ireland-Romania match.
MARK REASON: [speaking slowly and carefully so as to convey deep thoughtfulness] I’m not sure it’s the rugby. It’s the occasion. …
Reason chuntered on in this deliberate, utterly ridiculous fashion for a long, long minute. Then he suddenly, thankfully, stopped talking.
JIM MORA: Shrewd analysis. That’s Mark Reason!
GARY McCORMICK: Really good analysis, Mark.
Aficionados of this kind of high-flown analysis should tune in tomorrow. Reason is on The Panel every day until the end of the tournament.

Andrey Panevin: Everyday Madness (Sept. 26, 2015)

    • Everyday Madness
      by ANDREY PANEVIN, Slavyangrad, 26 September 2015
      Perusing the daily headlines has become somewhat like reading a prologue to global conflict, penned by a madman. Every day there is some new-found elaborate Russian plan to overrun the Ukraine, take control of Syria, or conduct programmes of genocide. It seems that every Western reporter has uncovered a conspiracy of their own that firmly pins the blame for the world’s troubles on Putin or the Russian people; the only problem being that all of their sources remain ‘anonymous’ and their stories cannot be confirmed.
      These constant, and often contradictory, reports fill social media streams and television screens, and have become the basis for stock phrases such as ‘Russian aggression’ and ‘Western Values’, which politicians need only utter to convince their constituents that they are indeed righteous while the enemy is not. The insanity of Western political and cultural rhetoric is no longer an undercurrent, instead, with disconcerting ease, it has lodged itself into mainstream conversations. ….
      • weston9.1
        putin seems a lot more straight up than most of the other world leaders too and from a russian perspective it cant feel very nice all those nukes pointed in yr dirrection from 800 or so bases arround the world and even the oceans damn neer seething with british french and american nuclear armed subs and aircraft carriers its a wonder russias as stable as what it seems .good on them for giving snowden assylem too
    • keepLeft10
      Rally for Kim! Save Kim Dotcom from Amerikkkan corporate oppression! Kim Dotcom is facing extradition based on trumped up evidence and betrayal by his former comrades ( If extradited he will be taken to Amerikkka and forced to face Amerikkkan (in)justice system. Let’s get organised comrades!
      • Puckish Rogue10.1
        Save the 1%! Yes!
        • savenz10.1.1
          I think Puckish Rogue, you will find something like 90% of people have used a file website like You-Tube so the case is about Internet freedom and illegal spying. If Hollywood notice something illegal they just ask the file Website to remove it. NO DRAMAS – this is about oppression and control from Big Business in which even Sony’s lawyers confirmed they did not think their was a case and NZ government officials hoodwinked the facts to put a ‘positive’ spin on their bizarre actions of sending in 70 armed defenders to a family with young children to arrest and contain them.
          • Puckish Rogue10.1.1.1
            I’m sure Kim will thank you from his mansion where hes underpaying and threatening the staff working for him
            • weston10.
              even if he was its completly and utterly irrelavent next to the fact that the key government allowed and approved an fbi style raid on a nz citizen complete with helicopters and swat teams after illeagally using state intelligence agencys to spy on him for months .whether you like the man personaly or not is irrelevant to the fact that as a nz citizen he should have exactly the same rights as you or i.By continuing the key narrative of lets all hate kim .com you are simply letting them get completely away with a gross misuse of state power.Next time you feel like uttering key mantras go back and see the vid of kim dot com pleading pastionately against the gcsb bill in parilment .He was doing all of us a favour.
        • Morrissey10.1.2
          Puckish Rogue, you’re out of your depth. You’ve made some foolish comments on this forum, but that must be about the stupidest of all.
      • savenz10.2
        Go Dotcom. Hope you win! This is not about American corporate oppression it is about corporate welfare and oppression and lobbyists now controlling inter country armed defenders to do their dirty work – without a trial – instead of what they should be doing. The armed defenders and GCSB should not be a private security enforcement agency and spies for Hollywood. Nor should we be giving tax cuts and employment law changes for Hollywood.
      • xanthe10.3
        Still drip feed of Dotcom communications without context. how long can they keep this up? Surely there must be some sort of actual crime that he committed? Cmon Crown you signed up to liability for billions in damages on our behalf ! You must have something? anything?
    • Alan W11
      Rally for Kim?
      So a few people with limited knowledge wave a few banners and chant a few chants, Yep, that is going to make a huge difference to the outcome

Mike Williams: “I absolutely agree with what Matt said about Anne Tolley.” (Sept. 28, 2015)

“I absolutely agree with what Matt said about Anne Tolley.”
That corpse Mike Williams is a waste of time every Monday morning.

From the Left and From the Right, Radio NZ National, Monday 28 September 2015
Kathryn Ryan, Matthew Hooton, Mike Williams
Once again, Matthew Hooton did the lion’s share of the talking. Williams chuckled appreciatively and endorsed everything Hooton said. As usual, Kathryn Ryan didn’t seem to have much of a clue about anything.
First up, Hooton delivered a lengthy encomium on the eugenics fanatic Anne Tolley. Even by the abysmal standard of a Hooton speech, this was a cynical, depraved, and partisan expression of support for someone who has been openly voicing some of the most repellent views imaginable. After Hooton’s lengthy monologue, it was time for a response from “the Left”….
MIKE WILLIAMS: I absolutely agree with what Matt said about Anne Tolley. There were two superb performances on television over the weekend….
Williams (as usual) did not talk for long, allowing Hooton the opportunity to make some disparaging comments about a social worker who had spoken up for the rights of poor women. Williams said nothing to contradict him.
KATHRYN RYAN: Now, captain’s calls. Are you being a bit mischievous here, Matthew?
MIKE WILLIAMS: [chortling] Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm! Of course he is! Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm!
… nauseam….

Ann Tolley’s vicious ramblings about sterilizing the poor didn’t arise out of nothing. (Sept. 28, 2015)

Ann Tolley’s vicious ramblings about sterilizing the poor didn’t arise out of nothing.
Another National M.P. has denigrated “low-lifes”, “ferals” and “the handicapped” for years.

RadioLIVE, Friday 18 February 2011, 10:50 a.m.
In 1978 the late, great Larry Hagman had a choice to make. He’d been offered the lead role in two new television series: a comedy called The Waverly Wonders and a soap opera called Dallas. He eventually opted for the latter “because there’s not one redeeming nice character in the whole show.” Hagman explained that during a highly entertaining interview on National Radio in February 2011.
Later that same morning, listeners to another radio station had the dubious pleasure of hearing someone who, even in that cast of villains at Southfork, would have been an exceptionally nasty character….
MICHAEL LAWS: No. No. The government shouldn’t put another cracker in. The intellectually handicapped get enough money. I’m pretty reluctant to give them ANYTHING more. No more money should be thrown away on the intellectually handicapped. They’ve chosen the most expensive way of living. If they have to go back to large aggregations of them, so be it. Welcome to living within your means. …. I tell you what, that Indian chap that’s been given life, he should be given a BULLET. There are too many people alive in this country that should be dead. … We’ve got Margaret on the line.
CALLER MARGARET: Institutions are not good places. People deserve to have some kind of life.
MICHAEL LAWS: Yeah, but, uh, I went to a boys’ boarding school….
More wit and wisdom from Michael Laws here….

The ####ing 'antisemitic' mural again in the Grauniad! (Mar. 5, 2019)

    The ####ing 'antisemitic' mural again in the Guardian!
    Posted by dovetailjoint on March 5, 2019, 2:40 pm 

    This reminds me of the Puritans whitewashing the walls of churches and the Egyptians hacking away at stone reliefs, or the ####ing Red Guards on the rampage during the Cultural Revolution. I suspect we're in the same kind of crazy phase. I wonder how far it will go? Will the public react against it? 

      Re: The ####ing 'antisemitic' mural again in the Guardian!
      Posted by dovetailjoint on March 5, 2019, 2:47 pm, in reply to "The ####ing 'antisemitic' mural again in the Guardian!"

      What's disturbing is that the article seems shocked that anyone in the Labour leadership could imagine that not jumping to conclusions and stepping back to actually look at the evidence of alleged antisemitism, is a questionable stance!

      I think, in a broader perspective, what's happening is that the liberal/left in the media are really worried that their role in leading the public and telling them how and what to think, is failing; and they don't like it. The people are, increasingly, not under control and this is worrying, so their answer is, there's too much debate and too much 'democracy' around. Too much free speech, so it all needs to be controled.

        Re: The ####ing 'antisemitic' mural again in the Guardian!
        Posted by dovetailjoint on March 5, 2019, 2:52 pm, in reply to "Re: The ####ing 'antisemitic' mural again in the Guardian!"

        Why does the Guardian insist on using such unflattering images of Corbyn, let alone the cartoon crap in the New Statesman? It's because this is how they perceive the man. To be honest, the more they attack him to more I warm to him.

        Don't the hacks at the Guardian, for moment, ever reflect on why they get so many important trends in society so wrong, over and over again? They're Facts they don't seem all that enamoured with.

          I agree
          Posted by dan on March 5, 2019, 3:13 pm, in reply to "Re: The ####ing 'antisemitic' mural again in the Guardian!"

          I think this hysteria is a symptom.
          They know that we now know they've got no clothes on and they hope that if they shout furiously and continuously that we'll all go back to thinking they look resplendant rather than like the wrinkly arseholes they are.

            "Brinkmanship a-go-go! Brinkmanship a-go-go!"
            Posted by Keith-264 on March 5, 2019, 5:10 pm, in reply to "I agree"

            Which needs a willing victim. Corbyn, you useless bastard, come on down!

            Oh, he already did.

            Clio the cat, ? July 1997 - 1 May 2016
            Kira the cat, ? ? 2010 - 3 August 2018


    Conforming to establishment media groupthink could destroy Corbyn - Joe Emersberger (Mar. 5, 2019)

      Conforming to establishment media groupthink could destroy Corbyn - Joe Emersberger
      Posted by brooks on March 5, 2019, 4:10 pm

      Excellent piece on the Labour leadership's multiple, infuriating and cowardly capitulations with a link to suggestions on how to confront it and support Chris Williamson from "Labour Against the Witch Hunt".

        He destroyed himself in 2015
        Posted by Keith-264 on March 5, 2019, 6:22 pm, in reply to "Conforming to establishment media groupthink could destroy Corbyn - Joe Emersberger"

        Why are you people mobilising to defend a corpse?

        Clio the cat, ? July 1997 - 1 May 2016
        Kira the cat, ? ? 2010 - 3 August 2018

          Re: He destroyed himself in 2015
          Posted by brooks on March 5, 2019, 7:07 pm, in reply to "He destroyed himself in 2015"

          I think it would be more fairly characterized as mobilizing to defend a movement, of which Corbyn is the unworthy representative at the moment. Besides, to paraphrase Mark Twain, rumours of Corbyn's death have been greatly - ok, slightly - exaggerated. There is still a pulse, though a weak one.

            Re: He destroyed himself in 2015
            Posted by dovetailjoint on March 5, 2019, 7:16 pm, in reply to "Re: He destroyed himself in 2015"

            Given the Brexit fiasco and the meltdown of British politics, Corbyn could still end up as PM and confound all his critics. At this stage it's difficult to see how this antisemitism bullshit has affected support for Labour. The media are obsessed, but ordinary people? I doubt it somehow.

              Re: He destroyed himself in 2015
              Posted by dovetailjoint on March 5, 2019, 7:24 pm, in reply to "Re: He destroyed himself in 2015"

              Mcdonell is even less my cup of tea than Corbyn, but it's difficult, the left or what remains, has been in retreat for decades, smashed by Thatcher and made irrelvant by New Labour, banished to a virtual Siberia.

                Smashed by Callaghan actually
                Posted by Keith-264 on March 5, 2019, 10:20 pm, in reply to "Re: He destroyed himself in 2015"

                Thatchler is the big lie of the Liarbour movement.

                Clio the cat, ? July 1997 - 1 May 2016
                Kira the cat, ? ? 2010 - 3 August 2018

          Ali Abunimah sums it up perfectly.
          Posted by Morrissey on March 5, 2019, 7:46 pm, in reply to "Conforming to establishment media groupthink could destroy Corbyn - Joe Emersberger"

          Ali Abunimah, the editor of has given up hope. He said that the “tragedy” of Jeremy Corbyn:

          “that will be studied for decades is that he led a mass movement that could have won power and brought real change without surrender or appeasement to the unappeasable right, but whose leaders chose not to fight. Much was at stake and not just for UK.”

            Re: Ali Abunimah sums it up perfectly.
            Posted by dovetailjoint on March 5, 2019, 9:00 pm, in reply to "Ali Abunimah sums it up perfectly."

            I can see why Abunimah thinks like this and he could, unfortunately, be correct. One has to remember that Corbyn only became leader of Labour by accident. It wasn't supposed to happen that way. The PLP only had him on the ticket to make it appear like there was a choice. But they were suprised by the level opposition at the grassroots level, and it was these people, the ordinary members that lifted Corbyn to the position of leader against the wishes of the MPs.

            This was always going to be an unsustainable 'partnership' a leader so far to the left of the majority of MPs. Corbyn only survived this far because his support from the grassroots was so strong, as well as from leading unions and Labour did far, far, better at the last General Election than anyone thought possible. But then the Blairites adopted another tactic to undermine Corbyn, attacking him as a racist and antisemite, destroying his credentials as a decent man with the highest moral standards, for a politician!

            It's obvious that Corbyn's isolation inside Labour made his position incredibly difficult and uncertain. He wasn't just fighting the Tories, but a majority in the PLP too, and he seems to have meant that keeping the party together and not giving the Blairites an excuse to breakaway en masse, with dire consequences to follow, was a priority. Without him as leader the Blairites were bound to return to power.

            Only using all one's energy hanging on and surviving, isn't really a proactive policy. It's way too passive and demoralises the very base he relies upon to win the next election.

            All that doesn't mean that Corbyn was the right man for the job and the challenges the left faces, but, it's also true that he was... the only man available at the time. There was no alternative to Corbyn and there still isn't and that's not his fault, but the fault of the left and the times we live in.

            Re: Ali Abunimah sums it up perfectly.
            Posted by brooks on March 5, 2019, 10:23 pm, in reply to "Ali Abunimah sums it up perfectly."

            I don't think it's a "tragedy" as the outcome is not yet known. It's not a matter for "hope" or predictions, but for action. If the hundreds of thousands of Labour members who joined because of Corbyn mobilize, much is still possible.